He gets your best friend pregnant

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Credit (hot-af-irwin)
"I've got something to tell you" Ashton says, anxiously as he sits down on your bed.
"Okay?" You respond, sitting down next to him, "What's up? Are you breaking up with me?"
He laughs uncomfortably, "No, no, of course not"
An uneasy silence fills the room as you watch Ashton bite his lip nervously.
"Ashton, w-w-what's wrong?" You ask, stuttering out of nervousness.
"Well, I need to start from the beginning." He begins "You know how (Y/BFF/N) introduced us?"
You nod, still nervous.
"Well I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you...this...us...it wasn't supposed to happen..." He continues
You begin to tear up, you're sure he's about to break up with you.
"But it did and I'm happy that it did, so, SO happy that it did. It's just...I was sleeping with Alexis at the time I first met with you" He blurts out
You stare at him blankly, "Tell me something I don't know!"
He looks up at you, shocked "Wait a minute, you knew?"
You nod, "I mean, it was pretty obvious. And anyway, Alexis told me when I told her you'd asked me out."
He gives you a look of half-relief, as if there is something else he wants to get off his chest.
"Oh. Well. Erm, that's not quite what I needed to tell you" He goes on
"Yeah, I figured." you mumble
"The thing is, I've just been round to Alexis'...so that she could take a test." He says, looking away from you.
You furrow your eyebrows, "Test? What kind of test?"
"Like, the pregnancy kind"
You shoot your eyes up to look at him. He can't look you in the eyes.
"And it came back positive."
You gasp slightly, but then take a deep breath. You're about to surprise yourself.
"Okay. That's okay"
He looks at you, again, shocked, "What do you mean it's okay? How is it okay? I got your best friend pregnant."
"Yeah, before we even started dating, right?" You reply
He nods.
"Well then, it's okay. I mean, I am a little uncomfortable about it but, how can I be mad? It was before we got together. I can't be mad. And anyway, you'll be a great dad. And I can be an equally great stepmother." You smile
His face soon breaks into a smile, and he lets out a little giggle, "Of course you will. I do love you, (Y/N)"
"I know you do. And I love you too"
You stand, embarrassed, in front of Michael. You've just told him that you like him. Like, as more than a friend. That you have for a long time now. And he's just standing there, stuttering, not knowing how to reply.
"Look, just forget what I said. I should have known not to say anything. God, I've messed up. Here's me thinking you actually liked me back" You ramble
You rush to walk past him, so that he won't be able to see you cry, but he takes hold of your arm as you reach him.
"Did you even give me a chance to reply?" He asks you
You look him in the eye, "There's no need because it's obvious you don't feel the same"
You try and walk away, but he pulls you back so that you're directly facing him.
"Yes there is. There's every need. Because I do feel the same. (Y/N), you're all I've ever wanted in a girl. I've thought that since the day we met. Maybes I should have said something. But I just figured that I would never stand a chance with a girl like you. You're cute, you're funny, you're cool, you're...you're everything." He tells you
You blush slightly as the two of you enter a welcomed silence.
"So, what do we do now?" You ask, quietly.
"I...erm...I'd normally say that we would go on a date...but, I err I don't know if we should" He replies
You furrow your eyebrows, "What? Why? Because you don't actually like me that way and you only said you did to get my hopes up?"
Michael's eyes widen, "WHAT? No! I do (Y/N), I really like you. It's just, I've done something really stupid"
"What? What is it?" You question
He bites his lips, "I've got Kelsey pregnant"
You sit down as soon as he says that, and he sits with you.
"I'm sorry" He mumbles
"You like me as more than a friend but you get my best friend pregnant?" You cry, not even stopping the tears from falling.
"It wasn't like that..."
"Then how was it like?" You yell
"I kinda gave up on us being together. I couldn't build up the courage to tell you how I felt so I went to Kelsey's house to ask her how to do it. I don't know what happened after that...things just got out of control. I'm so sorry (Y/N), I've been so fucking stupid!" He explains
"Yeah, you have" You shout, getting to your feet "But she knew how much I liked you, why didn't she just say no?"
He stands up and hesitates for a second, before putting his arms around you.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'm so, so, sorry"
You know you really want to push him away and tell him you never want to see him again. Except you can't bring yourself to do that to him. What you really want is to scream in your best friend's face. How could she let this happen when she knew how much you liked Michael?
You didn't mean to look. But now that you have, you don't know how to feel. You know you're devastated. Who wouldn't be? But at the same time you're relieved. Now you know where you stand and you know not to waste your time with this fucking shithole of a relationship.
You throw Calum's phone down on the sofa. Trust him to leave it at home. You make your way up to the bedroom you share with your dickhead of a boyfriend, pull out a suitcase, and start throwing your stuff in there. There is no way you're giving him the benefit of the doubt with this one.
You hear the door swing shut as you zip up your suitcase.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) I'm home!" Calum shouts (I'm sorry I didn't call. I must have left my phone at home. The boys say hi."
