He finds your old 5sos tumblr

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Credit to tumblr (twentyonehemmings)


You awoke with a frown on your face, a pillow cuddled into your chest instead of Ashton who'd stayed over the night before. You'd been dating for awhile now but neither of you had made the decision to move in with the other, so sleepovers were frequent between you two. "Ash?" You called, sitting up in bed only to be greeted by his boisterous laughter.

Crawling out of your bed, you tiptoed into the living room to find him sprawled across your couch with your laptop on his belly, shaking violently as he laughed very hard. "Ashton, what are you doing?" You asked, already nervous at the fact that he was on your laptop. His eyes snapped up to meet yours, a smirk spreading across his face and you instantly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Babe, you never told me you had a tumblr." He stated simply, gripping your computer tightly when you sprinted at him and tried to rip it out of his grip. Your face was on fire, catching a glimpse of the screen to see he'd been scrolling through one of your old preferences. "Stop, stop! This is gold, you really had a fetish for my daddy kink!" He shrieked, howling with laughter as you dropped your head into your hands.


You rested your head in Calum's lap, watching a movie that was playing on your television though you really had no interest in it whatsoever. "Babe, can I borrow your phone? Mine died." Calum asked, giving you his famous pout that you just couldn't object to.

Of course, the moment you handed him your phone a million embarrassing items on it suddenly popped into your memory and you were drenched with a panicky sweat. You did your best to hide the fact that your heart was racing with fear and your hands were clamming up faster than you could process it, turning your eyes onto the television once again although you were focusing solely on Calum.

After a few moments, you grew more nervous. When Calum started snickering to himself, you were in full on panic mode. The moment Calum burst into hysterical laughter, you snatched your phone from his grip and all color fled from your face when you realized he'd been on your tumblr app. An old piece of smut you'd written about Calum was displayed on your phone, nearly half way through and you were practically in tears as you realized he'd probably read all of the disgustingly creepy things you'd said about him before you'd met.

"Damn, babe, I never knew you were such a descriptive author." He teased you, laughing loudly when you smacked him on the arm and exited your tumblr app. You didn't even want to know how many pieces of smut he'd managed to read before you'd taken your phone from him.


"Do you mind if I look something up on your laptop?" Luke asked, looking at you questioningly as he waits for your reply. You simply nodded, continuing to do the dishes and humming to yourself. He retreated from the kitchen to fetch your computer, leaving you to your thoughts.

It took a few minutes but finally one thought came to mind, why couldn't Luke use his own laptop? You stilled, dropping the plate from your hands and drying your hands before sprinting up to your room. You didn't necessarily have anything bad on your laptop, but you definitely had embarrassing things on there. Stumbling into your room, you found Luke sitting on your bed and scrolling on your laptop with a dazed look on his face.

Clearing your throat, you stepped towards the bed with shaking hands. "Whatcha doin?" You asked him, rocking back on your heels as you struggled to keep from looking suspicious. He only rolled his eyes, laughing quietly before turning your laptop around to reveal he'd been scrolling through your old tumblr. Specifically all the edits you'd made of their photos and even some photos you'd taken yourself from when you'd met them originally. "Oh," You flushed, thanking the lord he hadn't found your writing.

"I never knew you were so into photography," Luke mumbled, scrolling further through your blog. "Can I use some of these pictures on the 5sos-official blog?"


"Hey Michael, can I borrow your phone?" You asked Michael, dropping your dead phone in your lap with a frown. You needed to look something up online but your phone hadn't been cooperating and suddenly the battery died, leaving you phone-less. Michael nodded, tugging his phone from his pocket and unlocking it for you before handing it to you.

You were going to safari when you noticed something you didn't expect him to have on his phone, the tumblr app staring you in the eyes as you grew curious. Shifting on the couch so that Michael couldn't watch you, you opened the app and nearly choked when you realized he had been creeping on your blog.

Leaving your blog, you opened his blog and expected to find the 5sos-official tumblr but instead you were greeted with what looked like the average fan account. "Michael, why do you have a fan account on tumblr? And why were you creeping on my blog?" You asked him, looking at him with narrowed eyes. He flushed, breathing a small sigh.

"I've had that account for awhile, it's nice talking to our fans without them freaking out. And I found your blog by accident, but once I realized it was yours I couldn't stop creeping." He explained, stammering a little. "By the way, I liked that smut you wrote about me. Would you really let me bend you over-"

You quickly cut him off, laughing falsely and loudly. "Okay then, that's enough!" You chuckled nervously, your eyes wide as you locked his phone and handed it back to him, avoiding eye contact.

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