Truth or Dare

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Credit to tumblr (twentyonehemmings)

It was safe to say you were fighting the urge to roll your eyes at yourself, yawning in boredom as you sat in a circle with your four best friends and a few random party-goers. Truth or dare? Really? What was this, middle school? "(Y/N), truth or dare?" Your eyes snapped up when you heard your name, your gaze meeting the eyes of Ashton Irwin.
He wore a cocky smirk on his face which made you want to punch him in the nuts and also made you want to kiss him until he was gasping for air. This was your struggle with Ashton, he was so rude and cocky towards you and you wanted nothing more than to hate him like he hated you but sadly you harbored a huge liking for the boy. "Uh, truth, I guess." You squeaked.
"Who do you have a crush on?" Instantly your cheeks flared red and you shook your head, dropping your eyes to the floor.
"I mean dare, I choose dare," You chuckled awkwardly, your heart racing. You looked back at the boy whose smirk had only widened, if even possible, as he stared back.
"Fine," he shrugged, "kiss the person you like." You weighed your options, you could tell him and risk him laughing in your face or you could tell him and successfully steal a kiss in the process before becoming the laughing stock of the party. You chose the latter, crawling across the circle and planting your lips on his only to be shocked when he pulled you closer and kissed you back just as eagerly. Whoops and cheers were passed around the room as he fell back, you landing on top of him with your mouth still molded to his.

It took everything in you not to pound Luke's face in as he dared Calum, the boy you'd fancied since you were little, to kiss the prettiest girl at the party. You just knew he'd choose your arch enemy, the prettiest girl in your school and also the social butterfly who'd stolen every boy's heart since she was in diapers.
You glared at the ground, your heart cracking in your chest as the circle fell silent whilst waiting for Calum to choose his target. Luke knew that you liked Calum and he definitely liked to tease you about it, poking fun at you for being the cliche girl who fell for her best friend but it wasn't like you could help it.
It just happened, one day you woke up and realized that you were hopelessly in love with the goofy, soccer-playing band kid who'd been your best friend since the diaper days. Your eyes shot up from the floor when cheers were being passed around, your heart stopping all together when you nearly smacked heads with Calum who was staring into your eyes curiously.
You tried to question him when suddenly his mouth was on yours, his warm lips molding perfectly against yours in a sweet kiss. The group was cheering and screaming loudly around you, but you couldn't care less as you pulled away from the kiss with your hands cupping his face. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He breathed, pecking your lips again and humming into the kiss.
"Believe me, I do."


"Truth or dare, Lucas?" Luke rolled his eyes at Calum, who smirked widely at the blond boy. You sat beside Luke nervously, tapping out a random beat on your knees as you waited for this stupid game of truth or dare to be over.
Luke cleared his throat, coughing once before he spoke up. "Dare," You rolled your eyes this time, he was such an idiot. Everyone knew that Calum was brutal when it came to dares, thinking of the worst things he possibly could just to laugh at your misery.
Calum chuckled evilly, rubbing his hands together as he glanced from you to Luke and you quickly glared at him. You knew what he was doing and it was not good. "Play seven minutes in heaven with (Y/N)." Your face was on fire as the words left his mouth, Luke standing without a care and dragging you over to a tiny coat closet before closing the door behind you two.
"(Y/N)?" You looked up with wide eyes, your face still red as you met Luke's gaze. "Uh," He chuckled to himself, scratching his neck and shuffling on his feet. "Fuck it." he whispered, pushing you against the door with a thump and kissing you deeply. His mouth moved with yours, his tongue swiping over your lips just as the door opened and you fell out of the room with him landing on you. He didn't bother to pull away, slipping his tongue between your lips while loud cheers were thrown around the party.

"Michael!" You shouted, catching the attention of the boy with the bright green hair. He raised his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to ask him the question even though he knew what it was. "Truth or dare?"
He grinned to himself, pretending to think it over before he spoke up, "Dare." You smirked at that, thinking hard for the best dare you could give him. Michael and you had always had an unspoken rivalry between you, both of you fighting hard to be better than the other and hating each other when you couldn't.
"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room," You nodded to yourself. It was a lame dare, but you just wanted to watch him crash and burn when he kissed his crush who you'd found out had a boyfriend who happened to be a professional fighter.
Michael's face fell for a moment, his body tensing as he looked to Ashton whose eyes were wide with panic which confused you. Did he know she had a boyfriend? Dammit, that would ruin the dare. You watched the exchange between the two, some sort of silent conversation passing between them before Ashton nodded fractionally and Michael visibly relaxed.
You were scanning the crowd for his crush before you were pushed onto your back and Michael's kiss fell onto your lips. You wanted to push him away, to hate his guts but you were frustrated when sparks flew. You were pissed when you pulled him closer, kissing him back feverishly against your better judgement. You were furious when you realized you loved his kiss, when you realized you wanted to kiss him forever




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