Airport Arrivals

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Credit (dedicatedfangirl17)

Ashton: It'd been 5 weeks since you'd seen Ashton and you'd missed him so much. His flight was landing at 5 in the morning and you'd promised to meet him at the airport along with the rest of his family. An hour before Ashton was due to land his mum and siblings came and picked you up from your apartment. All of them looked just as sleepy as you felt but they also looked extremely excited. By the time we arrived at the airport fans surrounded the arrivals door and their screams filled the room. You found a bench near the door but away from the crowd and waited for Ashton. You didn't have to wait long for Ashton to come through the doors as the flight got back sooner than expected. He quickly spotted you and his family and made his way to you while greeting fans on his way. Ashton said 'Hi' to his family first and then he turned to you and gave you a massive hug. You stayed in his embrace for what felt like ages just enjoying the feeling of being back in his arms. Both of you pulled away when his mum said "Shall we go back home and get something to eat?"

Luke: In around 10 minutes Luke would walk through the arrivals door and he would be home. You'd told Luke that you would come and pick him up and then take him home to his family. Luke was fine with that but he wanted you to wait outside for him. He was always worried that something might happen to you when there were crowds of fans and he didn't want you to get hurt. In a way you did understand where Luke was coming from so you did as he wanted and waited outside. Minutes later you received a text from Luke saying they'd landed and they were now walking towards the exit. He'd also said he'd be as quick as he can without being rude to the fans. You replied back straight away and then continued to wait. Soon enough you heard the faint screams come from the building and you knew it wouldn't be long until Luke was outside. To your surprise Luke got to you a lot quicker than you thought he would! He made he was towards you, dropped his bag and wrapped his arms tightly around you, keeping you locked in his ams while whispering an "I love you". Instantly, you returned the 'I love you'. After a few minutes you pulled away and put Luke's luggage in the car and then made your way to the drivers seat. Before you drove away you and Luke shared a short but meaningful kiss.

Michael: You'd been at the airport since 11:00pm waiting for your boyfriend Michael to come home. It was now midnight and you could feel your eyes getting heavier and heavier. You came with Michaels parents to meet him and his mum could see how sleepy you were getting. "(Y/N) why don't you go to sleep for a bit? Their flight has been delayed by a couple of hours. I promise I'll wake you up when they're here" She said as she placed a hand on your shoulder. You agreed and almost as soon as you closed your eyes you were drifting off to sleep. Soon enough you were being shook gently trying to wake me from my slumber. Groggily, you opened your eyes focusing on the figure in front of you. It didn't take you long to figure out that it was Michael that was knelt in front of you trying to get you to wake up. When your eyes had fully focused on him a smile appeared on your face and you flung your arms around him. Michael responded to your actions by standing up, which brought you up with him, and putting his arms around your waist. "I missed you so much (Y/N). I'm sorry the fight was late but we'll go home and sleep" Michael mumbled into your shoulder as he lazily placed kisses along it. Sleeply, you nodded and followed your boyfriend and his parents out of the airport, telling him much you loved him as you cuddled into is arm.

Calum: Any minute now an announcement would be made to say you could board your flight. You'd already been waiting 20 minutes for the call but there was no news on your flight. You continued to sit and wait while playing on you phone hoping they wouldn't announce that your flight was delayed. One thing that annoyed you the most was waiting. Especially when you were alone in a new place. After a couple of minutes of messaging a few people you noticed someone sit down next to you. Just as you turned to look at him, he looked at you and said "What's a pretty girl doing here all by herself?" At first you were a bit skeptical about answering in the end you did! His accent intrigued you and you did want to find out more about this boy. "I'm waiting for my flight but I think I'm going to be waiting a while!" You replied with a little laugh at the end. "Oh, where are you heading?" He asked. "London. I'm meeting my sister there" You answered, now feeling slightly more comfortable around him. "That's where I'm going as well! We're probably on the same flight! I'm Calum by the way!" He said. "I'm (Y/N)". Both of you carried on chatting away to the point where you exchanged numbers. Calum was also right about being on the same flight! He came up to you multiple times to see if you were alright.

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