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Credit (five-sos-love)

He was drunk, which you were used to, but this was different. Usually he was a bag of hugs and giggles when he was drunk. But tonight he was angry. It was likely because your ex had been at the bar and you'd been friendly to him. You were pretty nice to all of your exes. You just didn't see the point in holding grudges, especially since you had Calum.
Calum didn't seem to like it though. And he had been a little aggressive with you, and honestly you were a little bit scared.
"Calum, stop." You said to him as he pushed you against a wall kissing your neck. Normally you wouldn't mind him being dominant, but he had been so angry at the bar. He'd tried to pick fights with 4 different guys.
"What do you mean stop? You're mine." he said, pushing a bit harder. He was weak though, because of the alcohol in his system and with a little force you got him off of you.
"You're drunk, stop, let's just go to bed." you said firmly, but calmly.
"Bed, I like the sound of that." he said and began trying to kiss you again, this time reaching for your thighs, trying to pick you up.
"No, Calum, we are not having sex."
"Yeah, y/n, we are." he said. You pushed hard against his chest and he stumbled backwards. You got into the kitchen, intending to grab your keys so you could leave for the night, but he followed more quickly than you thought he would. When he reached you, you were by the sink. To stop him from touching you again you turned on the sink and sprayed the water at him.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" He yelled at you, taking a step like he was about to hit you. You flinched and ducked, and that seemed to make him realized what was going on. "Babe?" he asked, there was still aggression in his voice, but it was less and his eyes had lost the darkness they'd had moments before, his jaw no longer tight.
"Move, Calum." you said, grabbing your keys. and trying to push past him.
"What, no. Where the fuck do you think you're going?" he asked, the anger returning.
"Away for the night, you're pissed and I don't want to be around you." you replied. The water may have stopped him from trying to fuck you, but it had also woken him enough for him to use his full strength, and now you couldn't push past him.
"You think you can leave me?" he asked and chuckled. "Oh, darling, you can't leave. You're mine, you belong to me." he said.
"I belong to no one." you said "Now get the fuck out of my way or I won't come back in the morning."


As soon as you heard the words you knew that you couldn't stay. You'd been feeling it for a while, but this was it, he had made it crystal clear. You gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled sadly.
"We can't stay together, Ash."
"What? What are you talking about, of course we can, we're perfect for each other." He said, confused. There had been no argument, no tears, no accusation, where was this coming from? You just got up from the couch and went to your bedroom, beginning to pack. He followed, without saying anything else.
You wished he wasn't so dedicated. If he would just worry about himself before you sometimes then you wouldn't have to do this, and you wouldn't have to miss him.
"Babe?" he asked after a moment of silence. "Baby, are you crying?"
"Yes, Ashton." You said and zipped the duffle bag of our clothes shut. You wiped a single tear from your cheek and headed to the bathroom for your makeup.
"Please stop crying, you don't need to cry. I don't understand why you're crying, why are you leaving, what happened babe I don't get it." his voice remained quiet, a plead left in it. You could hear his heart breaking and it killed you.
"I'm holding you back Ashton, don't you get it?" you said turning from your eyeshadow palate to your boyfriend-ex-boyfriend-it was simple, why didn't he understand.
"What are you talking about, y/n? You're all I want, you aren't holding me back."
"Ashton, you said you convinced the boys not to go on a three month tour because you didn't want to be away from me. You're giving up career opportunities for me." you replied, zipping your make up bag and heading out the bathroom door. Ashton's hand caught yours.
"Baby, no absolutely not. I don't care if I miss some shows or whatever, if I'm not with you life isn't worth living. Please, baby don't you understand that?"
"Ashton, I can't hold you back, okay? I have to go. It's the best for you."
"No. You can't leave. I need you. I won't last a day without you, y/n. No, please please don't leave."
"Ash..." you said dragging your hand away from his. He reached forward and wiped away a tear.
"Please baby, you can't leave me, please."

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