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Credit (secondsofhemmings)

Luke: As your eyes fluttered closed, your arm subconsciously tightened around the boy next to you. It was almost as if your body still couldn't believe it; he was actually here, and it was like you couldn't get close enough. The silence and darkness in the room made it feel as if only the two of you existed in the world. Focusing only on the feeling of his fingers running through your hair, you let out a long sigh of contentment. Turning over, you rested your chin on Luke's chest as you stared up into his face. As he looked down at you, a smile grazed your lips as you felt his heart noticeably start to beat faster. His sweaty hair stuck to his forehead, and you couldn't help but notice the shadow that was beginning to form along his jawline. The light coming from outside was the only thing lighting up the room, and you couldn't help but awe at the brightness of his eyes.
"You make me crazy." Luke whispered honestly. His fingers continued to drift through your hair slowly as your eyelids began to feel heavy.
"I'm so glad you're home." You breathed sleepily. Your hand began to trail softly up and down his chest and you forced your eyes to remain open, just so you could continue to stare at him. "Even if it's only for a little while." You made no effort to hide the sadness in your voice as the tip of your finger became more interesting by the second. You knew it was pointless, there was always going to be another tour and there was a part of you that couldn't ever forget it. No matter how much time you spent together, you couldn't ignore the internal clock that was counting down until you would be alone again. You felt the guilt beginning to creep up your throat as you watched the way Luke's face fell.
"(Y/N)..." He began, his voice shaking. "I know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. I'm just glad you're here now?" Even you could hear the question in your voice as your gaze tore away from his. Moving suddenly, he pushed you off his chest forcing you to lie on your back. Crawling up your body slowly, he moved until his face was hovering just above yours.
"I'm sorry that I always have to leave." He said quietly. His bottom lip moved in between his teeth, and you could feel your heart melting. Reaching a hand to his face, your thumb moved softly over his scruffy jawline.
"I know." You whispered, sighing quietly. Leaning closer to you, his mouth was now only a few inches from yours. "No matter where I am in the world, I'm always so much closer than you think. Because no matter what, there isn't a second where I'm not thinking of you." As he spoke, his eyes didn't leave yours for a second, alight as he looked at you with every bit of his love. Moving your hand behind his neck, you closed the gap between your mouths, your lips slotting together perfectly. "I'll always be right here."

Calum: Sitting in your living room, your gaze was focused on the phone in your hand. The guilt was already making it difficult to swallow, but your pre-prepared speeches were the only coherent words that were floating around in your head.
It wasn't supposed to end this way. The two of you were supposed to make it through the distance, and eventually he would come back to you. As much as you wished it could be true, this was reality. You couldn't deal with all the rumours, the spotlight, and the constant silence that came because he was "too tired". Your heart would wince every time a damn article with its harsh words and accusing fingers appeared on your timeline. No matter how hard you tried, there wasn't a second of your day where you could escape it. You understood, he was an up and coming superstar, and a girlfriend just didn't fit into that picture.
Raising your phone to your ear, you forced yourself to ignore the wallpaper of the two of you, and focused on praying that he wouldn't pick up. You knew it was cowardly, but at this point you could care less, only hoping you could leave a hasty voicemail. You squeezed your eyes shut as you listened to the phone ring. Your heartbeat was in staccato, and when his voice rang through your ear you felt your stomach drop to your feet.
"You weren't supposed to answer." You said softly, your fingertips starting to play with the end of your sweater. The sound of his silence was deafening, and you just knew that he was biting his lip furiously, trying to think of something to say.
"What do you mean?" He said, while laughing nervously.
"I can't do this anymore, Cal." You said quietly. "I don't even remember what it's like to actually be together because we spend so much time apart." You could hear him trying to form words on the other line, and you quickly cut him off before he could reply. "I don't fit into your life right now. You're on the other side of the world living your dream, while I wait for you to come back. It's not fair to have to deal with a girlfriend back home, and try to live your life doing all these fantastic things." The silence on the other line was almost worse than hearing his voice. "You understand, right?" You said desperately, trying not to burst into tears. You were practically hyperventilating as you tried to keep your breathing and words under control. You were doing this for him.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He exploded suddenly; his sudden increase in volume causing you to jump. "You're calling me to say goodbye? After everything?" You winced slightly, starting to squirm in your seat.
"Cal..." You tried to stop yourself from yelling, your heart practically beating out of your chest. "Y-You don't need me, and I need to start taking care of myself. I-"
"That's bullshit, and you know it. I get that you're scared or something, and god, I know that my job sucks but..." He trailed off and you could hear him breathing heavily. "(Y/N), I need you. I call you at the end of the day and you make me feel normal. I love coming home to you, and having you kiss every inch of my face because we spent too much time apart. I love talking about you to everyone else, and you're the only thing I think about every second of the day." You could hear him sigh at the other end of the phone and you could practically feel your heart aching for him. "My job fucks up every relationship in my life, and I know you don't deserve that. I'm sorry I'm so fucking selfish, but please don't do this." The sound of him crying sounded ironically similar to the sound of your shattering heart.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, no longer making a single effort to hide your own tears. "I just spend so much of my time missing you and I feel so pathetic." Your hands were twisted painfully into the bottom of your shirt as you brought your knees to your chest. Sitting crammed into the corner of your couch, you had never felt so alone.
"Please wait on me." He said suddenly. "Please don't give up on us. I know I'm awful for asking you to put up with all this shit, but please." His words rushed out quickly, and you could picture him sitting in a closet of some venue while he tugged desperately on the roots of his hair. You knew by this point his lips were probably chapped and sore from his constant gnawing. And as you pictured him sitting alone, there was nothing you wanted more in the world than to sit beside him.
"I'll see you soon, okay?" You said softly. You could hear him breathe deeply on the other end of the line. "I love you so incredibly much."
"Never as much as I love you." He said without hesitation. "I'll see you as soon as I possibly can." You couldn't help but smile at his words, as your fingers began to unclench. "I know."

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