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Luke: It was nearing the early hours of the morning as the two of you sat on the couch watching an old rerun of Saturday Night Live. You were the type of person that found practically everything hilarious, and all the slightly offensive jokes had you in pieces. “(Y/N), it’s really not even that funny.” He whined, hands running up and down your legs that were splayed across his lap. “You’re right, it’s fucking hilarious.” You snorted, your lips still twitching in a smile. As another joke broke across the TV, you were momentarily distracted as you started to giggle. “Hey guys, I’m with (Y/N) and we’re watching Saturday Night Live, and she’s actually finding these dumb ass jokes funny.” Looking at him, your mouth dropped open. “Yeah right, Lucas.” You said, shoving a hand in his face. He promptly licked your hand before returning to talk to the camera. “My jokes are even funnier than this shit.” You snorted loudly, still not looking at the camera. “Excuse me?” He said loudly, and without even looking you knew he was pouting in your direction. “Simmer down.” You said dramatically, your mouth lifting into a smirk. It was now his turn to snort, as he turned back to the camera. “That was awful.” He said, just as the time cut out. 

Calum: With a sigh, you hauled all the grocery bags on top of the counter. Leaning back, you blew a strand of fly away hair away from your face, before your eyes rested on Calum who currently still remained seated at your small kitchen table. “Thank you so much for your help.” You said sarcastically, as he continued to stare at you. He shrugged his shoulders, before making his way over to your position against the counter, his body didn’t hesitate to trap yours and instantly pulling your hips together. As he slowly kissed your cheek, he whispered quietly. “You weren’t there when I woke up this morning.” With every word, his lips ghosted closer to yours, sending shivers to every part of your body, before you suddenly remembered the whole purpose of your early morning expedition. Pushing on his chest, you successfully wiggled out of his arms before returning to unloading your groceries. Still standing in your spot, he looked a little bewildered as he watched you bustle around the kitchen. “We’re going to bake today!” You said excitedly, before shoving a large carton of eggs into the refrigerator. “So you won’t even kiss me ‘good morning’ and yet you’re handing me instructions.” He whistled lowly, as you turned to shoot him a glare. Leaning over your small island, you grasped his shirt and pulled his body to meet yours. After barely more than second, you jumped down and returned to ordering the ingredients you would need. As you stuck your head underneath the kitchen sink, you felt a quick smack to your butt as you reached to pull out the limited amount of utensils the two of you kept. “Calum!” You screeched, before hastily putting down everything in your hands. He looked at you innocently, his hands buried in the pockets of his unnaturally tight jeans. Rolling your eyes, you turned back to the bowl, knowing exactly what you needed without even thinking about following a recipe. “Flour.” You said simply, putting out your hand. Turning to look at Cal, he stood with his phone trained on your face. “Calum, I am trying to run an operation here.” “And I’m trying to make a keek.” He said sassily. Without responding, you walked over to the flour that was sitting propped up against the drawers. Without hesitating, you promptly threw a fistful in the direction of the camera. He blinked once, before whipping a handful of brown sugar into your hair, the camera now long forgotten. 

Michael: "I’m exhausted!" he shouted exasperated before collapsing onto the couch of the dressing room. Sitting down next to him, you raised an eyebrow at the current mumblings he was whispering into his pillow. Letting out a long groan, Michael turned onto his side, before staring at you on the other end of the couch. "Why are you just sitting there?" If possible, your eyebrow arched higher in the air. "Is there something else I’m supposed to be doing?" Your phone hung lazily from your hands, as you turned your attention back to scrolling through your timeline. "Yes." He stated simply, before sitting up and pulling your body immediately onto his chest. With your foreheads now touching, and your legs automatically intertwined, he smiled sleepily at your face. You laughed softly, before reaching up to place a long kiss to his forehead. "Go to sleep, love." You murmured softly. His eyes began to flutter shut, as you rested your head on his shoulder, listening to his heartbeat. The soft rise and fall of his chest was luring you to sleep quickly, and you felt your own eyes dropping as you continued to inhale the smell of his shirt. Suddenly, the door to the dressing room burst open as the rest of the boys flew through the doorway, all of them wielding air horns. Jumping up suddenly, you promptly fell face first onto the floor, as you heard Michael scream just above you. "And that’s all for tonight keek, we told you Michael screams like a girl." You watched as Ashton finished the keek with a wink, before you let out a long groan. "You all suck." The other boys continued to cackle, as Michael promptly rolled on top of you, as you still laid on the floor. 

Ashton: "Attention keek, it appears we have a new drummer." Vaguely aware of his voice in the background, you continued to bang horribly on the drums. "She informed me that she was the king of drumming on rock band and said it couldn’t be that much different." You could hear him snorting as you dramatically continued to make a creation of sounds, all the while singing to yourself. "DRUM SOLO." You screeched, before hitting each of the drums harshly, creating a big crashing sound. You hollered, before standing to your feet with your arms holding the drumsticks above your head. Attempting to do the spin thingy, you promptly dropped both the drumsticks to the floor as you took a dramatic bow. You could hear Ashton giggling behind the camera as he continued to watch. "Ash, tell me how brilliant I was." Giving him a toothy smile. "That was bloody awful." He said smiling. You coughed loudly before walking closer to him. "The word you’re looking for is brilliant." You reached over to pat the top of his head, which practically required you to find a step stool. You turned to walk away, but before you could make it far, his arms snapped quickly around your waist. He lifted you up so that your faces were equal distance from each other, as you began to breathe heavily. "You make me so incredibly happy." He whispered. You couldn’t stop the grin that automatically grew on your face. 

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