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Cuz I'm American.
Credit (5sosruinedmylife)
Luke: "So how's Luke doing?" My grandfather asked as he passed me the mashed potatoes. I sighed, scooping some onto my plate before passing them on.
"He's good. I wish he was here, but he's living his dream."
"I saw him on the tv the other day, on that awards show?" My cousin added. "He looked so happy. And they won, didn't they?"
I grinned, nodding enthusiastically.
"Yeah, they won best new artist. I really am proud of all 4 of them."
My dad cleared his throat.
"Okay, let's all go around the table and say something we are thankful for."
Everyone started to say things that they were thankful for, until it was my turn.
"I'm thankful for all of my family. Plus my friends. And of course, Luke. I couldn't ask for a better support system."
Just then, a voice sounded from the doorway to the kitchen.
"And I'm thankful for Y/N. For loving me even when it's hard."
I whipped my head around fast at the familiar Australian accent and jumped out of my seat, rushing into Luke's arms. He grinned, picking me up and spinning me around before setting me down and pecking my lips quickly, wiping a few fallen tears from my eyes.
"What are you doing here?!" I asked.
"I couldn't spend a holiday about giving thanks away from the most important person in my life to be thankful for."
I grinned and kissed his cheek.
"Awh, Lu, you old sap. C'mon, come eat!"
Calum: "I love you too, mom. Happy Thanksgiving." I muttered, hanging up the phone and sighing, turning over in Calum's bunk. I loved being on tour with my boyfriend and his band, but being away from home on holidays like this was the hardest thing. Just then, my phone started ringing again, Calum's name flashing across the screen.
"Hey, Cal. What's up?" I muttered.
"Good morning, babygirl. Come backstage! I have a surprise for you!"
"Calum, I-"
"C'mon, Y/N. You're gonna love this!"
I sighed, sitting up and starting to get dressed.
"Alright. I'll be there soon."
I hung up the phone and finished getting dressed, walking to the venue and heading backstage. I opened the dressing room door, and immediately, I grinned at the sight before me. Calum rushed over, grinning at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I took it all in. In the middle of the dressing room, there was a table filled with all of the traditional Thanksgiving food, 3 grinning boys, and my family all sitting around it, my mom grinning up at me.
"What? How did you- I-"
Calum laughed, kissing my nose.
"I love you, Y/N. I love that you sacrifice everything to come with me on tour, and a holiday spent with the people you love should not be something you sacrifice."
Michael: "You know, Y/N, Michael is very charming." My grandmother said, handing me a dish to dry. I laughed, then stifled it with a cough.
"Yeah, he's pretty great." I smiled, looking out the window in front of us. Michael was currently outside playing a game of football with my little cousins, aka they were chasing him around the yard as he laughed, throwing them the football.
"He's great with the kids, too. Normally people would be tired of them right now. He's going to be a great dad." My grandmother joked, nudging my ribs with her elbow. I blushed a deep shade of red. As I watched him continue to play with the kids, I grinned, thinking about our future together.
"I'll be right back." I muttered, going out the back door to the yard.
"Mikey!" I called. He turned his head and grinned, running toward me.
"What's up, babe?" He asked when he reached me.
I shook my head and wrapped my arms tightly around his middle in a hug. He kissed the top of my hair gently.
"What's this for, Y/N?" He asked gently.
"For being amazing." I mumbled. "I can't wait to celebrate the rest of my Thanksgivings with you."
Michael chuckled and pulled me tighter to his body.
"Who said I want to spend the rest of them with you? A Whole lifetime's worth? That's a lot." He joked.
I pulled away from him and hit his chest lightly. He laughed, kissing my nose.
"I'm joking, baby. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
Ashton: "C'mon, Y/N! Wake up!" Ashton called, gently shaking me awake.
I groaned and buried my face deeper into the pillow.
"C'mon, love." Ashton urged. "It's baby's first Thanksgiving!"
I laughed, rolling over to look at him.
"Honey, baby isn't even born yet. Relax."
Ashton groaned and pulled me up from the bed.
"I know, but I'm so excited. I have so much to be thankful for this year." He kissed the top of my head, then kneeled down and kissed my slightly swollen stomach. My eyes teared up at this, and Ashton giggled, standing up to wipe my tears away. "I love you. Come on, we're gonna be late!"
I laughed and got dressed, walking downstairs to see Ashton waiting for me by the door. We walked together hand in hand to Luke's house. The boys didn't celebrate Thanksgiving before, but as soon as I came into Ashton's life, that changed. They wanted to make me feel comfortable, so Liz started cooking a Thanksgiving meal every year to celebrate the holiday. We got to Luke's and he greeted us at the door, pulling me into a hug.
"Luke, stop hogging Y/N so I can get a good look at her!" Liz scolded. I laughed and Luke moved out of the way so Liz could look at me. "Sideways, please." I laughed and turned sideways so that she could look at me. "You're beautiful. And that baby is going to be beautiful. It's going to be a boy, I can tell."
"Hey!" Ashton protested from his place across the room.
I rolled my eyes. Ashton wanted a baby girl that he could spoil.
"Either way it's going to be loved. "Liz said, kissing the top of my head. "Now let's go eat!"
I grinned, walking over to Ashton and kissing his cheek.
"Next year at this time, we'll have a baby in our arms to add to this crazy household." I gestured to the kitchen, where Luke and Michael were now shoving each other to get to the food first. "Do you think we're ready for that?" I asked. Ashton laughed, wrapping his arms around me.
"I don't know if we are. But I do know one thing. Liz was right, this child will be nothing but loved."

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