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"Uhm... hello? y/n? Oh it's your voicemail, duh. Uhm... well hi. You probably ignored my call on purpose and I totally get why you would do that. I don't blame you... I just miss you. A lot. A lot more than I probably should. A lot more than I know you miss me. You've always been really independent and... and strong and that's what I loved so much about you. You held my shitty life together. But you're not here to hold me together anymore. You left me because I'm a fucking idiot. A stupid idiot who lost the best thing that's ever happened to him. I don't know why I let you go. Maybe I thought I could survive without you but... but fuck I can't. I can't do it I need you. I need you so much it hurts. I can't even get drunk to forget about you because even when I'm drunk I just think of you. It's always you... It always will be you."


"Hi baby. You're probably sleeping right now but uhm... we just got off stage and I promised I would call you when we got off. So... yeah. Uhm I hope you had a good day, I'm sorry we didn't get to talk today but I do love you a lot. I just... it sucks being away from each other. I wish you were with us all the time; just your presence makes everything so much better. You know how to make me smile when everything else seems so shitty. God, I'm getting all sappy but I really do love you. I miss sitting on your sofa and eating Chinese and watching shitty movies and making fun of them. I miss kissing you the most I think. No no.. I miss lying in bed and watching you fall asleep because you look so god damn beautiful and peaceful when you're sleeping. Ugh... I wrote a song about you today. I think we're gonna call it Close as Strangers. I can't wait for you to hear it. Well... I guess I should stop rambling. I love you so much, bye baby."


"Fuck y/n don't ignore my calls! Seriously, this isn't funny anymore where the fuck are you?! This whole thing is so stupid but I'm worried sick okay, where the fuck are you?! We fight all the time, why did you have to leave this time. You didn't even bring a jacket and it's freezing outside. I don't like the idea of you walking all by yourself, please call me back. Or text me. Something. I need to know you're okay. I'm sorry I'm such an asshole and we fight all the time. I'm... fuck I'm sorry you deserve so much better than me, I know. Please please please please pleassseeee call me back and tell me you're safe. I love you."


"Babbbbeeeeee.... Well I guess you're not my babe anymore. Actually you're my babe always but you don't love me anymore so I'm not your babe. Hmmmmm Ashton brought me to this club place that I don't want to be at butt I have to 'get over you'. Hmph. He's stupid. I don't need to get over you. I'm perfectly happy still being in love with you. Butttttt he dragged me here... but every girl... I swear every girl reminded me of you. It's so weird! I thought maybe if I drank a lot it would be all good but nooppeeee. You're everywhere. Why did you leave me? I love you y/n... I love you. This club smells bad. I want to go home. No, I want to go to your home. With you. And watch that stupid show you like and eat takeout and cuddle and hold you and... fuck. I want to come home."

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