Your Child Crawls into Your Bed

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Ashton: You laid with your head on Ashton's chest and you slowly woke up to being pushed slightly away from Ashton. You cracked your eyes open as you saw your three year old daughter, Ariana, crawling between you and Ashton. "Ari, what are you doing?" you asked and she turned towards you and snuggled into your body. "I had a nightmare and got scared. You protect me?" You kissed the top of her had and wrapped the blanket tighter around her before putting an arm over her and Ashton. "I could never not protect you baby girl. I love you." She giggled and kissed your forehead. "I love you too mommy!"

Calum: Bright lights from the hallway shone through your room as the door slowly opened and the little pitter patter of your son's footsteps sounded as he got closer and closer to your bed. "Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy!" he jumped up and down trying to get onto the bed before Calum finally rolled over and picked him up bringing him onto the bed and between you and him. "What's going on little guy? You're with mommy and daddy again, third time this week." "I missed you guys." Calum laughed and tucked your son underneath the blankets. "We missed you too. Goodnight buddy."

Luke: "Are you guys asleep? Daddy, are you asleep?" *running footsteps* "Mommy, are you asleep? Mommy!" "What is it Lucy?" "I can't sleep." "Well i can, can you go back to your room and get into your own bed?" "Nope." she stated and jumped onto your bed and landing right on Luke's chest. "Oof!" "Lucy!" you scolded and rolled her from Luke's chest as he caught his breath again. "You can't jump onto the bed, we've told you this!" "Sorry." she said and curled next to Luke kissing the spot she jumped on him. "Sorry daddy. I make it feel better?" Luke grinned. "Yeah, feels much better. Thank you baby girl, now let's get some sleep, yeah, i think mommy already fell back asleep."

Michael: "Michael." "Yes." "Our son is in our bed again." "Laying in front of you?" you nod. "Yeah, i'm not sure what time he got in here. But he's out like a light, should i bring him back to his bedroom now?" Michael shook his head. "He's not doing anything wrong, just let him be. Can we go back to sleep or do we have to get up for the day." "It's three in the morning." "Then i'm going back to sleep and so are you and well we don't have to worry about Ryan, he's already got this sleep thing perfected." You giggled as Michael kissed your neck. "Goodnight baby. Love you." "Love you too mommy, daddy!" You and Michael both laugh. "He's got good hearing, we should soundproof our room just in case."

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