Your Dad doesn't like him

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THIS PREFERENCE IS DEDICATED TO @chloee16 for giving me 21 votes! Thanks!

credit to tumblr (calumhoodsmrs)

'I don't like him.' You father was telling you as soon as Calum left the house. You crossed your arms giving him the signal to explain.
'He has a tattoo-'
'Really?! One tattoo?' You say angry now.
'Yes because soon enough his whole body will be covered in them'
'Dad, I love him and I don't care if had one tattoo or one hundred what I do care about is your opinion so can you actually give me an honest opinion on why you don't like him?'
'He doesn't seem like he has a stable job, what be able to keep you stale..'
'Dad! I don't have a job either don't you dare judge him on that..'You shout now.
'Why don't you like him..' you now whisper. He sighs and wraps his arms around you kissing your head.
'I just don't want him to be taking away my little girl..' He whispers. You smiled
'Dad, ill always be your little girl! Calum would never take me away from you..' the rest of the night you spend talking about old memories and laughing and your dad realising he had nothing to fear.

'Y/N! You are too young! You need to break up,with him now!' Your dad screams at you. He had just found you and Luke having a heated make-out session that would've probably tuned into more if your dad didn't step in.
'Dad calm down we weren't even doing anything!' You say hands on hips.
'I don't care! Your seventeen, and I don't want you to be doing that yet..' His lips started shaking indicating he was going to cry.
'Dad, you have no control you need to learn that I am growing up!' You whisper.
'I know darling, and I will, I need to accept it, just don't go around doing anything stupid okay?' He said seriously. You nodded your head and he went in and hugged you.
'I love you dad..' You said 'and I really love Luke and at ant you to accept him into my family.'
'I love you too, and eventually I will! I will he is a good kid I just need to speak to him a bit more. Maybe a day out with him will be good' He suggests and you eagerly nod your head at.
'Thanks dad' You kiss his cheek and run upstairs to speak to Luke on the phone.

'He is a drummer in a band where loads of girls throw themselves at him. He is 19 and doesn't even act like it! What happens when he is on tour? Girls throwing themselves at him, your not there what do you think is going to happen?' You dad told you sternly. You sighed, he has told you so many times that Ashton would cheat and he is still to be proven right.
'Dad I have been with him for 2 freaking years not once has he cheated on me! I trust him with all my heart and I just want you to,trust him too' You say tears threatening to fall.
'One day, if he can prove to me in that one day that he loves you then go for it!'
'That is so much pressure!' You say annoyed.
'He should be able to pull it out the bag.' Your dad smirks.
The next day he went out with Ashton, he was meant to be back two hours ago but he was still out. You were starting to worry but then your dad and Ashton came through the door laughing and smiling.
'Your back!' You say giving your dad a hug and Ashton a kiss.
'Yes! This lad here' He says wrapping his arm round Ashton 'Is the one for you my girl! He has proven to me that he would never cheat and I trust him.' Your dad says making you squeal. You run up and kiss Ashton wrapping your arms round his neck.
'Thank you dad.' you say when you break away.

He is in a band who probably will split up and what has he got to fall back on? Nothing! He left school and now he has got a downward spiral from here and I do not want you involved' Your dad shouted as he found out that you were dating Michael Clifford.
'But dad-'
'No buts! You go and tell him now that it is over' He said sternly. You shake your head and stay there.
'Dad, not everything is about money, careers or even the future! It's about the time now we spend together! We love each other dad and I am not letting you split us!' You say flinging your hands up in the air.
'No he won't be able to give you a stable home? What is he going to give eh?'
'He will give me the love and care that I need. I know he cares because of how much he does for me. When I'm sick he cancels anything that's on to be with me. I know he loves me because of the way he tells me every morning when we wake up, every evening before we sleep. He tells me how beautiful and perfect I am to him and how lucky he is! and I am not letting you take that away from me' You express. You wipe away the few tears that have fallen and storm out the room leaving your dad stunned and thankful,that you have a boyfriend like Michael

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