Car Journeys

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Credit (Lueksbutt)

Luke: Lately you had been struggling to sleep and tonight was no different.You had been tossing and turning so much that you had woke up Luke. He groaned slightly, opening his eyes to look at you "can't sleep again?" he asked, already knowing your response. Nodding your head you began apologizing to your exhausted boyfriend who you had awoken by your inability to stay in one position. "I have an idea" He mumbled, his voice slightly husky. He walked over to the wardrobe adjacent to your double bed and pulled out a jacket and one of his hoodies for you. He grabbed a blanket and some pillows before making his way to the door, you following close behind, curious to what your boyfriends great idea was. "Baby, what are we doing?" "going for a drive" he replied, before grabbing the cars keys and walking out the front door. He placed most of the pillows and blankets in the passenger seat but put one pillow on the drivers seat for himself. You both climbed into the car and set of into the night. You stared out the window as Luke drove through the city, golden street lights lighting the way. Eventually you reached a less industrial area and the peaceful scenes surrounding you relaxed you into a dreaming state. Smiling at your sleeping figure, Luke made his way back home. Snores passed your lips and your head was now lent on Lukes shoulder. Pulling up onto your drive, Luke got out the car and walked over to the passenger side. Gently and cautiously, Luke opened the door and lifted your sleeping body from the seat, deciding to just leave the pillows and blankets. Carrying you up the stairs and into your shared room, Luke lay you on the bed. He pulled the pillows over you and placed a small kiss to your forehead "goodnight princess" He whispered before laying beside you, drifting to sleep.

Michael: Michael had some time at home, so rather than just staying in and playing video games as you usually would, the two of you decided to go on a road trip. You had packed you car with food, blankets, pillows and lots of other things. You had spent the day driving around, stopping at various places, and now you were beginning to get tired. Staring out the window at the star filled sky, you turned to ask Michael where you were going to stop for the night. He shrugged his shoulders, looking in your eyes before returning his gaze to the road. "well I don't know but i think they'll be some cool spot somewhere on this cliff with a pretty good view" So you continued to drive until you came to the perfect spot over looking the city. Parking the car and setting up the pillows and blankets, the two of you cuddled together in the back of the car. Michael began to sing softly in your ear, making you relax into his arms. The last thing you heard before you feel asleep was "I love you so much baby, even though you look really weird when you sleep"

Ashton: Ashton was leaving the hospital today and you had offered to pick him up seeing as it would be difficult for his mum to do so. The hospital was quite a way away from Ashtons house and from the minute he sat in the passenger seat you could tell he was exhausted and was not going to stay awake for the journey. Ashton pulled out his phone ans started to play his 'relaxing' playlist. Strange yet soothing music filled the car, as Ashton lent back in his chair letting his eyes flutter shut.. You giggled at him as he hummed along to the tune, relaxing into the old grey car seat. Reaching one hand out to intertwine you fingers, Ashton began to fall asleep. Small snores left his rose pink lips, his chest rising and falling with each breathe. You smiled at the sleeping boy beside you, he really was just adorable.

Calum: Today was the day Calum was coming home from tour. You were going to meet him at the airport and drive him back to his parents home, seeing as it was a week day and his parents couldn't make it. You arrived at the airport early, taking a seat on one of the benches located inside the airport to wait for your boyfriend. Staring out the window, you wondered what crazy stories of the tour Calum would be telling you about. You were pulled from your thought by the loud sound of screams echoing around the walls of the airport. The boys must be here! You thought. Excited for the arrival of your boyfriend, you stood up and walked over grinning when Calums eyes meet yours. He smiled back, taking a picture with some fans before rushing over to you, pulling you into his arms.

~Im just gonna skip to the car journey now bc im lazy af~

The both of you climbed into the car and to your surprise Calum was actually very quiet. Turning on the radio to fill the silence, you made your way back to Calums place. "Why are you so quiet today Cal-" You cut yourself of when you saw Calum, eyes closed mouth slightly open deep breathes slipping past his plump lips. Giggling at your sleeping boyfriend, you continued on your way, his head slipping down so he was leaning on your shoulder. Between his snores you heard him mutter "y/n ..i love" as he nuzzled his head into your shoulder

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