Thorne POV (After Liam)

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Liam POV

I shut the door silently behind me and walk out into the pathway still determined and on my mission. The Kesleys may have tried to tempt me with their extremely cute baby, I will not be tempted I will continue my quest for knowledge of this 'bed nakedness'. Next stop Iko and her boyfriend. I take off full speed down the hall towards there room. I am a man on a mission.

I knock on the door and it is opened by Iko. She is probably one of my favorites. She picks me up and sits me down on her hip holding onto me with one arm. I look around and see Oki laying on a bed staring at the bottom of the top bunk. I lean into Iko, "What is he doing?"

Iko looks to me her eyes a soft pink, "I think he is trying to come up with a wedding gift even though I told him that we don't have to get anyone a wedding present." She raises her voice so that Oki can hear the last part.

"Yes we do." Oki suddenly sits up startling me, "Well you don't but I do. I can't explain it but it is like I am not quite apart of the group, you are apart of it Iko, I am not. And I want to be accepted but I don't know how to do it, there is nothing in my programing to tell me what to do, I am at a complete loss as to what I should do."

Iko shakes her head walking over to Oki and taking his hand in hers, forcing him to sit up. "Stop thinking of your self like an android. You are as much of a human as me as Wolf as Cinder. Nobody here thinks of you as an android. Just like no one thinks of them as a monster and a cyborg. They just are."

"I know, I know." Oki shake his head in frustration pressing his lips against Iko's hand before bring up his other hand to cover it. 

"It's just I don't know what to do and that is a first for me. I don't know what I am supposed to do when the path ends."

Iko smiles, pulling Oki out of the bed and onto his feet, "That is when the fun starts, when you know that you are finally free of your programming and that you are just making decisions for yourself and nobody else has a finger on your thoughts and actions."

Iko pulls Oki in for a short kiss but even that is to much for me. Because, let me tell you something that I have learned since I escaped the lair of the cold ladies, romance is a very strange thing. You know how dirty people mouths are? And yet love has people 'discovering' other people's mouth. GROSS.

Oki looks to her and I look at him waiting for something to happen. Them to hug or kiss, again, or maybe even for Oki to just take a big breath but none of that happens. And once again it is left up to me, I clear my throat which I have learned to be a pretty effective way to stop things from happening. 

"I am in hear today because  i have a question for the two you."

Iko puts me down, dragging her eyes slowly off of Oki. "Oh really."

"Yep, it has to do with my parents. I walked in on something earlier and I am a bit confused as to what they were doing."

Iko stares at me and Oki cringes shaking his head rapidly as if signaling for me to stop.

I lean to the side so that I can see him better he is saying something with his lips 'I will yell you crater butt to saw.' I lift my eyebrow contemplating this code, if it can even be considered as such. When Oki lets out the most awkward laugh.

"Well Liam you want to play another round of tickle and run?"

"Um.....sure." I shrug. I don't really want to play the game that led to the very traumatization that I am trying to solve right now.

He forces a smile and walks quickly over to me picking me up and plopping me on his neck. Talk about a new view on life.

A knock comes from the door.

Thorne POV

I tuck Cress into bed.

She smiles up at me and I bend down to kiss her smiling lips, "I'll wake you up when I land the ship."

Cress's lips lift into something like a smirk, "Or the ship will wake me up when you try to land the it." She giggles to herself.

"Hey, you are supposed to be sleeping not criticized me." I brush my noes against hers before I peck her one more time and leave the room silently. Headed to the Kesleys room for absolutely no reason.

I open the door without knocking, once again, and pay the price with my eyes, once again.

They are sitting on each other like last time but there is a difference they are further apart this time, and then I realize that in the middle of them is there a baby girl in the middle of them. I feel bad for her, I am far away and I am uncomfortable but she is right there.

I walk slowly over to Kai and Cinder's bed and take a seat, I know they aren't here and won't be here any time soon. Something tells me that they are off in some far corner of the ship making out. 

I clear my throat.

Scarlet's head whips around with a glare, "What do you want now Thorne?"

I shrug, because I don't know what I want.

"Are you looking for your son?" She rolls off of Wolf and onto the the ground. Absolutely ridiculous.

Wolf glances at her, "Um Scarlet?"

She looks at Wolf and then at me, "You never saw that." She stands up and collapses back into the chair next to Wolf her arms crossed tightly over her chest, Michelle now in Wolf's arms.

"So what are you here for, Liam passed by here a few minutes ago." Wolf says locking eyes with me.

"Oh Liam." I scratch the back of my ear, "He was in here?"

"Yep," Scarlet smiles, "He wanted to know what his parents were doing naked in a bed together."

"What?" I stand up nearly hitting my head on the top bunk, "What did you tell him?"

Scarlet smirks, "Relax we didn't say anything..... suggestive."

I glare at her, she glares back and then Wolf glare at me and then I swear I see Michelle sit up, shake her head and glare at me with a frown.

Scarlet lets out a breath, "We are almost to Luna by now shouldn't you be landing the ship and more importantly out of our faces?"

I glare at her and turn to the door, "Yeah, I am leaving." I exit the room my head hanging low, I don't know where I am or where I am supposed to be. I guess that means I am lost. But I prefer not to think of it that way.

I keep on walking down the hall towards the control room when I pass by Cinder and Kai doing exactly what I thought they would be doing. Kissing.

"You guys are gross," I mutter as I pass them. Not wanting to engage in conversation. 

I knock on the door at the end of the hall and Oki comes to open it, he has a wide grin on his face and Liam is sitting on his shoulders. I look at Liam, he looks back at me like he knows something about me that I don't know. And that kind of thing scares me. Especially because he might be sharing these secrets with Ok, whom I barely know. I snarl, "Give me my son."

I am back to publishing regularly



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