First fight you have

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Credit (fangirlucas)
Having an exhausting day at work was enough to set you on a bad mood, yet hoping to find a serenity at home was also a false expectation. When you stepped in to your shared apartment with your boyfriend, Ashton, you could already see that the house was a mess. It was almost like a wrecked ship with beer bottles and trash everywhere which indicated that the boys were probably over. This always happened every time they came over and you were always the one to clean it up. Not that you were complaining since it was your house, but for the same reason, you hoped that they would have some respect and clean their own mess. Just as you were about to go upstairs, you could hear a loud banging noise coming from Ashton's little studio, so you went there instead. You leaned against the doorframe, waiting for him to stop and notice you. "Hey babe!" He greeted when he stopped banging on his drums. The same grin on his face as if everything was okay. "Could you clean the house after you're done rehearsing?" You asked, the hint of tiredness was clearly heard in your voice, yet Ashton didn't seem to notice it at all. "Yeah, later. Maybe." He mumbled but you caught him saying it and you looked back at him in disbelief. "What do you mean by maybe?" You asked but he just shrugged. Great. You were really about to vent to him about how tired you were and how you were always the one that ends up cleaning up this place, but work had worn you out so badly that you had no more power to argue with him. "Or maybe you could tell your friends to not trash my house every time they're over." You added, turning back your heels but Ashton caught you quickly. "What's the matter? We can always clean it up later. Besides, it's OUR house." He exclaimed as you let out a chuckle, not sure whether you had to feel pathetic at yourself or him. "Oh? We can clean it up? It's always me who has to clean the whole damn mess in the end!" You shot back, him rolling his eyes. "Besides, telling your friends to respect the cleanliness of OUR house is not that hard." You mocked him. You were about to leave the studio again but Ashton seemed to be on full power to have a fight with you. "Excuse me? I help you clean up when I'm able to, don't put yourself in the position where you have to be pitied on!" He half shouted as your eyes went wide at the mention of how you wanted to be pitied on. "Well the amount of you cleaning up the house is countable! If this is our house then we might as well work on it together! Besides whenever my family or friends come over, they never leave any single trash!" You shouted, feeling the adrenaline rushed in your whole body. This was not what you wanted, but if he was in for a fight then you were in too. The two of you yelled at each other until to the point where you two were running out of statements and just looked at each other for such a long time. Ashton seemed like he was holding back his argument judging by his current attitude; clenched fist, a hand running through his hair as he bit his bottom lip. "Well maybe my friends are more important than this whole thing." He trailed off as your eyes went wide and you could barely let out a, "What?" By now, you were questioning his remark. What did he mean by this whole thing? Did he mean the house? You? Or this relationship? And you were dying to know the answer despite the heavy feeling in your chest, the lump in your throat and your damped eyes. You knew well how the boys meant to him but was that necessary to say something like that? Of course, you had never thought you two would be fighting like this, let alone Ashton saying such thing. In your relationship for over a year, he was always the mature one and you didn't know what grew in him at this moment. "God I'm such an idiot." He finally broke the silence and when he noticed a single tear ran down your cheek, he quickly pulled you in a hug, resting his chin on top of your head. By the time you were sobbing, his eyes were almost as damped as yours. And somehow, guilt filling both your and Ashton's nerves. "My friends are never more important than you, or our relationship or anything else that's ours." He whispered, kissing your halo, but you still couldn't stop yourself from sobbing. "You and them mean a lot to me, but you two are on different priorities, you got that?" He continued as you nodded."I-I'm sorry for nagging you." You said in between sobs and Ashton immediately shushed you, his hands cupping your cheeks, wiping your now wet face. "I promise that I'll help you more, I promise I'll tell the boys to be responsible for their mess okay?" He said in a soft tone and you nodded. As he kissed your forehead, the two of you were mumbling 'I love you's' to each other.
