Valentine's Day

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Credit (missinghemmo)
Cal: I looked down on the bed at the sleek white dress I bought for dinner tonight, thankfully Calum wasn't home to see the amazing dinner you had set up in the living room. I sighed and slipped on the dress, I looked at myself in the mirror and the first thought that came to mind was how amazing the dress looked. The way it flaunted my curves but didn't show too much skin either, modest and yet desirable. I smiled and went into the bathroom to put on some raspberry lip gloss and some eyeliner. After I was happy with my make-up, I walked out of our room into the kitchen. I got out some water and poured a little into my glass, I grabbed my phone and texted Calum:
Me: Hey, when are you coming home? xx
He replied almost instantly.
Cal: Really soon babe, I love you xxx
I smiled as I read his text, Cal always tried so hard to "out-x" me in his texts and he remained true to his words because he came home around 2 minutes later. Not only did he just come home but he came home with a bouquet of red roses and a bottle of wine. "Well, didn't you go all out?" I laughed.
"I believe that statement is the other way around and by the way, you are amazing, in every single way I could possibly imagine." He laughed. He walked towards me and tilted my chin up and kissed me. I felt his tongue swipe at my lip, I pulled away and pressed my forehead against his.
"I'd love to but I'm hungry." I whined, smiling. He laughed and took my hand, bringing me into the kitchen. I took two wine glasses while Calum took out the plates of steak I cooked out of the oven and placed them on the table. We ate and we drank until the food and the wine were gone, for the rest of the night we cuddled and watched half of some cliche romance movie before drifting off to sleep in each others arms.
Ash: Is it bad that I've always loved Valentine's day? Even when I wasn't in a relationship, I was just obsessed with the way that love always seemed to be in the air on that one day. The themed drinks and bath bombs and the major sales on everything a girl could ever need in her life. Bath bombs, wine and yet I've loved all of it but had no one to share it with. That is, until I met Ashton. He was amazing and understanding but Valentine's day for me was like a dirty secret for me and I was insecure about it. I know it sounds weird but Valentine's day is something so important to me, something I've always loved since I was a little girl. Just the thought of telling Ashton about my secret obsession was almost enough to make my vomit.
"Hey!" I heard Ashton's voice behind me and felt his arms wrap themselves around me. I giggled and turned my head around to kiss him. I should tell him, he wont think it's weird, will he? "You know what day it is, right?" Ashton giggled.
"Our first Valentine's day but before anything-"
"Yeah, yeah, look I've got an amazing plan for today. We'll go get breakfast and there's this festival downtown and then we can get dinner at this amazing restaurant by the beach and then-" Ashton rambled on until I cut him off.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm all for this and I love Valentine's day!" I excaimed but immediately covered my mouth. Ash just laughed and took my hands, looking me in the eyes. He smiled and pulled me into a kiss. Soon enough we were out at breakfast at this lovely cafe and we talked about any possible subject that came to mind. We walked to the festival where there were plenty more couples than I had expected. At the end of the day we went to this beach-side restaurant and had the most delectable dinner ever and then walked on the beach and watch the sun set.
"(Y/N), I love you and I know it's only been like 6 months but I'm in love with you." Ashton said, smiling. I cupped his cheek and smiled.
"I love you too Ash, for as long as eternity." I whispered, I reached up and kissed him, the sun setting behind the glistening waves.
Luke: Valentine's day, the one day of the year I despise. I'd rather be burned alive than see all the themed chocolates and decorations, the jewelry adverts and the trashy romance movies on tv. I pulled myself out of bed and noticed Luke was missing. Oh No. I walked into the kitchen clad in only one of Luke's shirts and my underwear, Luke was there with a bunch roses and a box of chocolates. I internally groaned but said nothing, I merely smiled. I didn't want to break Luke's heart by saying I hated Valentine's day and make it look as if his hard work was a waste so I just smiled.
"Happy Valentine's day babe!" Luke exclaimed, handing me the flowers and chocolates. I took them and set them down on the nearest table, I turned back to him and kissed him. His hands moved to cup my cheek and my arms wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer until I couldn't help but burst out my thoughts
"I hate Valentine's day Luke," He looked at me with confused eyes, "but I love you so I'm going to try to survive the next 15 hours for you." There was silence until Luke just started laughing. I was so confused as to why he was laughing but then I started giggling. What I had just said sounded so ridiculous altogether and yet I couldn't help but laugh.
"I know, you whine whenever some trashy movie about love comes up and all the Valentine's themed stuff makes you sick, I know (Y/N), I know." Luke chuckled, his hands still holding my face.
"So then what do you want to do?" I asked.
"I have an idea." Luke smiled and took his hands off my cheeks and filled a vase with water and placed the flowers inside. He then got the box of chocolates and grabbed my hand and lead me back to our bedroom. For the next few hours we lay in bed, feeding each other chocolates and watching Mean Girls. Other than the fact that we went out and had a romantic dinner at the end of the day, it was exactly like any other and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
Mikey: Light peeked through the blinds of our bedroom window, I looked to my right and saw his face, eyes closed and just a little stubble on his chin. Seeing Michael asleep was one of the best things ever and never a rarity, even when i was just as lazy as he was. I pulled myself out of his grip and went to go make us cups of milo, making sure that there would be no excess chocolate left behind. By the time I got back, Michael was awake in bed with his laptop out. Typical. I climbed onto the bed, doing my best not to spill any milo on the duvet.
"Good morning and how are we on this fine morning? Or should I say afternoon?" I giggled glancing over at the clock on my bedside table that read 12:27 pm.
"I'm very good thank you, and how are you on this lovely Valentine's day? Is that milo? God, I love you." Michael said, his voice still groggy from only waking up a few minutes ago. As he reached for the mugs I pulled them out of his reach, Michael pouted. I sighed and gave in to his kitten-like adorableness, I handed him his mug and he kissed me on the nose. "I love you (Y/N), no matter what I do or say, I'll always love you."
"Yeah? You're on dishes this week, just letting you know." I laughed.
"You're supposed to say 'I love you too'." Michael huffed.
"Yeah I know, I love you too Michael, more than words could express." I said, kissing his forehead, then his cheek and then his lips. "So, what would like to do on this very fine Valentine's day?" I asked giggling. Michael pondered for a moment before looking back at me.
"How about the beach?" He suggested.
"Really, I thought you'd want to stay at home and be an adorable couple and play video games together..." I laughed, Michael chuckled and got up, setting his laptop back on his bedside table.
"I'd love that too but I'd also love to get out for a while." Michael said, eyeing his milo.
"You need to get out for a while?" I asked, the surprise evident in my voice. Michael smiled at me and then set his milo on the bedside table. He took my hands and pulled me off the bed.
"Yes and so do you." Michael said poking my nose on the final three words. I giggled and complied. We both got changed, enough to make us look presentable in public. Soon enough we were out of the apartment, holding each other's hands and sharing headphones. We wandered the nearest beach and got cheeseburgers and shared an ice cream sundae. We walked along the beach and back to our apartment. For the rest of the night we cuddled in bed.
"I love you (Y/N)" Michael kissed my temple.
"I love you too Mikey."

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