You Walk Out pt 2

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Your phone was flooded with texts missed calls and FaceTime requests.

"You should call him back." Y/BFF/N said.

"I know I should. But I don't know if I'm ready to face him." You shrug.

"You can't leave him like this forever." She nags.

"Fine okay I'll talk to him now geez mom." You scoff. You pick up the next phone call.

"Ashton?" You say into the phone.

"Y/n. Y/n you have no idea how good it feels to hear your voice again." He sighs.

"Can I come over, we do need to talk." You could feel your heart race.

"Yeah of course, this is still your home." He chuckles.

"I'll be over in a few minutes." You hung up the phone and fixed your hair a bit.

You drive over and knocked on the door. The door immediately swigged open and you were attacked with hugs and kisses and apologies.

"Y/n I'm so sorry I've been a sucky boyfriend and I don't blame you if you want to leave me forever but please don't because that would make me the saddest man on the planet and-"

"Ash, baby, calm down. I shouldn't of walked out, I should have talked to you instead and-"

"Wanna just skip the apologies and go cuddle and watch Netflix?" He suggested.

"You know me so well." You smiled into a kiss.


It's been 3 days and you haven't heard from Luke so you figured my gave up on you.

Until you got a call from Michael.

"uhhhh, Y/n you need to like get over here now because Luke's been drinking nonstop and he's like drunk Luke but like super drunk Luke which would be the shittiest super hero ever so anyway come as soon as possible because his crying and mopey and now refuses to come out of his room. Call me back okay bye."

You haven't driven that fast since you rushed my neighbor to the hospital.

You knock on the door, which quickly opens with a very tired Michael behind it.

"so glad youre here, I'm gonna leave because I've never seen Luke this bad and it's scaring me also don't wanna be here when y'all do the nasty when you make up so." He rushed to his car and You walked inside.

You used the secret key You hid in the kitchen to unlock the door.

"I said GO AWAY MICHAEL." Luke aggressively throws a bottle of whiskey that lands on the wall next to me.

"Okay Mr. Fiesty pants you need to calm down." You calmly say walking over to him.

"Ha Ha Michael was right, too much drinking I'm starting to see things."

"No Luke its really me." You chuckle.

"Hi y/n that's a figure of my imagination." he half smiles.

"No Luke listen to me. You're too drunk and you really need to sober up now. I'm sorry I have to do this." You kiss him passionately then slap him as hard as you could.

"It really is you." He smiles. "OOOOWWWWWW." He reacts like 5 seconds later. (hehe see what I did there? 😏)

"Listen to me. Go take a shower you puked on yourself and seriously dude what died in here?"

"My heart." He looks down.

"I'm staying here, your heart doesn't need to be dead anymore."

"No, my hearts dead because I drove you away. Which means it won't be hard to do again." He started crying softly.

"Do you understand why I left? I left because I needed you to sober up." You bring him into a tight embrace.

"I'm giving up drinking. Forever." He cries.

"Luke, I love you. And I will always love you." You start rubbing his back.

"I'm starting to sober up a bit, and starting to smell the puke. I'm gonna go take a shower." he stands up and starts stripping his shirt off his body.

"Care to join me?" He winks.


You stayed at Ashton's house for a little while.

There was a knock at the door.

"It's probably him again, go hide in the kitchen." Ashton demands.

You run to the kitchen as Ashton opens the door.

"Is Y/N here?" Michael asks.

"yes." Ashton says coldly, blocking the door.

"Can I talk to her?" He asks.

"I don't know are you gonna break her heart again?" Ashton was being too hard on Michael and you knew it. You slowly crept up behind Ashton.

"Ashton I got this." You try to push him away.

"No I'm not gonna have this little prick destroy your heart again." He slams the door.

"Ash, you're being too hard on him." You pushed him down onto the couch and went back to the front door.

You hesitated before opening the door.

"Y/n." Michael calls through the door. "Y/n I'm sorry." He whines. "y/n are you there? ... Y/n you're pretty." he said making you laugh.

You open the door and immediately kiss him.

"I'm sorry for being a douche and not listening to you." He pulls away from the kiss.

"Shut up and kiss me." you sigh.

"Aw guy, not on my front yard." Ashton comes out from behind you.

"Then shall we take this back home?" Michael smirks.


You stayed with Ash for a few days.

"You should really go back to him I promise he'll explain everything." Ash pleads.

"Do you know something I don't?" you ask.

"Maybe." Ashton smirks.

~New Message From: Caly Bear<3~

If you're willing to accept my apology meet me back at the house in 10 minutes, I'll show you why I've been so secretive.

"You have to go." Ashton pushes you to get ready.

You drive back and see all of the lights off. You see a small note on the front door.

'Follow your dreams.' Was written on the note.

You opened the door to see everywhere covered in candles and rose pedals covered the floor making a path.

The next note said, 'Be fluent in 3 different languages.'

You smile as you remember you once told him your bucket list and this was number one.

The next one said, 'Read the entire dictionary cover to cover.'

This went on for a few more notes until I reached our bedroom.

The last note said, 'Added by Calum Hood: Become y/n Hood.'

You open the door to find Calum standing there in a suit bending down on knee.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I've loved you ever since I laid eyes on you in the 6th grade. I knew one day I'd fall in love and get married, but I never thought you'd like me enough to endure me. You are my love and my life, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" you became a bit teary eyed before you said yes.

"Now you see why I needed to keep this a secret?"

"I love you Mr. Hood."

"I love you Mrs. Hood."

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