First Christmas with his family

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Credit (smashithoran)
Luke: Christmas songs were playing quietly through the car, and Luke's thumb was tracing patterns on the top of your hand while the other was on the steering wheel. You could tell he was growing tired, having not knowing exactly where he was going. You two would probably be lost by now if it weren't for the map that sat open in your lap. "You got it from here?" You giggle at him, and he glances over at you, sending you a glare which was cancelled out by the lazy smirk playing on his lips. You just giggle, and he turns back to the road ahead of him. "Yeah, I do. We only have a little bit of time before we get to the cabin." He mutters, just wanting to get off the road, and you nod, your focus on the white capped mountains that passed in blurs outside the frost covered window. This was your first Christmas spent with Luke, and you were currently on your way to a cabin that his family rented this year. Now, if it were just his mom, dad and his brothers, you'd be alright since you've met them many times before, but this time was different. His whole family was here this time, and to say that you were nervous was an understatement. You couldn't stop thinking about how many ways you could mess up, and it had you on the verge of hysteria. You've never felt for someone the way you do for Luke, and you didn't want to mess this up. You hadn't known just how long you were looking out the window until you heard Luke whisper your name. "Y/n... we're here love." Your eyes come back into focus and the first thing you see is the cute looking cabin in front of you. It wasn't too small, but it wasn't overly big either. It looked like it would suit Luke's family well. He was already holding your door open for you, his hand extended in front of you to help you out of the rental car. You smile up at him, taking his hand and stepping out of the car and onto the gravel drive leading to the cabin. "It's pretty, huh?" Luke smiles down at you, keeping our hand in his own as the two of you make your way up to the door. "It's beautiful." You nod. Once you're in front of the door, you feel all of the nerves come rushing back to you in a tidal wave. Luke notices the look that comes onto your face and a worried expression falls over his. "(Y/n), love, are you alright?" He asks, turning you to face him. You can't meet his eyes as you bite your lip, sighing. "I'm just really nervous, that's all." You say, watching your feet. Luke slowly brings your chin up to face him, showing you the warm smile and shimmering eyes that you've adored for the past year. "(Y/n), there's nothing to worry about. Everyone will love you... I love you. I promise, once you walk in that door, all your worries will disappear." Your worried expression soon changed to that of a happier one, as you nod up at him. "I love you too, Luke." His smile grows, and he takes your hand into his again. "Alright, then how about we make ourselves known." He brings his hand up to knock on the door, and you're met instantly with the smiling face of his mother, her smile only getting bigger when she saw the two of you. "Everyone, Luke and (y/n) are here!" She announces, and people came up to you, greeting you and wishing you a happy holiday, telling Luke that he chose a good girl. "I know I did, I chose the best." He says, placing a light kiss against your temple.
Ashton: You flatten your dress against you for the fifth time in a row, a nervous sigh leaving your lips as you looked at yourself in the mirror. As you were looking at yourself, you see a pair of arms sneak themselves around your waist and a curly mop of hair press itself into your neck, making you giggle. "You look gorgeous as usual, babe." Ashton mutters against your skin, placing a small kiss on your shoulder. You smile at his comment, laying your arms over his. "Thanks, Ash." You blush, something a compliment from him never failed to make you do. He turns you in his arms so that you're facing him, a wide smile on his angelic face. "I'm being serious, (y/n), you look fantastic. I love this dress on you." He smiles, his eyes trailing down the dress you bought just for this occasion. Tonight, you were going to Ashton's house to spend Christmas with his family for the first time in the two years you've been dating. You were nervous, but it was a feeling that couldn't be helped. You got nervous over the smallest things, and this was no exception, even though you've met his family many times before. You lean up, kissing his cheek and hugging him close to you. "I love you so much." You say, smiling. He laughs, hugging you closer. "That was random, but I love you too, princess." You let go of him, your facial expression turning serious. "I just wanted you to know how much I love you, and how important things like these are to me. Spending holidays with your family is something I want to keep doing for a really long time. I want to be with you... for a really long time." You end your ramble, looking down at your feet, the blush on your cheeks deepening a shade. Ashton's eyes were wide as he looked down at you, and he could feel his heart beat increase in his chest. He pulled you into him again, burying his head into the crook of your neck. You were shocked at the sudden gesture, but quickly melted into his arms, wrapping your own around his neck and pulling him closer to you. "I want to be with you for a long time too, love. Forever and a day." He laughs into your neck, and you laugh with him. You two stayed in each others arms for a couple more minuets before you finally let go, pulling your phone from your purse and checking the time. "Fuck!" You curse, seeing that the two of you should have been gone and on the way to his families house fifteen minuets ago. "(Y/n), calm down, babe. We'll make it on time, I promise." Ashton cups your face, making you look at him. You sigh, nodding. "We have to leave now then, so you're ready, right?" He asks, and you nod. "Good," He leans down, kissing your temple and moving his hands from your face and down to your waist where he keeps them as he leads you down stairs and to the car. He opens your door for you, before walking to get into the drivers side. You turn on the radio to a Christmas station and reach over, taking Ashton's free hand in yours. It was a short drive to the house, and Ashton was right, you arrived just in time. "Ashton, (y/n)!" His mom pulls the two of you into her arms, a joyous smile on her face. "Hi mum." Ashton laughs, pulling out of her hug to smile at her. "Come inside you two, everyone is waiting to see you!" She moves aside, allowing the two of you to enter the house. People instantly came up to you and Ashton, and you weren't surprised when you didn't recognize many of the faces. Ashton's arm stayed firm around your waist, holding you to his side the entire time you were talking to his family and friends, and soon you found all your worries were over nothing.