The boys say hi, my ass. You carry your suitcase downstairs, and find Calum looking through his phone. He looks up at you when he realises you've made an appearance.
"Oh hey, there you are-" He begins "Oh I didn't realise you were going somewhere. Where is that anyway?"
"I'm going back to my parents" You state
He scratches the back of his neck, "Why? Have I done something wrong?"
"I don't know" You say "You tell me"
You walk through to the kitchen, ignoring the fact that he's following you. You make yourself a glass of water and stand with your back leaning on the against the kitchen bench.
"Have I done something to upset you?" He asks.
Wow, you think to yourself. He's really good at playing the innocent card.
You shrug, "Maybes."
He thinks to himself, "Is it what I said about your singing in the shower this morning? Babe, you know that's only a joke"
You roll your eyes, "No."
"Then babe, what is it?" He asks, frustrated.
"Maybes we should ask your girlfriend" You say. bluntly.
"But I am asking my girlfriend?" He replies
You spit, "No. I mean the girl whose name is saved as 'uh oh' in your phone"
His eyes widen slightly, "You went through my phone?"
"Maybes I shouldn't have but, I don't know, I'm kinda glad I did" You say
He sighs, "Look, I can explain..."
You shake your head, "No, because you don't have to. Your texts did all the explaining for you. So...what are you having then? Boy or Girl?"
His face had gone pale and he looked sick to the stomach. Good, you think. Now he can at least feel a third of what you're feeling now.
"Boy" He mumbles
"Congratulations. You must be so happy." You fake smile
He looks to the floor, "I-I'm sorry."
"Can you tell me one thing?" You ask him
"Go ahead"
"Who is 'uh-oh'? Do I know her?" You question
He looks up at you, dodging direct eye contact, "It's Madison"
Your heart sinks. How could your best friend sleep with your boyfriend? The boy you adored. The boy you were certain you were going to spend the rest of your life with. And on top of that, she's now pregnant with his child. So, not only have you lost your boyfriend. You've also lost your best friend.
"I think that's my queue to leave" You say, the tears starting to fall.
You storm out of the house, putting the suitcase in the back of your car. When you sit in the driver's seat, you open the compartment in front of the passenger seat. You pull out a small card and open it up to take a look. Looks like Madison's baby is not the only baby Calum's fathered recently. But it also looks like you're going to have to raise this little princess on your own.
"I know you're upset, but it's not like the two of you are together anymore" Lydia says
"That's not the point, Lydia. You still slept with my ex! And it wasn't even a proper split, we were just on a break!" You shout
"Exactly! You both decided it might be a better idea for you to see other people for a while. And that, (Y/N), is exactly what Luke did!" Lydia snaps
"I don't care how many girls Luke's slept with while we've been on a break, what I care about is the fact that he slept with you. That you even let it happen. What sort of a best friend does that? You know I still have feelings for him!" You practically scream "And you just expected me to accept that fact, and then be okay with the fact that, on top of everything, you're pregnant with his child!"
Lydia sighs, "I didn't ask to fall pregnant, and I never expected you to just be okay with it. If it makes you feel better, Luke still has feelings for you too. He told me when I told him about the pregnancy. He said - and I quote - 'but that whole night was a mistake. I'm in love with (Y/N) and she's never going to forgive me after this'"
You roll your eyes, "It doesn't make me feel better. But I'm not going to shout at you anymore"
She tries to smile, "Good. Look, I really am sorry. I'm finding things difficult as it is"
You take in a deep breath, "So...what are you gonna do? I'm sure Luke will pull his weight and be a good dad."
"He doesn't have to" She mumbles "I'm having an abortion"
You shoot up to look at her, "What? Why? This isn't to do with me and shouting at you, is it? Oh my god Lydia, I'm so sorry!"
She laughs uncomfortably, "No! I made this decision a few days ago, on the grounds that I don't want a baby yet. I'm only eighteen, I've got a life to live before I even think of having children."
"Oh, if you really think that's for the best" You state
"I do" She confirms
"Does Luke know about the abortion?" You ask, you feel you need to make sure Luke knows what's going on.
"Yeah. I told him last night. To be honest, he didn't seem too happy. Tried to convince me that he'd do his bit and help out as much as he could. But I told him that I wasn't ready for this commitment and that I wanted to have children with a man I loved and with a man who loved me. I don't love Luke the way you do. And he could never love me the way he loves you. Once I told him that, he was still upset, but he told me he supports me in my decision. He's gonna come to the clinic with me, so I'm not alone. You can come too, if you think you're up to it" She explains
You shake your head, "No. You two go. I don't think I could face it. But, you know, I don't hate you. You're still my best friend and nothing - not even this- will change that. I love you, Lydia"
She smiles, hugging you "Thanks. Oh, and you might want to text him. He does miss you an awful lot. I think the two of you would be happier together than apart"
You nod your head, "I'll see what I can do."
Once she leaves, you pull out your phone and text Luke:
I love you. I miss you. Come over? x
I love you too. Always. I'm on my way princess :)
Zaynnnnnnnnn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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