Father/Daughter Moments

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Credit (keepcalmandlove-c-a-l-m)

Calum: Calum and I were both woken up to our screaming daughter. We had only brought her home two days ago and I was exhausted. "You sleep beautiful, I'll get her." Calum whispered kissing my cheek. "Mmmhh." I groaned as he got out of bed.

Her screaming stopped almost immediately, I smiled tiredly. I was almost asleep again but I needed to pee.

After I went to the toilet I walked past our daughter's room to find Calum sitting in the rocker with our daughter held to his chest. "Shh baby. Daddy's here." He cooed, kissing her tiny head. I smiled as I watched my husband hold and coo to our baby girl. She softly whimpered, her tiny hands grasping his shirt. Minutes later she was snoring, I giggled quietly, Calum turned to look at me. "Go back to bed sweetheart, I've got it under control." He whispered, I nodded. I quickly kissed him and then my daughter's cheek. I left him alone with her, I heard him whispering sweet things to her. I knew he was going to make a great father.

Ashton: I had called Ashton to go pick up our daughter from school, she had called me crying and wanted to go home. She said she was feeling sick, but I couldn't get her.

Later that afternoon I came home to find our daughter curled up against Ashton's side, tear stains on his shirt. I left them together and went to get changed, I overheard him talking to her. "It will get better, I know that everyone says that but it's true. I know how you feel. I've had countless amounts of people turn on me, but the ones who haven't have been the most important to me." He said happily, I heard her sniff. "Thanks dad." She said, I went into the lounge room where I could see them. Ashton was holding her tightly. "Just remember that your mum and I love you. And those bitches at school don't mean anything." He said smiling at her, a smile cracked on her face. She went back up to her room. "Is she okay?" I asked quietly, he looked up at me startled. "Yes and no. Some girls were being bitches to her at school today. And some of her friends were siding with the bitches. She'll be okay, she's strong. Like her mum." He stood in front of me, I blushed. His arms wrapped tightly around me.

Luke: I picked my daughter up from pre-school. She was taking about Luke the entire way home. "Daddy's home today isn't he mummy?" She asked as we pulled up into the driveway. "Yeah sweetie. Daddy's home." I said turning to look at her. She was all Luke honestly, the blonde hair, the blue eyes, the dimples.

I took her inside, Luke was sitting on the lounge. "Daddy!" She giggled running up to him, she climbed up onto his lap. "Hey gorgeous! I missed you so much!" He stood up holding her to his chest. She was clinging to him. "Hey Luke!" I said hugging him, kissing his cheek. "I missed my beautiful girls." He mumbled, I smiled. Luke kissed me passionately. "Ew! Mummy! Daddy that's yucky!" She said seeing us kiss. Luke and I laughed, and awed. "Mummy can I play with daddy?" She asked, I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Of course." I said, Luke smiled.

I left them alone, I heard her telling Luke to have a tea party.

I had been doing some cleaning and cooking, I walked past her play room to see Luke sitting on a tiny stool with his knees pressed to his chest. He had a tiara on his head and a tutu around his waist. I grinned leaning against the doorframe. He was holding a tiny tea cup. "Daddy you're doing it wrong!" She held his large hand and unwrapped his pinky from the cup. She smiled. "I thought I was Princess Luke?" He gasped, she smiled and nodded. I heard the timer beep in the kitchen. "Dinner's ready." I said as I went into the kitchen. I smiled seeing Luke come out with our daughterwaddling behind him.

Michael: His POV

Y/N had just gone to sleep beside me, she was tired from looking after our daughter all day. She had been going through a nightmares faze so she was exhausted.

I was almost asleep when I heard crying coming from her room. "MUMMY! DADDY!" She called out, crying. Y/N went to get up. "Stay there. I've got it." I said kissing her forehead, she relaxed back into the mattress.

I went into our daughter's room seeing her clutching her teddy bear to her chest, "Daddy? The monsters are coming to get me." She whimpered, I went over to her. She put her arms up, I hugged her. She sobbed quietly, I hated seeing her like this. "I'll fight off the monsters, they aren't getting anywhere near my princess." I whispered kissing the top of her head. I moved to get off her bed, but she held me tightly. "Daddy can you stay with me?" She asked softly, I smiled and nodded. "Of course." I pulled the blanket over us, she held onto me tightly.

I fell asleep with her clutching me. I woken up again by her crying. "Daddy? They're back." She whimpered, I rubbed her back. "You're safe. Shh, shh." I cooed, she quickly fell asleep again.

She slept all the way through after that, I heard Y/N in the kitchen making a cup of tea, I slid out of bed careful not to wake my daughter. I tiptoed into the kitchen. "Morning." Y/N said looking over the top of her mug. "Morning." I said hugging her. "I saw you last night, with her. It was really cute." Y/N said smiling up at me, I grinned. "I try." Y/N shoved me at my cocky comment. She smiled, I kissed her temple. "I always knew you'd make a good father to her." She said sweetly, I smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you. I love you." I said kissing Y/N. "I love you too Michael." She said softly, before we could do anything else our daughter walked in.

We spent the rest of the day playing with her, since we both had the day off, it was good to take some of the work off Y/N

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