You think he's Gonna Hit You but he Doesn't

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Credit (englishloveaffairgivesmehope)

Michael: "For fuck sake were leaving" my boyfriend Michael yelled over the music at the club we were currently in.

He was angry at me I could tell. But I was only playing him at his own game. He was openly flirting with a fake bleach blonde haired girl at the bar previously in the club so I decided to get back at him and flirt with this cute guy who kept trying to get my attention.

The guy had just moved his hand to my thigh when Michael had stormed over and grabbed me taking me out of the club swearing and mumbling about how I shouldn't of let the guy touch me.

That's why at this moment in time we are having a screaming fit at each other in the bedroom.

"I can't believe you would flirt with him" Michael shouted getting angry. His normally pale white skin was turning a nasty shade of red as he kept shouting.

"You're such a hypocrite!" I shouted back in defence.

"Excuse me?" He asked sarcastically

"You are! I only flirted back with him because you were basically eye fucking that blonde whore at the bar!" I shouted feeling angry tears at form at the back of my eyes.

He stormed over to me pushing me roughly against the wall.

He stated right into my eyes. "You know I would never look at another person like that" he said seriously.

I looked away. "But you did" I sighed sadly.

"For fuck sake" he growled bringing his hand up into a fist. I flinched away from him thinking it was coming straight at me. But his fist went straight into the wall beside me denting it.

I was shaking by now. "Babe," he brokenly whispered as I shy away from his touch scared.

"Oh god... I-I wasn't going to hit you" he said "I-I would never do that! You know I wouldn't. I'm such an idiot oh god I love you so much please... Please don't leave me" he mumbled a lone tear escaping his left eye.

"I know you wouldn't" I said wiping it away.

Luke: "We are not having this fight again Y/N" Luke sighed

It was silent for a moment. The atmosphere was tense. it was as if any sudden movement or word would set off a ticking bomb.

"Just please let it go" he said tired leg ruining his hands over his face.

"No. I-I can't do this anymore."

"What are you saying?" He whispered brokenly

"You're never here anymore and when you are... You don't come near's - it's like..."

"Is like what?" He said his voice rising

"It's like you don't even love me anymore" I whispered a few tears escaping my eyes.

"DONT YOU DARE SAY I DONT LOVE YOU" he shouted angrily storming over to me. Angry Luke scared me as I rarely saw him like this.

His hand came up and I thought he was going to swipe at me because of the rage within him blinding him. I noticeably flinched away from his hand but all he did was bring it up to point in my face.

"Never eve-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw me flinch.

He looked at me in shock and confusion before sitting on the bed holding his head in his hands looking distressed.

"Oh god" I heard him mumble.

"Luke... What's wrong?" I asked timidly

"You... You thought I was going to hit you didn't you?" He asked quietly. "I would never hit you. You-you know that right!" He asked looking to me expectantly.

"I know that LUke... Hey it's okay" I said soothingly trying to calm him down

"It's just I love you so much"

Ashton: The vein on his neck was starting to make an appearance as he shouted about how I should have told him where I was going and that I wouldn't be back until late.

"ANYTHING could of happened to you" he shouted wailing his arms around in the air.

He took a step forward as I took a step back he swung his hands up gesturing for me to give him an answer but I thought he was going to hit me because he was that angry.

I let out a whimper when his hands were thrown up. He immediately stopped.

"Ash-Ashton" I whispered as he sat down a few tears silently rolling down his cheeks.

He looked up with puffy eyes which broke my heart. "You thought... You thought I was going to hit you" he said shaking his head. "I would never ever lay my hands on you like that! Ever! I love you too much I would never hurt you... P-please" he cried

"Hey hey hey" i said lifting his chin up and pressing my forehead to his. "I know you wouldn't. I love you more than anything. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went but that doesn't matter now. I'm here and you're here. Now let's get some sleep" I sighed getting into bed with him following suit. I wrapped my arms around him from behind in a comforting way as he curled into me.

"I want to keep you safe" he whispered through the dark"

Calum: He was going mental. Chucking everything in his path way destroying his and the boys house.

Michael had called me over telling me there was an emergency with Calum and he was unstoppable.

He thought me being Calum's best friend I would be able to stop him. I was bit expecting what I walked into when I got there.

"What the hells going on?" I asked the boys

"Bridget cheated on him again" Luke sighed.

"Crap, give me 5 minutes" I said

"C-Calum" I choked out having never seen him like this before.

"Go away Y/N" he warned

"No. This isn't fair on the boys. I'm not leaving until you tell me what that slut has done now" I demanded weakly.



"You don't need to fucking remind me" he spat out grabbing a glass dish and throwing it at the wall beside my head. I had to duck if not it might of hit me. It shattered against the wall glass flying and cutting into the skin of both my arms.

Hissing in pain I watched as he crumbled to the floor sobbing.

Baring through the pain I cautiously walked over to him kneeling down in front if him making him look at me.

He saw my eyes and immediately started crying more.

"I'm so sorry" he whimpered " i-I didn't mean to hurt you... I would never purposely hurt you"

"I know Cal. You were just upset. Look she's not worth all this hassle. You'll find someone one day. Who knows, they could be right in front of you" I whispered hoping he would finally realise.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked confused.

"I-i ... Look I don't want to ruin anything but I -I love you. I love you so damn much but you can't see it" I said sadly.

He chuckled quietly to himself. "You should have told me earlier. I only went out with Bridget because I thought you would never love me back. And now I've messed it all up by hurting you." He sighed

"No you haven't. I know you didn't mean too."

"In sorry, I love you so much. I promise I will protect you from getting hurt" he reassured before placing a sweet kiss upon my longing lips.

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