Calum: "So, you guys have been dating for how long now?" Another one of Calums family members asks, as you take a sip of the wine that his sister just poured for you. "A year and three months to be exact." Calum answers, a wide smile on his face as his squeezes your hand in his. You blush, looking down at the vast amount of food in front of you. "That's great to hear! You two are perfect together." The older lady smiles, and you thank her kindly. This dinner wasn't like every other you've had with Cal and his family, this one was different. There was far more people in the Hood house this time, many of which you didn't know. You've been anxious about this day since Calum told you about it. You couldn't help but feel like some how, the rest of his family and friends weren't going to like you. Over the year you've been dating, you've become very close with his sister and his mum and dad because you get to see them a lot, but you were yet to meet some of his other friends from high school and other members of his family. The thought of them not liking you has been playing constantly in your head, and you felt almost sick to your stomach before coming to the dinner. "(Y/n)? Love, what's wrong?" Calum asked, coming into your shared room an hour before you were about to leave for the dinner. You were sat on your bed, clutching your stomach. "I just have a small stomach ache, that's all." You voice was low as you looked at the ground. You felt the bed next to you sink, and soon, you were pulled into Calum's arms as he pressed a light kiss on the top of your head. "I can hear it in your voice that something else is wrong, babe. Tell me?" He asks, pulling you a bit closer to him. You sigh, leaning your head into his chest. "I'm so nervous and it's making me feel sick." Calum let's out a small chuckle, and you pull away from him, one eyebrow raised in confusion. "Why are you nervous, (y/n)? It's just some family and some of my old friends that I haven't talked to in a couple years. There's nothing to be nervous about." He smiles at you. "That's the thing, Cal. It's not just some family and friends. They're your family and friends, and I'm your girlfriend. I'm so anxious that they won't like me, or that they won't think that I'm good enough for you. I don't want your friends and family to look at me and think, 'Wow, Calum can do better' because I've already thought that before." When you finished talking, there were tears brimming in your eyes. Calum looked down at you, his eyebrows knitted together. "(Y/n), there's no way they would think any of those things. I know that they're going to love you, just like I do. You're funny, intelligent, and you're one of the nicest people I've ever met. You're perfect for me, alright? There's no way in hell that I could ever do better than you. I don't ever want you to think that again, princess. I love you so much." You were pulled tightly into an embrace, and you felt Calum bury his head into your neck. "I had no idea you were so nervous..." He laughs a bit, an you nod. "I just want them to like me..." "They will," He pulled out of the hug to kiss you softly. "I'm sure of it." Now that you were at the dinner, surrounded by the family and friends you were so nervous to meet, you felt a bit stupid for being so worried. Everyone was nothing but kind to you, and wound up having an amazing night.
Michael : ."Michael, (y/n)!" Michaels mom smiled widely at the two of you, pulling you both inside the house. "Hi, mum." Michael laughed a bit at her enthusiasm, taking your bag off your arm and setting it on the couch. You looked around, admiring the Christmas decorations placed around their home. This year, you traveled with Michael to his familys house for Christmas. It wasn't going to be anything big, it was just going to be you, Michael, and his mum and dad. His mom said that she wanted it to feel more intament, so she didn't invite any other family, saying that she, "Wanted to meet Mikeys princess." When the two of you were boarding the plane to fly there from America, the whole flight, you were a nervous wreck. You were worried that you would fly all the way there, only for Michael's parent's to not approve of you. It was something you were terrified over. You wanted his parents to like you, more than anything. Your parents love Michael, especially your dad. When he comes over, most of the time, the two of them sit in your living room, discussing the new video games that your dad bought. Michael always joked that he couldn't wait for your dad to be his father-in-law, which always made you blush. When you walking into the Clifford household though, you felt so at home already. Everything felt so safe here, and it was like all the weight was lifted from your shoulders. The only worry you had now was how his parents were going to like you. "So, (y/n), Michael tells us a lot about you!" His mom starts when you were all seated at the dinner table. "Oh really? Only good things, I hope." You say, and everyone begins to laugh, making you laugh too. "Well of course, there's nothing bad to say about you, babe." Michael states, taking your hand in his and giving it a light squeeze. You could feel the nerves bubbling in your stomach again, and you closed your eyes, trying to fight them back. His dad asked you to tell them a bit about yourself, which you proceeded to do. You told them what you wanted to do with your future and how you were going to college right now. "Is Michael always going away on tour going to be hard for you to deal with?" His mom asks, and you take a sip of the wine in front of you before answering. "I don't think it will be a problem. I mean, of course I'll miss him like crazy while he's gone, but I'll be busy with school and my job, plus, I'll know that he's out there doing something he loves. I just hope that he'll be able to talk to me or Skype me when ever he can." You smile over at him, seeing a loving look across his face which you return. His parents turn to each other, a wide smile spreading across their face. "What?" Michael asks them, chuckling. They both turn to him, and his dad speaks. "The way you two look at each other is the way we look at each other." He states, reaching across the table to grab her hand. You swore you could see tears in her eyes. Michael's smile grows, and he brings your hand up to his lips, whispering, "I love you so much." You looked at him, a bit confused. "What do they mean, Mikey?" You ask, your head tilted in confusion. He lets out a soft chuckle before replying. "They mean that we look at each other with a really strong love, the way they look at each other." This brings a blush to your cheeks and a smile to your lips. You had a feeling that his parents liked you.

Guess who tripped and scraped her knee on concrete 🙋

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