Bus Shenanigans

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Ashton: “I bet you that I can do a much better handstand than you.” He challenged, the words coming randomly. Everyone was holed up on the bus as you all traveled from Los Angeles to Vegas, and you were all extremely bored. Currently, you and Ashton were sat on the couch, stretched out lazily as he rolled his head to the side and lifted his eyebrows in provocation. Calum and Luke tuned in as you snorted, shaking your head. “You’re stupid. You can barely walk on a moving bus, let alone do a handstand.” You jeered, causing the boys to ‘oooooo’ just to rile him up. It worked, and soon he was on his feet in front of the couch, everyone turned to him to see if he could actually do it. He looked to you and licked his lips before readying himself, cracking his neck for dramatic effect. You were unable to keep the smile off your face as you watched, completely sure that he’d fall over in 1.5 seconds if he could even stay up. Sure enough, he bent forward and kicked….falling sideways before even erecting himself, right as the bus went over a bump. He squeaked as he toppled over, bouncing with the vehicle, and you held your stomach as you laughed along with everyone else. “You are so dumb you lanky loser.” You teased, and he flipped you the bird before crawling on top of you on the couch, dragging you off as you hit another bump in the highway. 

Michael: Naturally, on long nights between cities in the US, Michael’s favorite activity was commandeering the television and playing video games until he couldn’t feel his thumbs. Everyone else was stuck trying to find something else to do, but you wanted to spend time with him…even if it meant killing things on a twelve-inch screen. “Which button do I press Mikey?” You said frantically, jabbing all the different colors in hopes that something would happen besides you just swinging around in a bazillion different directions. “The one, press the one I showed you!” He shouted back, bullets firing rapidly from his own gun as he bounced in his seat, moving all over the screen with finesse. You squealed as your life level bar drained faster and faster, and then finally something happened on your bottom screen that had people dropping all over the place and you finally staying in one spot instead of spinning like you were in a tornado. You distinctly heard the laughter of the boys, but you were more focused on trying to figure out what each button did on the controller. “I’m dying, why am I dying?” Michael asked, body moving as he punched buttons at the speed of light. “I dunno!” You shouted, busy trying to control the rapid fire, your heart racing. “Shitfuckfuckfuckshitfuckfuck I’m fucking dying shit holy fuck oh my God fucking fuck-” He continued his mantra as you squealed, rocking side to side. “YOU’RE SHOOTING ME STOP SHOOTING ME!” Michael shouted, spurring you on to start freaking out, only stopping when Michael did, both of your screens going black as he dropped the controller in shock. “You killed me. You shot me.” He said blankly, turning to stare at you with wide green eyes. You couldn’t help but giggle at his expression, screaming as he launched himself at you, pinning you down. “You killed me!” Was what he shouted before he started attacking your sides with quick fingers, reducing you to screams and laughs and tears. 

Calum: You cackled in the corner of the sofa, legs pulled underneath you and sides already aching from laughing at your boyfriend. He and Ashton were currently bopping around the bus to some pop song, snapping their fingers and shaking their hips as they mocked the singer, lip-syncing all the words with flamboyancy. Calum started to shimmy his chest, belting out the lyrics to the chorus, and you were gone, your head lolling back and you laughed without noise, tears leaking from your eyes. You wrapped an arm around your middle, trying to suck in breaths as Ashton shouted at him to do the ‘thing’, and Calum didn’t hesitate before hitting the floor, rolling his hips down to mock Grind on Me, sending you into more bouts of laughter before whooping and clapping at him, Luke joining in and whistling before cat-calling at him. Calum just rolled on his back, lifting his legs in the air as Ashton came around, placing then on the ground in some odd position, arching up and flailing their arms. Luke was recording all of this, and you were still dying with laughter, wondering if you could even take any more nights like these on the bus with the boys. 

Luke: "Lucas! I swear, if you don’t’ fucking stop it!" You threatened, fighting his arms off and trying to to thwack your head on the roof of the bunk. He was grinning as he tried to pin down your arms and pull your hair with the other, while you shouted and squealed and laughed, all while grappling for safety. You pushed a hand into Luke’s face, turning it to the side as he laughed, hand reaching up to squeeze your boob. You squealed, jerking away and smacking the back of your head on the board, then dropping it on his chest and cradling it, hissing. He laughed harder, hands flying to your sides to wiggle his fingers against your ribs, spurring you to scream and writhe, but pushing with your feet to get away. That was a mistake, as you went sideways in the small space, your eyes widening in horror as you hit open air, falling out of the side of the bunk. You grabbed Luke’s arm, screaming as he grabbed your legs and tried to hang on. You were dangling upside down out of the bunk, shouting obscenities at him and trying to keep on the loose shirt, as the boys in the living room had a perfect view of you, including some of the One Direction guys. Luke was laughing so hard you couldn’t even hear him except for the wheezing, and he was struggling to hold you. "LUKE, I HATE YOU SO MUCH! OH MY GOD, I’M GOING TO DIE! I CAN’T REACH!" You shouted, arms dropping to try and get to the ground to cushion your impending blow, and then he let go, leaving you to crumple out of the top bunk and catch yourself. He peaked over the top, then disappeared, tears in his eyes as he laughed, his face red. You ignored the confused and amused looks from the guys, pushing yourself up and adjusting Luke’s flannel on your shoulders. "I’m going to fucking murder you." You grumbled, climbing back up into the bunk and straddling him, your hands on his most ticklish spots, torturing him to screams and giggles. 

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