Daddy 5sos: First Impressions

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Ashton: Your first child, a beautiful baby boy, had just been born and Ashton was there with you through every step of the way. He was just as nervous as you were, except he wasn't the one having the baby. "Mr.Irwin, would you like to hold your son?" One of the nurses asked while you were asleep. "I would love to." Ashton gleamed as the nurse handed your son off to his adoring father. "Hi baby boy, I'm your daddy. I'm so happy I finally got to meet you. Mummy is over there sleeping, but you already know her. I hope you love me as much as I love you. We're going to have so much fun together..I can't wait to watch you grow into a wonderful young man. Just don't grow up too fast please!" Ashton quietly giggled to himself. You heard him and woke up to the sight of him holding his son against his chest. "We have a baby!" Ashton whispered as he noticed you had woken up. "Indeed we do." You laughed as Ashton smiled down at your child.

Calum: Your fifteen year old daughter had just announced to you that she had a new boyfriend and was worried about telling your husband, Calum. "I'm sure dad would be fine with him. He's very laid back, you know that." You reassured. "Yeah but what if he doesn't like him?" Your daughter frowned. She had had a couple of other boyfriends and Cal only actually liked one of them. "Hey, why don't you invite this boy over for dinner and surprise your father? It'll be fun!" You suggested as you got up to leave your daughters room. She agreed as you went down to the kitchen to make dinner. When her boyfriend arrived, Calum quickly answered the door. "Hello sir, I'm your daughters boyfriend." The strange face said as he held out a hand to Calum. "Um, dear? Since when did our daughter have a boyfriend?" You giggled at Calum's reaction then invited the boy into your cozy home. Funny thing is after

Calum got over the shock factor he actually ended up liking this kid better than any of the others.

Michael: "Daddy I don't want to go to school!" Your four year old son cried at your husband on the first day of kindergarten. "I know bud, but you have to. You're going to be so smart, just like your mummy." Michael smiled. "What if no one likes me daddy? I want to make friends and be nice to everyone." You son said, slowly stopping his crying. "Is that why you're worrying?" Michael said, wiping a tear from his face. "It's okay honey, not everyone is going to like you but you will make some friends. We promise." You smiled. "Oh, and you have to make a good first impression to your teacher so that she likes you too." Michael smirked. "Are you telling our son to be a suck-up?" You started laughing. "How do you think I got through school?" Michael laughed, placing your son in his booster seat. "I always thought it was the charming good looks but I guess not." You smirked as he got into the drivers seat and drove to your sons school. When you arrived you both walked him to class. "Hey buddy, trust me. Everyone is going to love you. You're a Clifford for gods sake. Have a fun day. Mummy and I will be waiting right here for you at 3 okay?" Michael smiled as he hugged his little boy. "What daddy said." You giggled as you leaned down and also hugged your son. "Love you!" Both you and Michael called as your son walked into class.

Luke: When your daughter said her first words about four years before her sixth birthday, she had an obvious Australian accent, which she had picked up from her father. With her being six now and meeting a lot more people and talking a lot more, first impressions were hard for her. With you and Luke living in America for a little while, both Luke and her accent's didn't really match American culture. While all the girls swooned over Luke's, all the kids teased your daughter's. "It's okay baby, daddy loves you and your voice. You sound just like me!" Luke said as he tried to comfort his sad daughter. "How about we go have some fun at the park, huh? First one to the car gets to pick which park!" Luke suggested as he saw his girl perk up a little. You laughed as you watched your daughter and husband run towards the car, she was ahead of him of course. At the park your daughter encountered a new friend, who took a liking to your daughter's accent, for once. The other little girls mum went and sat with you and Luke and chatted with you for a while. "I think it's great that she's a little different. It's cute." The other mum said to you, making you smile. "This is the first time in a while that someone has said that, this encounter is going way better than I thought." You said leaning into Luke, who was happy that his baby girl had someone new to play with

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