The long feeling for affection had been affecting you. Lately, you and your boyfriend, Calum, had just been strolling around the house, cuddling and just being lazy. And it didn't bother you at all since the two of you would rather stay at home than go out. At this moment, Calum had his arms wrapped around you while your arms were clinging into his body. You two were having a Disney movie marathon and you couldn't ask for a better moment. Calum just got back from tour awhile ago and he'd spent the first few days with the boys, now you only wanted to have him all to yourself. Halfway through the Hercules movie, Calum hissed loudly which made you realize that he'd been hissing since this morning. "What's wrong?" You asked looking up at him. He shook his head in response and even though you knew there was something wrong, you only shrugged it off. "Where are you going?" You asked again when he let loose of your grip and got up. "Geez Y/N, I'm only going to the bathroom. Where do you think I'm going?" He asked sarcastically as you shrugged. "No, I thought maybe you were going out with the boys or something." "Well how am I supposed to go out when you're by my side all the time?" You raised an eyebrow when you noticed yet another hint of sarcasm in his voice. "Are you saying that I'm clingy?" You raised your voice but all Calum did was shrug. "We've been staying in this house for what? Three days? And you've never even once left my side." The affection Calum gave you now had turned into rage. You felt like you were in the edge of crying but there was no way in hell would you let him see you cry. "That was because you agreed on that! Otherwise, if you told me you wanted to go somewhere I would've let you!" You yelled at him. "That's because I have no other option!" He replied with the same raised tone. "Oh great, now you only choose me when I'm your only option. You know what? Can't I just want you to all myself? You just came back after leaving me for four months and I fucking missed you! I went through that whole times miserably because I missed the arms I used to sleep on and this is all I get when you came home?" At this point your voice was the highest its ever been and you just realized that you'd shed a tear or two. The pain in your chest was unbearable that it felt like as though your ribs were going to break out. Without any other words, Calum went upstairs and you screamed into your pillow, continuing the movie that had been ignored. A few movies later and you were still thinking about the fight. It was stupid and pointless and you two never fought like this before; this was your first fight in 8 months and it made you questioned whether he was getting tired of you. Just by the thought of it already making your eyes watered again. A few liters of tears later, you could feel someone shifted on the other end of the couch, and you realized Calum was sitting there. "Hey." He said but you still didn't shift. Your intention was now to ignore him but you couldn't help to look at him. And you were only meant to glance at him when he caught a glimpse of you and his face asking for approval to get closer while you just shrugged. His eyes were red as if he just cried. The next thing you knew you gave in to him quickly because you were already straddling him, taking in his features and he did the same. God, he was irresistible. "I like you." He said kissing your palm. "I like you clingy." Kiss on your cheek. "I like you needy." On your nose. "I like you besides me all the time, it makes me feel home." On your eye. And then it happened that he was peppering you with kiss; your forehead, your jawline, your cheekbone, your neck and he didn't stop until he said, "I'm sorry." Then he continued kissing the spot behind your ear, finally biting your earlobe. "And to think that I could go on a day without you is stupid." He said, his big brown eyes bored to yours. "I spent the entire tour thinking of you. And I'm sorry I said it. I said it because tour had made me so independent that I'm not used to having someone clinging to my arms all day." He continued, placing a streak of your hair behind your ear. "But now I could really use your company, I could get used to it again. And I promise tour won't make me disliking your cling ever again. Besides, it turns out that I am just as clingy as you." He finished, both of you giggling by now. "I hate you so much." You whispered before cupping his face and kiss his plump lips.
