Long Way Home

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Now we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere 
Yeah and only took our time to get there
Hiding out in a tree
Catching fire like kerosene

“This is…” you looked around and then down at the ground. “So Ashton Irwin of you.” Ashton grinned at you as you laughed, swinging your legs. Ashton wanted to take you out on a picnic that day but the plans had taken a little detour once you started hitting the road. The two of you ended up buying McDonald’s before heading to a park. You were supposed to be looking for park benches when Ashton had seen a large tree, turning to you with a mischievous grin. Now you were sat in one of the thicker, lower branches. 

“Fries, darling?” Ashton pretended to bat his eyelashes at you and you rolled your eyes, laughing as you took the fries. He took out his own fries and held it up. 

“To your weirdly spontaneous but incredibly cute personality,” you grinned goofily, holding up your fries. He smirked, tapping his pack against yours before the two of you started eating. You continued to swing your legs back and forth happily, realising this was probably one of the best dates you’d ever had. They were all like that with Ashton though, he knew exactly how to make you happy. You slowed your swinging, looping your foot around his calf and resting it against his foot, scooting closer to him. You saw him raise his eyebrows, smiling at you. “I love you,” you said, almost as surprised as Ashton when it came out. He closed the gap between you as he slowly moved along the trunk so that you were now directly side by side, your shoulders would’ve been pressed together if he wasn’t facing you. 

“Say it again,” he said, his eyes trained on to yours. They were clouded over and he looked serious. You grinned. 

“I love you,” you repeated, loudly this time so that anyone walking by the tree would’ve heard you (and then probably would’ve glanced up at the foliage above them thinking they were going insane). Ashton didn’t hesitate then to place his lips on to yours, kissing you with so much force and passion that you had to back up into the tree trunk behind you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your fingers were lost in his hair. Despite how fast and almost desperate the kisses were becoming, his lips felt so soft and warm that you never wanted it to end. When he finally broke away, you were practically out of breath. He gave a half laugh half pant as he grinned at you.

“I love you too.”


Hitting every red light
Kissing at the stop signs darling

“At this rate, we’ll probably get there next year.” Calum rolled his eyes as another red light appeared. Calum had been on tour with the boys for months now, and since he was finally home the two of you wanted to get away, deciding to go on a road trip. You were only passing through a small town, but you’d managed to catch literally every red light possible in the area. You smirked over at Calum, he always got so sassy when he was pissed. 

“We might as well just stop here for a break, maybe it’s a sign,” you widened your eyes teasingly at him. He looked over at you, his lips even more pouted than usual because he was peeved and you smiled, leaning across quickly and placing a peck on his lips. When you pulled back he was smiling, and so when the light turned green the two of you found a place to park your car whilst you walked around the town. It was busy; this place was full of tourists who also seemed to be “stopping by”. 

The two of you walked hand in hand through the area, happy that you finally got to stretch out your legs after sitting in the car for so long. 

“We could get lunch,” Calum offered and you nodded eagerly as the two of you started walking down a street that was full of boutiques and cafes and restaurants. You stopped suddenly, seeing a sign that declared ‘WELCOME’ to the town, with a stop sign next to hit for the intersection that led to the lane. It would be perfect for a photo as memories from this road trip. 

“Let’s get a photo!” You said, pointing to the sign and Calum nodded. You pulled out your Polaroid, asking an older couple if one of them could take a photo of you and Cal. The woman smiled fondly, nodding and taking the camera. You stood with Calum underneath the sign, wrapping an arm around his waist. The woman counted down and just before she said three, Calum spun you into him with his arm quickly, kissing you quickly. The manoeuvre had just made the shot and when Calum pulled away grinning smugly, your expression was surprised. Laughing, the woman handed you back the camera and the photo that still hadn’t properly developed yet. You turned back to Calum, narrowing your eyes teasingly as he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows and sticking out his hand. 

“Lunch?” He asked.


Remember all the memories
The fireflies and make believe

“You can’t hide forever!” You heard Luke call and you covered your hand over your mouth, laughing quietly to yourself. There was a lights festival going on in your city, so the park you and Luke were in was entirely lit up, looking almost enchanted. Fair lights wrapped their way around greek trunks and small lanterns hung in a long chain running along one lamppost to the other. You were hidden behind a lit up tree and you could see Luke walking around, smiling to himself. You watched as he turned slightly, his eyes connecting with yours and he broke out into a mischievous grin, breaking out into a playful run towards you. Laughing, you pushed yourself away from the tree and ran into the open grass, only knowing where you were going from the warm light the lanterns above you were casting. 

“Gotcha!” Luke play tackled you to the ground and you cried out as he started tickling you, making you thrash around like an idiot as he laughed, his eyes bright with amusement. 

“Stop!” You managed to pant out through your hysterical laughs and he chuckled, ceasing the tickling and lying down next to you. As you caught your breath, you felt his his hand near yours, his pinkie finger lightly caressing the side of your hand. Your fingers laced with his as the two of you looked up at the fairy lights and you smiled. “They look like fireflies,” you said quietly, looking over at him to see his eyes trained on to you. He leaned closer to your face slowly and you closed the distance just as easily, your lips connecting with his softly.


Kicking back at the old school yard
Singing songs on our guitars

“La, la, la, Y/N is a fart! La, la, la, she likes to fart, la la la.” Michael sang around you stupidly, playing random chords on the guitar you had been using. It was normal for Michael to pick you up from school, and he knew that he’d find you in one of the music rooms playing around with a guitar, but he’d been in an extra-good mood this afternoon, hence him deciding to serenade you. You raised an eyebrow.

“A fart song? Really?” You asked, watching Michael bite down on his lip. You could tell he was trying so hard not to laugh so you leaned forward, giving him a solemn look. “Fart.” You said seriously and Michael burst out into a fit of gleeful laughter, holding the guitar in one hand and clutching his stomach with the other. You laughed too, shaking your head. “Sing me a proper song,” you begged and he frowned slightly. You’d been to plenty of shows but he rarely ever did anything as intimate as just singing a song to you and only you. The two of you were a pretty goofy couple, so these moments were weighed heavily. 

He sat down in front of you, his eyes searching yours for a moment before he nodded, playing a particular song for you. You watched as he shyly stared down at his guitar as he sang. Not that he would ever admit to it, but to him you were his harshest critic. Not in a bad way, but Michael always wanted to impress you. Especially with his singing. You could see that he was nervous so you scooted closer, resting a hand gently on his knee. He looked up, continuing to sing, and when he saw you smiling at him warmly he became a lot more confident, singing directly to you, never breaking eye contact. The minute he finished he put the guitar down, not even letting you tell him how amazing that was before his hands were cradling your face and he was kissing you deeply and passionately, you pushing back with the same force. Maybe the two of you could be intimate with each other a lot more often. 

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