Meeting the Family

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Btw from August 11-15 I'll be at overnight camp and won't be able to post

Credit to tumblr (cliffobaby)

Luke: His hands were sweaty and his breathing was starting to get heavy as you pulled his Tahoe into the driveway of your parents' Texan home. You smiled brightly at the huge house before you as you turned in the back to grab the dish you'd prepared for the dinner, but you stopped once you saw the sweat literally glistening around Luke's arms and on his neck. A grin made its way onto your face once you realized that on both sides - inside and out - Luke was freaking out about meeting your parents for the first time. Especially since they'd basically told you before that they didn't think he'd be able to support the two of you with his 'silly music career', but you'd assured Luke that you were rebellios, whether if they wanted you two together or not wasn't going to change how you felt about him - so you didn't see why he was so nervous. "Baby," You whisper as you grab the dish and lean back up to the front, pointing towards the house. "They're waiting on us. Are you ready?" You ask him softly, bringing one hand down onto his knee. Luke swallows hard and shakes his head, finally admitting it to the both of you. He wasn't ready, and he wasn't sure if he ever would be. "Luke," You groan with a chuckle as you continue to make your way out of the car. You shut your door and walk over to his side, placing the dish onto his lap as he subconsciously grips it and looks at you. "It's just my mom home today, if that makes it any easier. Dad's out of town on some business trip. Does that help?" You ask him, relief washing over you once you saw that smile fighting its way onto Luke's face. He unbuckles his belt and gets out of the seat, getting out and walking tp the front door of your parents' house with you. In a matter of seconds, your mom was at the door with a huge smile on her face. "(Y/N)! Hi, dear," She calls as she pulls you into a hug, taking the dish from your hands as she turns and looks at Luke. "You must be the boyfriend, hi! (Y/N) never did tell me you were this handsome," She winks at you - and from then on, Luke felt more relieved to be meeting your family.

Ashton: "Oh good god, I'm gonna throw up," You mutter as the two of you make it into his mother's driveway. Ashton giggles and shakes his head, running his thumb over your knuckles to try and calm you down. He brings an arm around you and hugs you closer into his side as he rings the doorbell, causing your stomach to churn even more than it was just moments before. "You're gonna be fine, (Y/N). Stop freaking out so much." He chuckles as you shake your head. He didn't understand that you were absolutely terrible at first impressions. It surprised you that your first time meeting Ashton hadn't ended up being a huge fail, and now that you were meeting his mother and brother and sister? Oh god, you felt an upchuck coming up to your throat. As soon as you were about to turn and tell Ashton that you were about to vomit, the door swung open and Anne stood smiling, hands on her hips as she looked at her son and the girl who'd taken the role of his other half for the past three months. "Hi, Ash!" She squeals, bringing him into a bone-crushing hug before she pulled away and opened her arms softly to you, ushering you into a hug as well. "It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N). Ashton has talked about you so much, it's nice to see the real deal." She chuckles as she moves to the side and pushes you two into the house. You felt a little more at ease since she hadn't been like any other mother - hounding you with questions as soon as you got to the door and making you feel guilty for being romantically involved with her child - but that easy feeling you felt went away as soon as Lauren and Harry made their way into the kitchen, both running and hugging Ashton together in a family group hug. "I missed you guys so much! But hey, look who I brought," Ashton says to them, motioning towards your still figure that still stood at the entrance of the home. Lauren walked over to you and smiled, sticking out her hand for you to shake. "Hi, (Y/N). I'm Lauren, Ashton's sister. Nice to meet you." She says softly before releasing your hand and walking over to help Anne with the rest of the dinner. Harry blushed lightly as he walked up to you, his arms crossed across his chest as he looked at you. "I'm Harry, Ashton's little brother. You're really pretty, you know." He whispers, causing you to let out a little giggle. "Thank you." You grinned as Ashton walked over and threw an arm around your shoulder. "Yeah, I think she's really pretty, too." He smiles - maybe meeting his family really wasn't that big of a deal.

Calum: He sat completely still - only his leg bouncing up and down as you leaned against him in your parents' living room, watching some crappy re runs of some of your dad's favorite movies as you all sat in silence. The dinner had went awkwardly since Calum didn't have much to say, and when he told your parents that he was constantly touring and he barely got to see you anymore, it'd put ice on the fire and they weren't too accepting of the fact that he left you alone a lot of the time. You'd tried to explain to them that it wasn't a big deal and that Calum didn't cheat on you while he was away - but they weren't having it and they'd muted the two of you out since that small announcement. Now you all sat awaiting the next step, the next say in to how their relationship with Calum was going to grow within the time being of you two dating. "Calum, (Y/N)," Your father speaks up from his spot beside your mother in the recliner, turning to face you as he turned the TV volume all the way down. "I - er, well, we thought it over, and we want to talk about the two of you together during this whole... touring process." Your dad sighs, rubbing his temples slowly as Calum sits up and brings you with him, your hands still laced together as you waited for what was about to be said. "Calum," Your dad calls again, causing your boyfriend to nod his head. "How do you expect to keep a healthy relationship with my daughter if you're not with her the majority of the time?" He asks, getting the serious question out of the way. You sigh and cover your face with your free hand as Calum takes a deep breath, thinking of the smartest way to answer the question in order to please your parents. "Sir," Calum starts, "I love your daughter very much - and even though I'm away from her a lot of the time, we still text and Skype and call each other while we're apart. I mean, that isn't much to prove how dedicated to this relationship that I am and I know that; I might even bring her out on tour with me one of these days, but I promise you that I'm just not going to half-ass this relationship - excuse my language." He says seriously, causing your heart to speed up at how much each word meant when it came out of his mouth and into the open air that the four of you were sharing. Your mother had a smile upon her face and even though he hated to admit it, your father was pleased with the answer Calum had given. "Good luck with my daughter, son. Don't let her - or us - down." He says.

Michael: "Hi, sweetheart! You must be (Y/N)." Karen smiles through the Skype screen as you and Michael both squeeze into the camera's shot. You smile and wave back at her, just as eager and excited as she was that the two of you finally got to meet after all the time that you and Michael had been together. "It's so nice to finally get to meet you instead of just listening to you over the phone." She chuckles as Michael nods his head and you agree. "Well, you look good! Has my boy been treating you right?" Karen asks, and you nod as you begin to discuss how well your relationship with Michael had been going over the past three months. You discussed some of the more serious matters - if the two of you were going to last and how strongly you felt about each other, and you'd even discussed some of the lighter matters - where your first date was and who asked who out to get together in the first place. You were actually quite surprised at how easy it was to talk to Karen, and how well she was to get along with. But you were happy that you'd been able to hold up a good and decent relationship with her as well as with Michael. How awkward would it be if you were with her son but you didn't have a good relationship with her? You'd talked to Karen for over an hour when Michael called from down the hall - which was sad, because you hadn't even realized that he left. "(Y/N)! Can you come help me with this load of laundry?" He calls to you, causing you to groan and nod your head. You look down into the camera at his mom who was still smiling as wide as you were. "I've gotta go help Michael in the laundry room, Karen. It was nice finally getting to meet you!" You call out eagerly as she returns the same statement, nodding her head towards you. "It was nice to meet you too, sweetheart. I'm glad the two of you are happy together." She says softly. Just as you were about to reply, Michael called out to you again, causing the two of you to laugh. "I've gotta go. Bye!" You wave off, closing the chat and logging out of Skype. It wasn't so weird to meet Michael's family!

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