You go into labor when you're on tour with them

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Credit (somethinglikeasweater)
Calum: He hated having to leave you during the day. You were heavily pregnant, due any day, and on tour with the band. He had refuse to leave you in Australia alone for anytime after the two of you found out you were pregnant. "I can't risk anything happening and not being there for you." And, "I don't want to miss a single bit of this pregnancy." He told you as he packed your bags for you. Ignoring your protests of saying you can always stay with his parents. The guys had a busy day of interviews before a show, you were too tired to keep up with their schedule, luckily you were in the same city where Calum's sister lived. You had barely knocked on the door when it was flung open and in her arms. "Oh my god, Y/N, I've missed you so much!! And look at you, you look incredible." She gushed, placing a kiss on your cheek before rubbing your large bump. "Thanks Mali, although I feel a little less than incredible I want this kid out of me." "Don't worry darling, she'll be out any day." You nodded, accepting a cup of tea before hearing Mali's phone go off. "Also your husband keeps calling and texting me to tell me what to do and trying to sneakily check on you." Grabbing her phone you answered, "Stop worrying Cal, I'm fine we're just sitting and talking." "Tell Mali to stop telling you that I'm using her as your spy. I love you babe. Tell my baby I said hi and that she can't come until I'm back with you." "I love you too Cal." After a few hours you felt a strong pain in your stomach, "Are you ok babe?" She asked, concern filling her eyes as you held your breath and tensed your whole body. "Uhm yea. Just a leg cramp, it's no big deal they happen all the time." You lied, excusing yourself, you waddled off to the bathroom to feel a liquid drip down your legs. Sitting down on the bathroom floor you called for Mali, " We have a problem." Clenching your eyes shut in pain, you heard the thud of heavy footsteps come down the hall. A smirking Calum walking into the room, "What are you doing here?" " Call it fathers intuition. And Mali texted me saying she could tell something was happening. I knew it was stupid to leave you." "We couldn't have known this was going to happen, I'd rather have my water break here than in a tv studio. Pulling you off the floor into his arms he soothingly rubbed your back before asking, "Are you ready to have this baby?" "I don't have much of a choice, she's definitely coming. Are you ready to have a tour baby?" "More ready than you could ever know."
Luke: Your water had broken in the middle of their set. And you weren't about to interrupt his show to tell him that you were in labor. Your contractions weren't even that close together. Or at least that's what you were telling yourself. Laying on a couch in their dressing room you were gripping onto his mother's and his brothers wife's hand for dear life. Groaning as another contraction ripped through your body, "This is bad, very, very bad. It hurts make it stop." Liz gently pushing your hair out of your face and stroking your cheek. "It's ok love, it'll all be over soon." She reassured. You could here the heavy patter of feet sprinting down the hall and knew they were Luke before he tripped his way into the door. "Why didn't you tell me she was in labor?" He questioned his family; panic in his expression as he kneeled beside you, pressing a quick kiss to the back of your hand. His mother holding her hands up in surrender letting you explain, "I told them not to. It hasn't been long, I wasn't going to interrupt your show." "Baby over everything love." "I'm sorry, I just thought I could handle it." He leaned up and placed a tender kiss to your temple. "You can handle it, you're strong. I'd just rather not miss the birth of my baby just because you didn't want to interrupt a concert." Still trying to hide his panic at the fact you were having a baby he looked over at his mother, "Do we have time to make it to a hospital?" A little freaked over the idea of having to deliver his baby himself. "If we hurry. Her contractions are getting closer together, she probably won't have time to get an epidural." "Let's go have this baby." Letting out a whimper when you dug his fingernails into his hand. "Ok, but first you need to stop being one." Rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out at you, he was amazed about how you still had a sense of humor while having contractions. You really were strong.
Michael: After a long day of rehearsing and playing a show Michael nothing wanted more than to just lay down with you in his arms. And while you couldn't do that in his bunk anymore, with a big baby bump and all, he was happy to move to the couch in the back room. He was softly rubbing circles on your belly as you curled into him and let the soft roar of the tires soothe you to sleep. Unfortunately that sleep did not last long. You were soon woken with a hard kick to your ribs, and a previous pain coming back. After a few minutes the pain came back, and then back again, and again. Noticing Michael had fallen asleep too you quickly shook him awake. "What? What's wrong?" He asked sitting up fast, thankful that you had trained him to be easier to wake up. "I need you to figure out where we are." Not bothering to ask questions, he stumbled down the hall to the driver. Bracing yourself as you felt another contraction spread through you. "He said we're about thirty miles away from the next city. What's going on?" He asked, letting you reach for his hand and give it a firm squeeze. "In the next city we have to stop at a hospital. I don't know if they're the real thing but I'm having some kind of contractions." Eyes going wide when you felt your water break. Sharing the panicked look Michael had. "Yea, I'm definitely going into labor." Worried that you sent Michael into shock, he was blankly staring at you with his jaw dropped, you lightly slapped his cheek. "The baby is coming?" "Yes, Michael, I'm seriously having a baby." "Holy shit."
Ashton: You giggled as Lauren chose the brightest color of pink to paint your fingernails. Thankful that your epidural had finally kicked in and you weren't in so much pain anymore. You looked over when you felt someone grab that hand that wasn't being worked on by your sister-in-law. "You can probably guess that I almost had a heart attack when I found out my wife had been taken to the hospital to have my baby without me." You sighed and rolled your eyes before stroking his cheek in apology. "I'm sorry. But you guys were practicing and you looked so into it. I didn't want to bother you. This little one is taking his time, I just had my epidural so you've missed all the horrible pain." He sent you a small smile before kissing your hand. "While I appreciate that, maybe I didn't want to miss the horrible pain. I wanted to be there for you to squeeze and almost break my hand." "Well you're here now. You'll get to hold my leg, see all the grossness that comes out of all my lady bits, you'll get to cut the cord please don't faint. You'll get to see him be born." Pleased that you were able to make his smile grow larger, "That's all that really matters then. Let's have a son."

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