He has a Nightmare

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Btw I finally updated my Punk Luke AU fanfic so if you wanna check it out that would be awesome
And over 200k thankssssss so much wow omfg
Credit (calvumhood)
"No....no....please....NO" I woke to the sound of Luke cries, he was covered in a thin sheet of sweat and he was twisted in the bed sheets. He had tears running down his pale face as he carried on twisting and turning kicking in a struggle as if some invisible force was hiding him down and not letting him wake up from this nightmare he was having.
"Luke" I whispered worriedly taking hold of both of his broad shoulders and shaking lightly. He didn't wake from his deep slumber and I was scared for him. What ever he was dreaming seemed to be horrible. I curled up on his chest holding him round the waist trying to comfort him in his sleep as nothing I could do would wake him up without shocking him into oblivion.
I ran my hands gently down his back in hope of bringing him slowly out of his sleep. It worked as a few minute later I felt I'm return my hug tightly. I could hear him sniff but it turned into a broken sob making me look up at him to see him crying.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked quietly crawling up so my forehead was resting on his as I wiped his tears away from under his eyes.
He shook his head and held me tighter.
"Just stay close to me... Please" he croaked
"I will, I'm not leaving your sight" I reassured wrapping the duvet around us both.
I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. "I'll never let anybody take you away from me and hurt you, I promise I will protect you forever and never let you down" he whispered stroking my hair.
I was confused at his words but realised it must of had something to do with his nightmare.
"I love you Luke" I said kissing him deeply and curling closer to him so there was no space in between us.

I was woken by a loud piercing ring from my phone as I realised I stupidly forgot to turn it in silent before I went to bed.
Who the hell was phoning me this early?
I looked at the caller ID to see whether it was worth answering or not. Seeing it was Calum I quickly jumped out of bed and answered knowing something must be wrong.
"Calum? Are you okay?" I asked rushed
It was silent on the other end as I heard him sniff.
"Are you crying?" I asked again no reply.
"I'm coming over" I said hanging up and pulling my shoes and coat on hurriedly before I gabbed the spare key to my best friends flat and ran all the way to him. Out of breath I opened the door walking quietly to his room.
Once inside his room I saw him sitting up in bed his head burrows in his knees and his arms wrapped around his head. He was shaking and I ran a straight to him throwing myself at him and hugging him tightly.
"Calum baby? Are you okay?" I asked
"No" he brokenly whispered "help me please" he said
"Help you what?" I asked softly
"Help me forget" he sighed "help me forget this horrible nightmare, I need to know you're still here and you're not going to leave me"
"Oh Cal" I sighed "you scared me so much, I'm not going. Anywhere and you know I'll never leave you, you're my best friend." I said kissing his cheek and climbing into his bed pulling him with me as I cuddled into him and he protectively wrapped his arms round me.
"Thank you" he whispered into my neck before placing a small little kiss in my collar bone.

I was kicked by something hot that left my skin burning and brought me out of my light sleep. I looked to aw if Michael was okay only to see him writhing and shaking next to me. His hair was stuck to his horror filled face with sweat and his features were twisted with pain and confusion.
"S-stop it- ...... Not right... Leave me......a-alone" he mumbled under his breath it was almost so quiet I couldn't hear what he was saying.
"Mike" I whispered to try and wake him up. "Mikey" I said louder this time. "Wake up" I said but it didn't work.
I started kissing up his neck until I reached his face. Pushing back his sweaty hair from his forehead I kissed all around his face hoping. The contact would wake him. I bent Down to reach his lips before kissing him deeply I ran my tongue over his lips biting his top lip as I felt him moan. A few seconds later his eyes flew open meeting mine.
He brought his big hands up to rest splayed over my small waist and lower back pulling me close to him in comfort. No words needed to be spoken as I knew he wouldn't want to talk about it.
"You're safe now Mikey, I'm here" I comforted kissing his nose and snuggling my head into the crook of his neck. I waited until he fell asleep our limbs tangled together as I knew it would stop any new nightmares as Michael was always one for human contact to comfort him. I looked to see him sleeping peacefully in contrast of a few minutes ago, I decided it was safe for me to fall asleep and not worry about him.

I didn't know what to do. One minute he was shaking screaming out in pain and the next minute he was still, almost as if he was frozen in fear being held back and unable to scream or make a sound. I had tried everything to try and wake him up gently as it was bad to wake someone up incase they physically lashed out and hit you in defence. He had pulled the cover up and gripped them tightly as if holding them for protection.
"Please ashton" I whispered to myself. "Wake up" I said scared. It was stupid but I felt my eyes sting with tears as I watched him scared that he was in pain and there was nothing I could do to help.
It was about 10 minutes later when he woke shooting straight up and bringing his hand to brush through his messed up hair. He looked beside him only to realise I wasn't there. I could see the panic arise within him as he searched the room for me. I was sitting on the window sill watching him. When his eyes landed on me he sighed in relief.
"What are you doing over there?" His gruff morning voice filled the quiet room.
"You were having a nightmare" I whispered "it was scaring me you wouldn't wake up"
"Come here baby" he said patting the space next to him. "Let's go back to bed hey?"
I nodded silently. "Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" I whispered.
I could feel him nod from our position, I was lying half on top of him and half on the bed.
"What happened?" I asked
"Um well... Y-you were taken from me... And I-I couldn't do anything about it... They had me tied up in some torture chamber" he stuttered as if remembering and reliving his dream all over again. My grip on him tightened as if bringing him out of his trance. " I've never felt so useless in
My life ... I couldn't get you back and I was - I was so scared because -I - I love you so much and I can't bare the thought of losing you." He cried
"It's alright Ash, I love you too and nobody's ever going to take me away from you I'd like to see them try" I said kissing his lips lovingly.

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