Long distance calls

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Credit (irwiewie)
Ashton - You yawned, flipping yet another page in the Nicholas Sparks novel you were currently reading. Glancing at the clock you realized it was two in the morning. You'd been waiting all day to receive a phone call from your boyfriend who was currently halfway across the world and you were growing impatient. Just as you were about to call it a night your phone buzzed, your heart beating faster as you read the caller ID. "Hello?" you croaked, voice hoarse from your lack of sleep. "Hey princess." Ashton said, the sound of his voice finally filling your ears causing you to sigh. "Hey." you said, resting your head against your hand. "How was your day love?" he asked. You closed your eyes, trying to remember what you did. "Uh boring, boring, and uh, oh would you look at that, boring." you said, his laugh making you smile. "How's LA?" you asked, biting your lip. As he went on and on about the gigs and promo they'd been doing you found yourself getting lost in his words, the smile being clearly audible in his voice as he talked about all the fun they were having. "Hey Ash?" you whispered, cutting him off in the middle of his story about how Luke nearly put a bowl of cereal in the toilet because of how tired he was. "Yes?" he said. "I really miss you." you said softly. You heard his sigh through the phone and closed your eyes. "I know baby, I know. I miss you even more sweetheart. I promise only two more weeks and I'll be home." he said. "You pinky promise?" you whispered. He giggled, making you smile a bit. "I pinky promise. Now turn that frown upside down, you're too cute to be sad. Let me sing you to sleep."
Michael - You frowned at your phone, seeing your boyfriend's name flashing across the screen. He was currently on tour, and right now it was three in the morning in his time zone. You quickly set down the spoon to your cereal and answered the phone, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Mikey? Shouldn't you be asleep babe?" you asked curiously, hearing a few sniffles come from the other end. "Oh god I miss your voice." he cried, his voice quivering. "Hey, hey, hey. Shh, it's okay. What's going on?" you asked, You'd never heard Michael like this. Sure this was your first time being away from each other while he was on his arena tour with the band, a whole whopping seven months, but you'd both prepared yourselves for the separation, Mikey seeming to take it the easiest. "I can't do this anymore (Y/N). I need you, I need you so bad. I miss the way I'd fall asleep smelling your hair or how I'd wake up once I smelled you cooking. I miss it so much. I miss you." he cried, your own eyes welling up with tears. Your heart broke to hear him like this, knowing he was on the other side of the world only made you want to hold him more. "I miss you too Mike. It's almost over okay? Just a few more months I promise." you whispered, wiping at your face. You hummed until his breathing regulated again. He took deep breaths, calming himself down. After a long moment of silence he spoke, his words making your heart hurt. "Will you be there when I get back?" he asked. You nodded even though you knew he couldn't see you. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here. I always will be." he sighed contently, making you smile a bit. "I love you baby." he said softly, your smile growing wider. "I love you too, now get some rest Mikey."
Luke - "Hiiiiiiiiiiiii." he giggled, making you smile as soon as his face appeared on the skype call. "Hey there handsome." you said, blowing a kiss into the camera. "Aw that was cute do it again." he smiled. You laughed, shaking your head no which caused him to pout. Luke had been away for almost a month now, but the two of you made it work by skype calling at a specific time either everyday or every other day and good night calls and good morning texts depending on his time zones. You were taking him being on tour a lot better than you expected, but being apart was still taking it's toll on the both of you. "How were rehearsals today babe?" you asked, taking a sip of your water. "Exhausting, but it was really cool because we changed a few things in the set list and added a few more tunes, so it was nice to rehearse new stuff." he explained, you nodding in understanding. You glanced behind him into the background of the screen, seeing his clothes scattered everywhere and various water bottles as well as crumbs littering the tables. "Lucas Robert Hemmings, would it kill you to keep your hotel room clean?" you scolded, receiving an eye roll from him. "Oh come on babe, lighten up." he laughed, tongue coming out to swipe his bottom lip. After another few minutes discussing your uni courses and what you'd been up to over the weekend he cleared his throat, gaining your attention. "So I have a surprise or you." he smirked, you raising an eyebrow. "Oh really?" you asked. He nodded, smiling. "Go check the mailbox princess." he said, you standing and doing as he said. When you got to the mailbox outside you opened it cautiously, finding one small envelope. You opened it, walking back into the house with teary eyes. "You got me a plane ticket to come see you?" you croaked, holding a hand over your chest as you stared at the camera. He nodded, beaming at you. "I couldn't take it any longer, so I'll see you in a week baby."
Calum - You slammed your front door shut, frustrated with everyone and everything. It had been two days since you last heard from Calum who was currently away in America. You knew you'd be put through this once you took the role as his girlfriend, even moving out to Australia to make things work, but being without him like this for the first time was definitely hard for you. Considering you had no friends since they were all back in your hometown, you had nothing better to do than stay home. Your eyes began to well up with frustrated tears as you plopped down on the couch, staring daggers at your phone which sat on the coffee table in front of you. You laid down slowly, eventually crying yourself to sleep. You woke up to your phone vibrating violently, shooting up and answering it, sniffling a few times. "Hello?" you said. "Oh god baby I am so sorry. It's been so busy lately and I didn't have time to call and we were traveling for one of those days and I just didn't have time I missed you so much I'm so-" you cut him off with a sigh, rubbing at one of your eyes. "It's whatever Cal, don't worry about it." you said groggily. "Hey, don't be like that." he said defeated, the exhausted expression on his face clear in his tone of voice. "Fine I'm sorry. I just, it's hard okay?" you said, propping your elbow on your leg and resting your forehead in your palm. "Baby, it's had for me too. And I am so sorry I couldn't talk to you sooner. But you know I have to do this. You will always be my first priority, I just can't put this stuff on hold." he said softly, your eyes beginning to tear up once more. "I'm not complaining I just, I miss you Cal." you cried. He sighed, the two of you sitting in silence for a long time, the conversation ending when a manager came in and told him he needed to start getting ready for that night's show. "I'll be back as soon as I can okay? I love you." he said. "I love you too."

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