He's a single dad

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Calum: "Whoa there buddy," Calum said, catching his son before he fell off the ladder that led up to the slide. Calum lifted him up, setting him down on the ledge, so he could go down the slide. He sat down on the bench, close enough to keep an eye on his son. Calum had been a single father for three years now, and he was finally getting the hang of it. Though he had help from his family, and friends, he was doing well. "Go play," you told your niece, sitting down on the bench next to Calum. You gave him a smile, and took out your book to read. "Was that your daughter?" he asked, breaking the silence. You looked up from your book, and over to him, "No, my niece. I'm babysitting for the day," you told him. "Do you have any children, or are you just one of those creeps that watch kids play?" you asked, he laughed. "No, my son's right over there," he said, pointing at a little boy running around. You smiled, "He looks adorable, I'm Y/N by the way," you said, holding out your hand. "Thanks, he learns from the best. Calum," he introduced, shaking your hand. You laughed at his comment, checking on your niece. You two continue to talk, and after a while your niece ran up to you, wanting to go back home. "Can I call you sometime?" Calum asked before you could leave. You smiled at him, "Sure," you said, handing him your phone so he could put his number in. You texted him, so he could have your number, and said your goodbyes.

Ashton: He juggled a coffee cup, and his little girl in his arms as he walked into the studio. Ashton gave the receptionist a smile, and headed towards the room him, and the guys rehearsed in. "You look terrible," Luke commented as Ashton walked into the room. He shot Luke a glare, "Is that Erica!" Michael exclaimed running over to Ashton, taking the sleeping girl out of his arms. "Don't get me wrong she's my little pumpkin, but why is she here?" Michael asked, sitting down on the couch. Ashton took a sip from his coffee, and rubbed his forehead. "Babysitter canceled last minute, and no one was available," he sighed, plopping down next to Michael. Luke patted him on the back, "I'm so tired, Erica's been keeping me up for the past two days, and work..." he trailed off. "That's the beauty of being a parent, get used to it," Calum chuckled, "You know you could always ask us for help." Ashton never liked asking for help, he had always done things on his own. "I know," he muttered, glancing over at Michael, who was still holding Erica. "Is she still asleep?" he asked, Michael looked down at her, then nodded. "You know we have two more hours until we rehearse we could watch her if you want to nap," Luke suggested. Ashton perked up at this, "Please!" he almost exclaimed. They all nodded, and he thanked them, before finding a room to sleep in.

Michael: "Okay, you know the plan right?" Michael asked his son. "Yes," his son sighed, looking over at the woman his father was trying to impress. "Alright, I have so much faith in you buddy!" he said, placing his hands on his son's shoulders, and giving it a squeeze. "Give her the pout, puppy dog eyes, and if you can cry a little," he said, he gave him a slight push, and his son walked over to you. "Can you help me?" Nathan faked cried, you looked up from your bags, and at the little boy. "What's wrong?" you asked, grabbing his hand, so he could come closer. "I-I lost my daddy," he cried, wiping at his eyes. You nodded, "What's your name?" you asked, moving your stuff out of the way, and bending down to his level. "Nathan," he told you, you nodded and looked up, searching the mall. "Okay, let's get you to the lost, and found area," you told him. Michael looked from his spot at the food court table, and decided now was the time to look. "NATHAN!" Michael shouted, getting up quickly, he started looking around. "NATE!" Michael yelled more, starting to walk around. You could hear him yelling, and turned back to Nathan. "Is that your dad?" you asked him, pointing over to the guy. He nodded, and you grabbed your stuff, and his hand. "I think I found your son," you said, walking over to the guy. "Thank you so much!" Michael said, bringing you into a hug, then hugging Nate. "Don't ever run off again," he said, giving his son a wink. "It's no problem," you smiled, "No seriously, how can I repay you?" Michael asked. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and he gave you a smile.

Luke: Luke felt the covers lift up, and the person climb onto the bed. He peaked an eye open, and saw the same mop of hair as his own. "What's wrong?" he groaned, opening his arms so that the little boy could cuddle into his chest. "Bad dream," he mumbled, nestling his face into his father's chest. Luke wrapped his arms around his son, and laid his head back down on the pillow. He was soon back to sleep, but woken up again by the boy moving. He sighed, "Sammy," he groaned, opening his eyes, and sitting up. Sammy looked up at his father innocently, sucking on his thumb. Luke couldn't help but smile at him, "Can't sleep?" he asked, looking over to the clock to see that it was two in the morning. Sammy nodded, and Luke thought for a moment. "Alright, come on," he said, picking up his son, and making his way to the kitchen. He sat him down on the counter, and started to look through the cabinets. "What do you say about mac-n-cheese, and hot chocolate?" he asked, looking back at Sammy. "YES!" Sammy shouted, finally awake, watching his father starting to boil water. After a while the two of them were sitting at the table, facing each other, and eating. Sammy's feet barely touched the ground, and he was kicking them back, and forth. The two were so alike that his mom swore they were twins. Luke smiled over his cup of hot chocolate when he saw Sammy starting to drift off, his face almost falling into the mac-n-cheese. His plan had worked. "Are you sleepy?" he asked, Sammy nodding. Luke chuckled, and got out of his seat, cleaning up their mess, and carrying his son back to bed. "Night," he whispered, kissing his forehead before climbing into bed himself


School starts soon and I still haven't read the assigned reading book. Welcome to my life.

At least I get to see that hot guy in my homeroom lol


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