Baby Bump starts to Show

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Credit (bananashemmo)


Turning around in your sleeping position for the third time in less than 20 minutes, an irritated sigh escaped your lips as you crossed your arms, staring up at the White new hotel room ceiling, the clock striking past 7am. "Sleep." Luke said in a small groan from your right, his back facing you. "Can't." You grumbled, loosening your arms so you could raise yourself up from the madras. "Where're you going?" Luke mumbled with one eye open now, staring at you as you stroke your arms a bit, before letting them fall down to your waist again, letting out a huff before you walked into the bathroom, a nice bath being the only thing on your mind. Letting the door be open in laziness, you removed the loose gray long sleeved shirt you had slept in, throwing it towards the corner, leaving you behind in your knickers, bra and top. Taking a look in the mirror, you ran a hand through your hair and walked towards the rack with towels, grabbing one and hanging it next to the shower. Walking back to the mirror you grabbed your tooth brush but stopped in mid-action, your eyebrows furrowing as your eyes landed on your stomach, immediately grabbing your top and lifting it up, your eyes widening in surprise. "Luke!" You almost yelled as if it was in panic, the poor boy removing the covers immediately and sprinting into the bathroom, his before tired eyes now widened in fright as he looked you up and down, a small smirk coming to his lips as he noticed the knickers, but shrugged it off as he looked up at you. "Where's the spider?" He asked, making you roll your eyes at him, "It's not a damn spider, not this time, look!" You said a bit more loud than expected, making Luke's eyes travel down to where you were pointing, a confused gaze appearing on his face before he realized what you were referring to, his lips parting slightly in a shy shock. "Wow." Was the only thing that came to his mind as he walked closer to you, kneeling down on his right knee to be same height with your stomach, his hands shaking as he looked unsure up at you. "You're allowed to touch it dummy." You said in a sweet tone, looking down at him with a smile. His warm hands connected shyly with your bloating abdomen, his face showing awe as he touched it, his thumb now drawing patterns into the skin. "We really did make something out of that night huh." He mumbled to himself more than you, but you only started to crack up laughing making him smile up at you. "You're so silly." You said as you shook your head at him, watching him as he stood up again, his left hand not leaving your stomach. "I'm clarifying the role as the fun parent here so I have to be the silly one. "He said with a confident smirk, making you roll your eyes at him. "I'm gonna be fun mama." You said giving his shoulder a light push. "I really doubt that." He smirked starting to walk backwards towards the exit if the bathroom. "Enjoy your bath.. Mama." He spoke before wiggling his eyebrows, shutting the door close. "Thank you." You mumbled, looking into the mirror again, your hand brushing over the place Luke had just brushed, a smile forming on your lips but it faded a bit as reality thought hit you. There was no backing out now.


Calum's fingers were loosely going up and down in the strings of his bass, his back pressing into the couch he was laying at, his feet and calves dangling over the armrest, you sitting on one of the other couches with Luke and Michael in the studio, Ashton sitting on the floor with papers scattered everywhere. "Gosh why is it so hot in here?" You mumble in a grumble, "It's because I'm in here." Michael smirked making you roll your eyes as you stood up from the couch, grabbing the hem of the hoodie you were wearing, removing it over your head before throwing it towards Calum, showing off a long sleeved tight blouse inside. "Damn Y/N I hope it's the baby growing who is the reason of your bloating right now because dayum if I didn't know you were pregnant I would say that you need to slow down on eating too fast when it comes to food, it has its left overs afterwards on your belly." Ashton's comment made both you and Calum look up in confuse, giving each other a glare before Calum spoke up before you. "Excuse me?" Calum asked with an offended tone, looking over at Ash, "My words being spoken." You mumbled giving Calum a small smile. "I think Ashton was just referring to the fact that Y/N has started to show." Luke saved it, making Ashton tense less in his position by Calum's stare, now his eyes burning into your stomach. "Wait what?" Calum questioned, sitting op straight in the couch and removing the bass from his lap. You looked down at yourself in shock, noticing the small bulge forming out from above your abdomen. One of your fingers ran over the white material as your lips parted it was at this point that you actually realized that your belly was growing. "You haven't noticed?" Luke asked as Calum walked towards you, "No," he mumbled standing in front of you now. "To be honest I haven't really either." You admitted, looking down at your belly, "I just thought I had eaten too much breakfast this morning." Calum placed a hand on the bloating part, his hand going under your blouse, his cold hand connecting with your warm skin. "have you guys been busy?" Michael asked removing his gaze from his phone. "Yeah. We had to cancel everything from the weeding. When Y/N was finally functional to do it after the sickness." Calum explained, placing a kiss to the small bump as he had kneeled in front of you now. "I can't believe I didn't even noticed that I'm starting to get fat." You mumbled making the boys chuckle. "I think you're beautiful no matter how fat you'll get." Cal stood op from kneeling, placing a kiss to your cheek. "Gross." Michael mumbled making a smirk appear on Calum's lips grabbing his guitar pick from his pocket before throwing it towards the direction of Michael, yet missing. "Calm down dude you know I'm joking." Michael laughed raising his arms in surrender. "I think Y/N's hot she's gonna be my new milf." Ashton almost choked on the zip of water he took by Michael's comment, Calum tensing his grub around you. "That's enough Clifford." He warned making Michael crack up laughing, you trying to muffle your giggles as well.

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