You cheat with another band member

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Almost 1k!!!! OMG guys thxxxx

Credit to tumblr (5saucefeels)

Calum: You giggle, tripping drunkenly into Luke's arms and making him laugh, too. You stare at his lips as he laughs, wanting so badly to kiss them. He falls silent and slowly leans forward, almost connecting your lips before he stops. "What about Calum?" He slurs. "Who?" You whisper back, too full of alcohol and lust to think clearly. Before Luke has a chance to rethink, you close the gap. You push your lips against his and he kisses back, pulling you against him. "Hey!" You hear a shout, pulling away to see Calum running toward the two of you. "What do you think you're doing?!" He demands, also not entirely sober. "That's my girlfriend!" He adds. "I -" Luke begins, but gives up, knowing he has no excuse. "Calum," you say, stepping toward him, "It was my fault." "Shut up," Calum snaps, still looking at Luke over your shoulder. "We're best friends!" He shouts at Luke, pushing you out of the way and lunging toward Luke. You watch in shock as Calum's fist connects with Luke's lip. "Calum, stop!" You scream as Luke splutters, confused. "Stay out of this," Calum mutters, his fist hitting Luke's jaw. "Calum!" You shout, running toward him. Without thinking you step in front of Luke, taking Calum's third punch straight to the cheek and falling back. "I said to stay out of this, Y/n!" Calum yells, stepping over you to get to Luke again. Luke defends himself, throwing a punch of his own and hitting below Calum's eye. "Please!" You scream out, scrambling to your feet. "Y/n!" You hear a voice call, turning around to see Michael and Ashton hurrying toward you. "What happened?!" Michael asks, taking in the situation. "I - Luke," you start with a strangled sob. "Never mind," he mutters, rushing between Luke and Calum with Ashton behind him. "Let go!" You hear Ashton yell, pulling Luke away as Michael struggles against Calum and you sit curled up on the sidewalk, wanting so badly to be anywhere else.

Luke: You jump at the sound of footsteps, relieved when you see it's only Michael. "You scared me," you sigh, clutching at your heart. "Sorry," he mumbles, "I've been looking for you though." He steps toward you, his feet crunching over the rocks as your heart rate picks up. "Michael," you start to say, not knowing how to continue. He shushes you, and you allow him to move closer against your better judgment. "Michael, um, I - Luke," you stutter, unable to look away from his smirking lips. Slowly you feel yourself leaning in, until your lips connect with his warm ones, moving instantly together. "Michael," you murmur, pushing his chest and pulling away. "I can't," you sigh, "I love Luke." "He doesn't have to know," Michael says in a low voice, sounding very unlike himself. He leans in again and you hesitate, but allow his lips to graze yours before pulling away again. "Y/n?!" You hear a voice choke out, as you see Luke's silhouette draw nearer. "Luke," you sigh, biting your lip as tears already begin to sting your eyes. "What is going on?" He asks. struggling to keep his voice even. "Luke, I -" he holds up a hand, silencing you. "Michael?" Luke asks, his voice breaking. Michael shrugs, refusing to meet Luke's hurt eyes. "How could you?!" Luke shouts at you. "I - it was a mistake," you start. Luke shakes his head, refusing to listen. "And you!" He adds, turning to Michael. "You're supposed to be my friend! I - I trusted you!" "Luke, calm down," Michael commands. "I can't believe you two," Luke says, his voice shaking and threatening to break. You open your mouth to explain but Luke stops you. "Save it. We're done," he says calmly. "You two deserve each other," he adds before hurrying away, leaving you and Michael in a guilty silence.

Michael: You walk into the kitchen of the 5SOS house to make breakfast for you and Michael when you see him sitting at the kitchen table with his head in his hands. "Michael?" You say quietly, "What's up?" He looks up at you with red eyes and puffy cheeks and you can tell he's been crying. He slides a magazine toward you and you curse under your breath when you see the article he points to. A large picture of you kissing Ashton takes up most of the page, and a short article about your night with Ashton follows it. "It was a mistake," you whisper desperately. "How could you?" Michael asks, his voice shaking with rage. "It didn't mean anything!" You insist. "You let me find out from a magazine! You made me look like an idiot!" Michael shouts, rising to his feet. "We decided to just pretend it didn't happen," you explain quickly, "I didn't realize there were pictures!" "Oh! That makes it okay then!" Michael shouts, his sarcasm cutting deep. "We regretted it right away, Michael!" You defend. "I don't care!" Michael yells, slamming his fists on the table. "I trusted you and you cheated on me with my best friend!" "What's going on?" A voice behind you asks. You turn around to see Ashton, sleepy and confused in the doorway of the kitchen. You turn back to Michael to see his jaw tighten and his fists clench. "Don't," you plead, fearful of what Michael might do. Michael ignores you, staring at Ashton and burning with rage. "You should go," you mutter to Ashton in a voice barely above a whisper. "No," Michael interjects, "I'm leaving. You can stay with your new girlfriend." With that Michael pushes past you and Ashton and out of the house.

Ashton: Ashton pulls out his key to your house with a ridiculous grin on his face. He enters your kitchen and begins to pull out ingredients for dinner, checking the clock to make sure he has time to finish the meal before you get off of work. He hears a crash upstairs and freezes. He knows it isn't you. You specifically told him you get off of work late tonight. He creeps up the stairs, straining his ears for another sound. He hears a shout from your room and sneaks toward the door. Unsure of what he will find - maybe a burglar - or what he will do when he finds it, he opens the door. His heart stops once he steps into the doorway. His mind refuses to believe what his eyes see so clearly. You, pressed against the wall, with Calum, shirtless, sweaty, and gripping your body as his lips cover your neck. "What - ?" He manages to choke out, despite the large lump forming in his throat. "Ashton!" You say in surprise, pushing Calum away instantly. "Ashton!" Calum echoes. "What - ?" Ashton says again, unable to form a coherent string of words. "You - I -" he gives up, looking from you to Calum in silence. "Ashton," you say quietly, unsure of what else to say to him. He shakes his head, his puppy dog eyes wide and filled with tears. He sways on the spot, placing a hand on the wall to keep himself upright. "How - how long?" He whispers. You bite your lip, not wanting to answer Ashton's question. You wish he would just yell. You hate seeing him in pain. "Ashton," you whisper, "I love you." "No," he says instantly, shutting his eyes and shaking his head, "Please don't say that." "I do," you insist. "Please stop," he says weakly, looking at you with pleading eyes. "I'm gonna be sick," he mutters, stumbling from the room.

Part 2 soon

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