Just a Lazy Day

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Credit (hemmly)
Ashton : The alarm clock resting on your beside table buzzed obnoxiously, making you groan and cover your face with your hands. It was early - the pastel light coming in through the windows told you that much - but you couldn't remember for the life of you why you were up this early. Ashton mumbled something beside you, gripping your waist and pulling you closer into his bare chest. "Ash, I have to get up." You whispered, smoothing his curly hair from his sleeping face. "No, you don't. You have to stay right here with me." He grumbled, voice still sticky with the bringing of morning. "You were planning on meeting your friend for brunch, but that got cancelled, remember? So you don't have to go anywhere." You sighed, remembering. Your friend had cancelled due to a nasty hangover, but you had evidently forgot to turn off your alarm. "Alright." You gave in, rolling over to face your boyfriend. Ashton leaned forward, pecking your lips gently and holding a warm hand to your cheek as he said, "I don't think I wanna get out of bed all day."
Calum : "Cal," You started, glancing at the clock on the corner screen of the computer and noticing it was already quarter past one in the afternoon. "We should probably do something productive." You chuckled, glancing at Cal. As much as you loved just spending lazy days with Calum, there was quite a bit to do around the house and you wanted to get at it. "But I have, like, zero motivation." Calum replied, glancing at you over the top of his bass. He'd been strumming lazily on it all morning, filling up the quiet bedroom while you blogged away. "Neither do I, but we need groceries and other things that are necessary to live." You sighed, shutting your laptop and placing it on the floor beside the bed. "Who needs food? Pssh." He waved his hand, leaning the bass up against the bedside table, and rolling over to lay on top of you. "Calum!" You exclaimed, as you were trapped underneath his weight. He laughed, and brought his hands down to your sides. "No - no. Calum, seriously. Don't tickle me. Please!" You warned, staring your boyfriend straight in the eyes. "What's that? I can't hear you." He teased, and started driving his fingers into your sides with amusement, laughing while you tried to control your giggles through fits of swearing at him. "Cal! Calum! Alright!" You breathed, and he removed his hands, still laying on top of you, his hips pressing into yours. "I guess we can always order pizza or something." "That's the spirit." He grinned, kissing your nose.
Luke : "But why did he kill him? I thought he was a good guy." Luke whined as another character died in a TV show you were watching. It was mid-day, and neither of you had gotten out of bed except to brush your teeth, use the bathroom, and get ice-cream, as the tub of mint-chocolate chip goodness between you two explained. You each had your own spoon, and sampled the minty treat as soon as the previous spoon was finished. "It's because he was having an affair with the other guy's wife." You explained, back peddling to the previous episode. "He wanted revenge." "Oh." Luke responded, shovelling another spoonful of ice-cream into his mouth from the tub. "God, that's good stuff." He laughed, and you nodded. "You said it's your favourite, that's why I got it." Luke looked at you, slightly surprised. "You don't like mint-chocolate chip?" He wondered, suddenly worried that you had put his opinions above yours. "Luke, it's ice cream. It's all perfect to me. Which is why," You dug your spoon into the last glob of green gooey-ness, popping it into your mouth with a sly wink. "I get the last of it." Luke yelped, looking into the tub for traces of leftovers. "You cruel woman." He laughed, putting the empty container onto the dresser, and pulling you closer. He leaned down to kiss you, his lips tasting like chocolate and mint, the perfect combination.
Michael : "I'm hungry." Michael piped up from his spot on the couch, still fiddling with the video-game controller that was directing his avatar on the large screen. You hadn't been paying much attention to his game, and more to the email you had been writing to your mother. "Really? That's new." You teased, and he paused the game, staring at you. "Ha, ha. Everyone's a comedian." He joked, leaning back on the couch as you sent the email and shut your laptop. "What do you want to eat?" You asked, and Michael shrugged. "I don't know. I'm too lazy to go get anything. Actually, let's get Chinese food delivered." He suggested, pulling out his phone until you stopped him. "Mikey, you do know it's three in the morning, right?" You asked, checking your own phone. "Chinese probably isn't the best idea at this time of night." "The fact that's it's three am only makes it taste better." He laughed, and dialled the number. "Besides, you cook for me too much. You need a break." "I don't mind cooking for you, baby." You said, leaning over to kiss his cheek, realizing it would be a fun tease as he tried to place your orders over the phone. He swallowed hard as you worked your way to his ear, kissing along his jawline. Michael hung up his cell phone, turning to you. "You're such an instigator." He mumbled, before placing his lips to yours in reply.


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