Dating is problematic. Dating a rock star is even more problematic. It occurred to you too. One of its problem was there were so much girls throwing themselves at him whether it was fans or just girls in general. And you understood that it was the risk and the part of his job, but you even had to hold back your jealousy sometimes. Lucky him though, you were quite skeptical toward everything, including the rumors that were often going around. Until today. The picture of him in the club was going viral on both the internet and magazines. If it was the picture of him and the boys, you would be okay. No, scratch that, even if it was the normal picture of him and some girls, you were even going to be okay. But there was something in that picture that made you not okay. Michael looked too close with that brunette. Too close at the point people would mistake them as a couple. Even some fans on twitter were already talking about whether you and him had broken up or not. The sound of water dripping off the shower was no longer heard. A while later, Michael came out of the bathroom wearing a boxer, and a towel around his neck. "Remember last night you were going clubbing with the boys?" You nervously asked and Michael looked at you funny. "Of course! I wasn't even that drunk. Why?" He chuckled, drying his hair with the towel. You shifted uncomfortably on the bed as you held out your phone, the picture of him and that girl was displayed. Michael leaned forward to you as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Is that a friend of yours?" Your voice was wary, you didn't even know what you were preparing for, but something inside you was so tense. "No," Michael shook his head. "She just happened to be some random girl who asked for a picture." His answer made you unsure how to react. You were quite relieved that she was just nobody, and he probably didn't even know her name. On the other hand, you were also worried by the fact that if he could be that close with someone he didn't even know, imagine how intimate he could be with a girl he knew. That thought was killing you because you didn't want to have any bad prejudices about him. He was your boyfriend after all and you had to trust him in all situations. "This picture is causing us trouble." You said out of breath and Michael only chuckled while his head was ducked into a drawer, looking for something to wear. "It's only a picture, what could be so wrong?" He replied in the most chill voice possible. "Michael don't you see the wrong in this picture? You look so intimate with her, who knows what happened next?" You blurted out and you immediately regretted that decision. Michael turned around to face you, his attention was now fully on you. "Y/N are you questioning my loyalty toward you?" He raised his voice, his face was unreadable but you could see a hint of anger and offense. "No Mic-" "You clearly are doubting me!" He threw his hands in air dramatically. "Michael it's not that!" You argued but he didn't seem to take any of your shit at the moment. "Why am I even your boyfriend in the first place?!" He shook his head, chuckling. Soon enough, the bedroom turned to a shouting match. "It's not like that!" You kept arguing when Michael said he thought you were accusing him of cheating. Michael had never been this mad before and to be honest, you were scared. He just didn't understand that it wasn't as simple as you not trusting him. There was more than that. You had always been insecure about yourself, you weren't as confident as any other people and there were so much better people yet Michael chose to end up with you. "You don't understand! You could have any girls who are much better than me in a snap of your fingers and see, you ended up with a mess like me." Your voice was low as you prevented the tears that were about to escape. That statement silenced him in a heartbeat. As he sat in front of you on the bed, you couldn't contain the tears anymore that you let them fall down. "Oh, I didn't know you felt this way." He whispered, his voice sounded almost as hurt as you. "I'm so sorry babe." He continued, tracing your fingers before intertwining them with his. "Me too." You said quietly. "Look at me," he said softly and you did as what he told you. "See, I may be able to have any girls with me in a snap of my fingers," he said, snapping his fingers as you let out a light laugh. "But I would rather be wrapped around your finger." He finished as he cupped your cheeks and you laughed out loud. "Did you just refer to your own song?" "Well yeah, but the point is no matter how you compare yourself to every other girl, I'll always have my eyes on you, like damn babe, I just want you to see how beautiful you are, you can even overpass the goddess," he breathed out, the two of you remained silent as Michael now softly caressing your cheek. His words sent you a familiar warm sensation and at that moment you knew just how sincere he was. "I love you okay? And even though you don't feel like loving yourself, I just want you to know that you mean so much to me and I hope you can see yourself the way I do." He whispered, bringing your hand to his lips and kissed it softly.
