You lose/break a special item he gave you

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Credit to tumblr (torninto5sos1d)


"Crap this can’t be happening!" I whispered to myself as I woke up and searched through my beside table drawers to find my engagements ring "I can’t have lost it" I whispered to myself emptying every drawer "babe what’s wrong?" Michael asked walking into the bedroom with a worried look. "N-nothing don’t worry" I said with a fake smile. I watched as he walked closer with his eyebrow raised "you sure?" he asked placing his hands on my hips. I nodded knowing that if I said anymore i’d cave in and admit that I lost the ring. "you sure there’s nothing you want to tell me.." he said reaching into his back pocket "not even about you losing this?" he asked holding the ring in between his index finger and thumb. I sighed in relief and grabbed the ring placing I back on my finger "you dick I thought I lost it!" I said hitting him playfully in the shoulder "Just tell me next time" he chuckled kissing my nose "what if you really lost it?" I shrugged and felt guilty "I don’t care about the ring we’d get married either way" he added and I blushed "I love you Mr. Clifford" I giggled pecking his lips "and I love you too future Mrs. Clifford" he chuckled kissing back.


"Oh no!" I exclaimed noticing the rip in the side of my dress that Calum had surprised me with to wear tonight to a meal with him and his family. "What’s wrong sweetheart?" Cal’s Mum asked sincerely walking into the bedroom and noticing the rip almost instantly "oh that’s no problem you go take it off and I’ll get the sowing machine" she chuckled walking back out of the room. I quickly got out of my dress and lay it down neatly on the bed and grabbed one of Cal’s shirt that was on the floor and put it on top just as Cal’s Mum came back in. Within a few minutes the rip was almost completely sown back together and Cal started to get impatient, knocking on the door and asking when we would be ready "we have to leave!" he shouted from the other side of the door. "Cal give us a few more minutes!" Cal’s Mum shouted back and I heard him sigh "here you go, go put that on and we’ll be waiting downstairs" she smiled handing over the dress "Thank you" I said. He left the bedroom and I slipped the dress on and the rip was completely gone. I walked downstairs to see Cal, Mali and his Mum waiting with big smiles on their faces "Told you it would be worth the wait" his mum smirked "Wow Y/N you look gorgeous" Cal smiled pecking my lips.


"Hey babe?" Luke asked from the bed "yeah?" I replied focusing more on my homework that was spread out on the desk that my boyfriend who rested on our bed reading through his timeline on twitter "Why don’t you wear the necklace I got you anymore?" he asked and I span around feeling guilty and deciding whether or not to admit that I’d broken the clasp. "It’s at the shop" I admitted staring down at the ground "Why, did you not like it?" I shot out from my chair and walked over to him "No I loved it, I just broke it and I didn’t want to tell you so I took it to the shop" I said blushing with embarrassment "why didn’t you want to tell me?" he asked sadly "I thought you’d be angry" he shook his head and grabbed my face in his hands "I wouldn’t be angry" he said pecking my lips "just tell me next time" he stated resting his forehead on mine.


We were at the beach, Ashton, the boys and I, because it was a sunny day and we didn’t have any plans. I lay on my back on the towel draped on the sand and sunbathed whilst the boys swam in the water. “Babe come join us!” Ash shouted. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and shaded my eyes with my hand “No I’m trying to sunbathe!” I shouted and I saw the four of them talking to each other and then run towards me “Fine we’ll make you!” Ash shouted and I shook my head giggling “No leave me alone!” I said pushing myself up to my feet. As soon as Ash got to the sand e race towards me and sweeped me over his shoulder “Ash put me down!” I giggled hitting his back. I then felt the cold water hit my back and knew Ashton had thrown me into the water. After about twenty minutes playing around in the water we walked towards our towel to grab our things. “Hey where’s you bracelet?” Ash asked as I grabbed the towel from the ground noticing my bare wrist “oh no, it must have fell off when you put me over your shoulder!” I said frantically looking around where we were sitting to see the silver charm bracelet Ashton had bought me for our one year anniversary. After about an hour of looking Ash shouted “I found it!” I sighed with relief and placed the bracelet back on my wrist “your lucky I found it” he chuckled “your lucky I love you” I giggled at his sarcastic comment “yeah I am” he smiled kissing me sweetly.

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