Radio calls

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Credit (ah_tiffy)


Finally your favorite band was in your home town and more importantly, on the local radio.

You fumbled with the phone a bit before hitting call.

"Next we have Y/N from Y/H/T, what's your problem sweetie?" A man said on the other side.

There was a pause of shock then You managed to get out, "hi, I. Um. My problem is I have this huge crush on the guy, that doesn't even know I exist."

"Oh we've all been there." Calum chuckles.

"Oooo what's he like?" Michael asks.

"Well, he has beautiful blond curls, adorable rounded glasses, and he's an amazing drummer." You smile.

"Hey guys," Ashton starts, "save this number, I'll give her a ring later."


"Hello caller, you're on with 5 seconds of summer, what's your name sweetheart?" The radio DJ said.

"Hi, this is y/n hemmings to call for my brother. Yknow the one who has been ignoring my calls? He needs to get his butt back home because a certain childhood friend is here to see him." You said sarcastically.

"Oh ha, ha, ha, very funny y/n, this is a way of connecting with my fans and you take up time with your stupid call." Luke scoffs.

"Oh, If you wanna connect with your fans, why don't I post that picture of you in your little penguin pajamas when you were 10?" You asked smirking.

"No, no, no y/n do that and-"


Within the minute Twitter was exploding because of that photo.

"Honest man, your sister is pretty hilarious." Calum chuckled.

"Hood, go near her you die." Luke scowled.

"I'm pretty sure that's not your choice." You tweeted.


You were on the radio with your band, Compared to Nothing, and we're taking calls from fans.

"Y/n this call's for you take it away."

"Hi." You hear a smooth voice on the line.

"Hi." You say back sweetly.

You heard a few giggles and finally, "hey, this is Ashton from 5 seconds of summer, my best buddy Michael wanted to know if you would like to go out with him." It sounded like the phone hit the floor.

"Ashton you *bleep bleep bleeeeep*" Michael said in the background.

"Well, if it helps any, I would love to go out with you." You smile to yourself.

"What really?" He asked.

"Yes really you pleb." You chuckled.

"Pick you up at 8."


You were a teenage heartthrob. You caught your lucky break at the age of 14, staring on the CW's hit show, the flash."

Everyone at your school adored you but they were always too scared to talk to you.

Maybe they were starstruck.

Anyway, home coming was coming up and no surprise, you didn't have a date, not that people didn't wanna go with you, people always thought you were taken.

After school was let out you were rushed to the radio station for an interview.

"So, y/n, how's school? How're the boys treating you?" The interviewer asked.

"Schools fine, but as for boys, not so fine." You sigh.

"But home coming is right around the corner, no date?" She asked.

"No date." You confirmed.

"Well, their loss, amirite?" She giggled. "So, any boys catch your fancy?"

This made you blush like crazy.

"Um, actually yes. It's embarrassing, he'd never like me back and it's crazy to think that he would." You sigh.

"Nonsense, what's he like?" She was really intrigued by your love life.

"Um, he's really tall, cutest blond hair in the world, he's always cute quiet and awkward but he makes it work, and the list goes on."

"Well, that's lovely. Young love at its prime. Oh okay, according to The booth, we're getting an urgent call. What's up caller?"

"Hey." You'd recognize that voice anywhere, blush creeping up on your cheeks.

"It's um, Luke? Luke hemmings? That 'really tall, cutest blond hair in the world, always cute quiet and awkward but I make it work' guy?" He chuckled.

You were speechless. He listened to you babble on about him.

"I just wanted to let you know you were totally off, I could totally like you back and I totally do. That being said, y/n y/l/n, will you accompany me to homecoming?"

You were still speechless.

"She says yes!" The interview finally called out.


Surprise lol I'm super tired

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