To say that your relationship with Luke was beyond steady was such an understatement. The two of you had been building what seemed like a typical fairytale relationship for about over a year. The fact that not only both of you but also the fans and the boys were happy with the relationship made you grateful. There was only one problem. Unlike everyone else who was rooting for your relationship, your family were the one to, against it instead. They'd never been that keen on Luke, every time you brought up your relationship to them, one of them was either going to hiss or cut you off. It wasn't the worst of them though, because your parents even made snarky comments about how they couldn't see the future of you and him which of course wounded your heart. Even when the tickets came to your mail, your parents strongly disagreed with that idea. Yet here you were, on the backstage lounge, waiting for the boys to finish their soundcheck. "A penny for your thoughts?" You sighed when Luke sat next to you and put his arm around you. "Nothing really. How was soundcheck?" You asked, trying to avoid the topic that had been bugging your mind. "It was amazing! We literally played some old songs and some fans were going crazy, it was funny," he said laughing, his eyes lit up with excitement and just by seeing him happy, your mood went up drastically. "But seriously, there's something wrong with you I can tell. Do you mind telling me why?" He looked up at you with those eyes you couldn't resist and soon you felt like giving in to him and telling him the whole story. "It's just, my family." You said, your hopeful eyes were searching his, wishing that he would just shrug it off, but instead he went further with the topic. "What did they say about us this time?" Luke asked calmly as if the disapproval of your family didn't bug him at all, though you knew it definitely did but he was so great at hiding his feelings and acting tough, and you sometimes wished you could just be as tough as him. The sudden hit of the ratty remarks from your family made a sharp fang grew in your pit of stomach. "They, they actually didn't want me to join you guys, but I, I insisted because I just missed you so fucking much." A shaky breath escaped your mouth as you let out those words. Even just thinking about how bitter your family was already made you feel like you were in the verge of tears. There was a silence between you two as Luke just trailed his fingers up and down your hand; the thing he always did to comfort you. "You know Luke, how it felt to have your family against something you love, it hurts." You lowered your voice as you noticed the boys enter the room with their loud voices. "Well but here you are, and we have some times alone to spend," he pulled you into his embrace. The two of you remained silent in the current position that was definitely comforting. "You two okay there?" Ashton asked gently and Luke only brought his thumbs up to let them know that you two were okay, well maybe he was, but not you though. "We're gonna have some fun here okay?" He said and you nodded, mumbling out an okay. "We can work this out, sweetheart. We will work this out." He said sternly and it was supposed to be enough; just how he was willing to fight for the two of you. But this time anxiety had taken over you that you couldn't think straight at all. Luke was whispering sweet nothings to your ear when you looked up at him. "Luke, what if-" "No buts or what ifs Y/N." He cut you off and you immediately put your head in your hands. "You don't get it, Luke." You groaned in frustration, thinking that he didn't see how complex the problem actually was. "What's not to get? Y/N, I understand it perfectly." He replied and you almost felt like ripping your hair out of its roots. "The problem is not that simple!" You raised your voice, but still making sure that it wouldn't be loud enough for the other boys to hear. "Well maybe you're the one to make it look more even complex," he yelled, succeeding in stealing the boys' attention. And as soon as you looked at him in disbelief, he looked as though he was guilty. "Look, I have a show in like two hours and I don't wanna fight with you." He continued and you just quickly stormed out of the room, not wanting to cause any more scenes in front of the others. The fact that Luke probably didn't see the matter seriously drove you crazy, and you definitely didn't expect your first fight also to be a really heartbreaking one. After all those arguments with your parents and your boyfriend, you didn't really know where to go. To home, where your furious parents were, or stay here where your boyfriend who didn't take your problem seriously stayed. So you just ended up crashing the couch in the back lounge, trying your best not to cry out loud even though the bus was totally empty. At some point, you thought Luke was probably right about you being all emotional and over thinking. But still, he should take your family seriously, because what's the point of dating someone who wouldn't take your precious family seriously? Soon enough, you found yourself crying, and when a footstep came closer to you, you didn't expect it to be Luke. "Move over." He said, his voice almost sounded empty. "No." You simply said but with his giant body, he pushed you and slid in between you and the couch, putting his arms around you. There was only the sound of your breaths until he finally blurted out, "I'm sorry." And to think that if you were not to apologize to him as well, you were being the selfish one here. "I'm sorry too." You mumbled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling the smell of you that he loved the most. "I'm sorry for being an overreacting bitch." You said but you could feel him shaking his head. "No, it's okay. I know how much your family means to you, even though they get on your nerves a lot," he paused as you two laughed. "But you still love them a lot and I promise I'll come over to your house when I'm home. I'll talk to your parents." He said making your heart jumped out to your throat. "Really?" You asked excitedly and he nodded. "Yeah, I'd do anything it takes to make our relationship work." He said and your heart immediately melted into a puddle. Your lips curled into a smile as you brought up his hand to your lips. "I love you."

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