Song Pref: Disconnected (5sos)

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Luke: ”I admit I’m a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too, but I found my sweet escape when I’m alone with you…”

"I guess this is it", he mumbled, staring at his phone. "Yeah", you sighed back, "We’re trending everywhere". "What are we gonna do about it?", he asked, staring at the hashtags about you two being together. "Nothing", you shrugged, blocking his phone and taking it from his hand, "Just let things go the way they have to". "I guess you’re right", he smiled, leaning in for a kiss. "At least we can go out holding hands now", you giggled in the kiss. "Can I tweet that?", he asked, separating from you. "Luke!", you hit him lightly on the shoulder, "Disconnect from twitter for a little while, yeah?". "You’re going to have to entertain me", he smirked. "I can think of a few ways of entertaining you", you smirked back, leaning in for another kiss… And another. And another. And another…

Ashton: ”Turn off the radio, those late night tv shows, hang up the telephone and just be here with me…”

He was sitting on his hotel bed, flicking through some random channels on the TV. But his mind was fully on you. He did the maths, it was late at night where you were. You were probably doing the same thing he was: watching a late night TV show and thinking of him. “Ashton? Hey”, he smiled once you picked up. “Hi”, he replied. “How was your flight?”. “It was good… I miss you”. “I miss you too”, you sighed. What are you doing?”, he asked, turning off the TV. “Listening to music and trying to watch TV”, you replied, switching the channel. “Turn off the radio”, he said, “And your TV”. “What? Why?”, you asked confused. “Just do it”. “Okay”, you mumbled, doing as he told you, “Now what?”. “Turn off your lights”, you both did as he said. “Done”, you replied. “Now lay back on your bed”, you both did it again. “Ash?”, you asked. “Yeah?”. “Why did you make me do this?”, you asked, playing with your hair. “Because it feels like we’re together. It feels like you’re laying here next to me and if you hang up the phone you’d still be here to kiss me”, he sighed, “I don’t like having conversations with you when we’re caught up on something else. I want to have your fully attention and want you to have mine.”. “I love you”, you whispered in the dark. “I love you too”, he whispered back.

Michael: ”I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make. We put the world away: we get so disconnected…”

It was at random times like these that Michael flashbacked to that last summer you had spent together. He remembered how he held you, how you both couldn’t stop smiling, how you danced in the rain. He remembered every sound you made: from the happy squeal when he hugged you, to the annoyed groan when you couldn’t understand the video game he loved so much, and to the moan you’d let slip past your lips when he was pleasuring you. It was the best summer he ever had: he didn’t give a damn about any social network or contacts - he just wanted to be with you. You both turned off your phone and gave each other the perfect amount of attention you deserved. Fans wondered where he was: he was holding your hand, cooking with you, kissing you, annoying you, being annoyed by you, laughing with you. He was completely disconnected from the world outside your bubble and he didn’t plan on going back very soon. But he had to. Your goodbye was filled with tears and promises you both knew none could keep. The only one you knew none of you would be able to break was that you’d always remember that summer.

Calum: ”Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps, here in the moment on the dark side of the screen…”

It was like a movie was being exhibited at some cinema: a scene on the streets and you and Calum were the ones behind the closed curtains on a random building. The traffic noises at night keeping you both company on that hotel room. “Well, I guess the city never does actually sleep”, you joked, head lying on his chest and legs intertwined on the sheets. “It has the nickname for a reason”, he joked back, kissing the top of your head”. You kept on with the conversation and stolen kisses, and, slowly, you both started to tune out from the rest of the world. The noises started to be quieter and, suddenly, they had disappeared. It was like you and Calum had flown away in your little soundproof bubble and all you could see was him: his brown eyes, tanned skin, his smile, his beautiful laugh… “I love you so much”, you interrupted his sentence, “Oh, sorry”, you giggled. “No, it’s okay, it’s nice being interrupted to hear something like that”, he replied smirking, “I love you too”. And the night went on like this: just the two of you and the city that never slept - that, to you, was fast asleep.  

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