You've dated since before the they became famous

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Credit (5secondsofrequests)

Ashton: You and Ashton were 100% sure you were soul mates. You've been dating for 5 years, even before he was famous.

You were neighbors as kids, and best friends for such a long time before he asked you out at the schools lunch table.

You were already used to the paparazzi, fans and the medias rumors. There has already been a few good laughs over some of the silly articles about you both.

One day you, Ashton and a few other friends were spending the day at the beach camping. You had the cars radio on as you sat outside in the sun, talking and watching the sun slowly begin to set.

You never knew it, but Luke always had this thing for you. You and Luke were best friends, and no matter how many times Ashton would ask you'd tell him how you had no feelings for him.

Heaven in Our Headlights by Hedley began to play, and you and some of your best girl friends started to stand up and dance and laugh along, trying as hard as you could to sing along as the boys watched.

Eventually, the boys got up and joined you, laughing as they danced along. You had a huge grin on your face and began to feel strong arms wrap around your waist from behind you.

You assumed, it was Ashton, and turned to him just to see Luke with his arms around you.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, pulling his arms off of you, "I've been dating Ashton for 5 years Luke.. Please, back off."

Luke looked frightened for a moment, then his face began to relax, "Of course. I'm sorry (Y/N)." He nodded, in apology, as he shot you a smile and continued to dance.

You walked over to Ashton and danced with him, singing and smiling with your arms around his neck, ignoring Luke's sad eyes watching you.

Calum: "Babee!" You heard a voice call. You turned to see Calum, rushing your way with shopping bags in his arms.

"You have a shopping problem." You teased, as you burst out in laughter.

"Oh shut up. Help?" He asked, motioning an arm of bags towards you. You, being nice took some.

"I'm up for food. How about you?" You asked, tilting your head. Calum nodded in agreement, and looked towards a coffee shop. It was the one you met at.

"Remember this place?" He asked, with a sigh.

"How could I forget? I mean its been 4 years, but its so easy to remember the day we met." You giggled, as you both walked inside.

You both ordered some normal coffee, and began to look for seats.

"How could I forget you spilling coffee on me?" He teased, as a grin splattered his face.

"Hey! I was tired okay?"

"I'm just teasing." He reassured, as you both sat down at a table by the window.

"I bought you a coffee to make up for it." You nodded, as you stared out the window to the sky.

"And you drank your coffee with your pinky out, like a british lady." He noted.

"Still a bad habit." You admitted, as you chuckled.

"I cant believe its been 4 years." Calum sighed, as he locked his eyes with yours.

You reached across the table and grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

"I feel like were already an old married couple." You laughed.

"I love you (Y/N)." Calum sighed, as he kissed your hand.

"I love you too." You responded, as your eyes lit up at his words. You both spent the next hour sipping coffee then finishing your shopping errands.

Luke: "It's starting (Y/N)!" Luke called from the couch.

"I'M COMING!" You yelled as you quickly spread the butter on the bowl of popcorn in your hands.

Luke chuckled as he heard your feet stomping against the hard wood floor as you ran over to the couch.

Once you reached the living room you jumped on the couch beside him, to see it was already starting.

You both were watching How I Met your Mother, which you both watched every time it was on.

"Whos your favorite character?" Luke asked as he put his arm around you, and began to push some of your hair behind your ear.

"Obviously Barney. Robin being a close second." You stated, as you chewed down on the handful of popcorn in your hand.

"Mine is Marshall." Luke admitted, as he ate some popcorn as well.

"What? I thought you were a Ted girl!" You exclaimed in confusion.

"Meh, I outgrew him." He shrugged, as he looked towards you.

"You cant just outgrow your favorite characters! I've been for Barney since we started watching 3 years ago! Ever since we were together."

"Yeah well I did." He laughed as he turned his attention onto the TV.

"Hmpf." you puffed, as you continued to watch the episode. Once it ended, you sighed and sat up to look at Luke.

"Luke? Can I ask you something?" you asked, your eyes drooping.

"Go ahead." He nodded, motioning you to speak.

"You know how you said you outgrew your favorite character?" You began, "What if you soon outgrow me?"

"What?" Luke shouted, almost choking on his water in his hand, "I'll never outgrow you! You aren't a character! You're real, and I love you."

Your eyes lit up and you began to snuggle his face. "I love you too Lukey.."

"Don't ever think I'll outgrow you. You're my forever, (Y/N)."

Michael: You sat in the tour bus, on your laptop as a tv played while the boys played their concert. This, was how you spent most of the nights.

Michael asked you to come on tour with him last month so you'd never need to be apart, and so far you were loving it, but you were starting to feel homesick.

You heard the tour buses door open, and heard the giggles and talking of the boys.

"Hey babe." Michael greeted, as he sat next to you and kissed your cheek.

"Hey! How was the show boys?" You asked, smiling at them.

"It was awesome! Crowd went nuts!" Ashton exclaimed, as he went to the fridge and cracked open a beer.

"How was the tour bus?" Michael asked, as he ran his fingers through your hair, "Kept it safe?"

"Yeah. I had to fight off a few thugs." You joked, as you continued to scroll through your twitter feed.

A while later the rest of the boys were asleep, and you and Michael were laying in his bunk.

"Michael?" you whispered, poking his face.

"Mhm?" he groaned.

"I'm feeling home sick.." You admitted scratching your ear nervously.

Michaels eyes shot open, and locked with yours, "Do you want to go home?" He asked, his eyes looking sad.

"I dont know.. I don't want to leave you." you murmured, as you cuddled your face into his neck feeling tears coming.

"Don't cry." he cooed, as he rubbed your back comfortingly, "I love you, and I know you'll make a decision that will make you happy."

You sighed, and slowly began to fall asleep. The next morning you woke up and sat with the boys at a little table.

"I think (Y/N) has something she has to say." Michael mumbled, looking down at his feet.

"Nope!" You exclaimed, as you pushed some strands of hair out of your face.

"Nothing?" Michael asked. sounding shocked.

"Well, I mean I have been thinking about watching some of your shows but yeah nothing." you giggled, as the boys looking at you confused.

You spent the rest of the tour with them, and you actually enjoyed your self a lot.

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