Its your Birthday

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Luke: You woke up and rolled over to find the other half of your bed empty. You slid one of Luke’s shirts on and padded down the stairs, catching Luke at the door. “Thanks again Mrs. Y/L/N,” you heard Luke say, “I know she’ll love it.” He shut the door and turned around, smiling to himself. He jumped when he saw you watching him, but then broke out into a run, scooping you up in his arms instantly. “Happy Birthday!” he whispered as he hugged you closely. “What was my mom doing here?” you asked instantly. “Never mind that,” Luke answered quickly, “Come on.” He led you to the kitchen where a pile of pancakes sat, piled high with whipped cream and berries, and a plate of bacon sent a heavenly smell through the air. “Your favorite!” Luke cheered proudly. He pushed you toward the table, forcing you to sit before hurrying to pour two cups of coffee. “Did my mom come over to bake this?” you asked with a laugh. “Well, I tried to do it myself,” Luke explained, embarrassed, “But it didn’t end up well.” He nodded to the area behind him where you saw a plate of charred bacon and something on the floor that must have been pancake batter. “You’re so cute,” you chuckled, smiling fondly at your helpless boyfriend. “Not today,” he corrected as he sat beside you, “Today you’re the only cute one. It’s your birthday!” He grabbed a birthday tiara from the table and placed it carefully in your hair. You rolled your eyes, but knew better than to argue with Luke’s birthday logic. “Now dig in!” he insisted, pushing the pancakes toward you. “You’re gonna eat these too, right?” you asked, eyeing the massive pile of pancakes with trepidation. “If the Birthday Princess wants me to, then I’ll eat them,” he informed you with a smile. “Prince Luke, eat these pancakes with me,” you requested in your most pompous, royal-sounding voice. “I would be happy to, my love,” he responded, kissing your cheek swiftly. 

Michael: He was nervous, and you could tell. You eyed him curiously and he refused to meet your eyes like he had done all day. His hand reached for yours across the console, and you took it in your own, giving it a reassuring squeeze to relax him. “Here we are,” he breathed out with a smile as he put the car in park. He stepped out of the car and as he hurried around to get your door, you admired how great he looked in his button up and tie, a nice change from his usual tee. “My lovely lady,” he bowed as he opened your door. You giggled and accepted the hand he offered you. “Happy Birthday,” he mumbled, kissing your cheek. You headed into your favorite restaurant and Michael seemed more tense than ever. You hoped he wouldn’t be so nervous all night. He opened the restaurant door for you and as you entered you were met with a chorus of “Surprise!” You looked around, seeing all of your friends smiling at you. You laughed as they hurried over to you, covering you in Happy Birthday hugs. “Thank you so much,” you offered, overwhelmed with love for your friends. “Don’t thank us,” a friend informed you, “Thank Michael. He put this all together.” You turned to your boyfriend, waiting a few feet away for you to finish greeting your friends. “You planned this?” you asked in awe. “I mean, I had some help,” he insisted, blushing. “Don’t be modest,” your friend insisted, rolling her eyes, “He’s been working on this for weeks.” “Michael!” you squealed before kissing him. “It’s not a big deal,” he chuckled, although his smile showed how proud he was of the successful surprise. “You’re amazing, you know that?” you sighed in contentment, observing the decorations from Michael’s side and smiling up at him. “Yeah, yeah, I’m the best boyfriend ever. It’s whatever,” he joked with a casual shrug. “I love you,” you admitted for the first time. “I wanted to say it first,” Michael whined, making you laugh. “Sorry,” you chuckled, “I take it back.” “I love you,” Michael sighed, kissing you to prove it.

Calum: “3…2…1!” Calum counted down, staring at the clock in his bedroom. “Dammit I was off,” he muttered as you laughed. “Oh! Happy Birthday!” he shouted when the clock changed to 12:00. He tackled you onto the bed, peppering you with kisses. “Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!” Calum cheered between kisses. “Calum, stop!” you begged, his weight on top of you making it difficult to breathe. “Sorry,” he laughed as he rolled off of you, “I’m just excited!” “You weren’t even this excited for your own birthday,” you pointed out with a laugh. “I’m excited for you to open your presents,” he admitted, an uncontrollable grin forming. “Can I open now?” you asked eagerly, sitting up on your knees and giving Calum your best puppy dog eyes. “Alright,” he gave in almost instantly. He reached under the bed and pulled out a neatly wrapped box. “Can I open?” you asked , your fingers inching toward the wrapping already. “One second,” Calum muttered, grabbing his phone and beginning to record you. You tore into the wrapping and removed the lid, finding a slip of paper inside. “Read it out loud,” Calum instructed as you pulled out the paper. “It’s a plane ticket,” you realized. “Two plane tickets,” Calum corrected with a proud smile. “To - to Paris?” you asked, thinking you must have read it wrong or maybe Calum was tricking you. “Two tickets to Paris!” Calum confirmed with a chuckle. “No way,” you rejected, still not believing it. “Yes way!” Calum laughed, “I took care of everything! I got you time off from work, I booked our flight and our hotel, everything will be perfect, and we leave in a week.” “I love you,” you informed him, beaming uncontrollably. “That was the goal,” Calum responded proudly, “Now I’ll shut off this camera and you can have part two of your present.”

Ashton: Ashton couldn’t help smiling as he fished out his key to your apartment in the early morning of your birthday. He crept inside in silence to get to work on your cake. He unloaded the ingredients he had purchased on the way over and pulled out a bowl to begin. He checked the clock nearly every minute, both hoping that you would not wake before the cake was ready and wishing he could see you right this second. Five months was too long, and he felt he couldn’t wait another second to see the surprised smile you would wear when you saw that he had come home early. Distracted by his thoughts of you, Ashton didn’t see the carton of eggs on the counter until his elbow had hit it, causing it to fall with a crash. He swore under his breath as he observed the dozen cracked eggs covering the floor. “She probably has eggs,” he muttered. Searching your fridge, he was lucky in finding two eggs left in a carton. He added them to the mix, relieved that his plan was not ruined. He mixed the batter and placed it in the oven. He took a seat and checked the clock again, surprised that it was still so early. He couldn’t help but notice how tired he was. The red-eye flight mixed with the jet lag had left him with little rest, and as the minutes passed his eyes began to close. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep, and he didn’t realize the buzzer for the oven had gone off. It was the sound of the fire alarm that tore him from his morning nap. He jumped up, grabbing the oven mitts and hurrying to pull the cake out. The cloud of smoke and charred cake was not a pretty sight for Ashton. He waved his hand through the smoke, hoping to clear it away and salvage a bit of the cake. “Ashton?” your familiar, sleepy voice made him freeze. “I’m dreaming,” you realized as you surveyed the scene. “Happy Birthday,” Ashton offered weakly. “You’re really here?” you asked in awe, pinching yourself to ensure you were awake. Ashton nodded and smiled innocently, hoping his surprise visit would be enough to get you to overlook the disaster that had occurred in your kitchen. “Ashton!” you squealed, running toward him full speed. “Oh, look out!” he warned, but it was too late. Slipping on the pile of egg, you went flying and landed flat on your butt. “Ow,” you muttered as Ashton hurriedly offered you a hand. “I spilled some eggs,” he explained bashfully. “I don’t care,” you insisted, standing up and wrapping your arms around him, “You’re here!” “You were supposed to wake up to a nice cake,” Ashton explained between your kisses. “I don’t care,” you repeated, “We can buy a cake. You’re the best birthday present I could get.”

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