Kai POV (Focus)

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I pull my shirt over my head now fully dressed. I look at Cinder she smiles at me, she is my girl and I am lucky to have her in my life. So selfless, so perfect, so.......Cinder. She takes my hand and leads me to the dining room oh yeah I have to eat. I am pretty hungry, I hadn't realized that before, too many distractions you could say. I take my seat and look around everyone else is here I don't remember seeing them come in but then again I can't remember anything, just the look on Cinder face. Just the sound of Cinder's moan. Just the feel of Cinder's skin, and metal I guess, against mine. She is smiling at me, the woman I love is smiling at me, the woman I betrayed is smiling at me and people expect me to be able to focus on things. How do you focus when you can't take your eyes off her lips? How do you focus when you can't set aside the melodic sound of her voice? How do you focus when you can't get over the true smell of her? How do you focus when you can't shut out her taste at her core? How do you focus when you can't forget the sensation of her against you? You can't, you just can't. Nobody can. I can't, I will never forget.

Please tell me what you think about this because I was planning for there to be more dialogue but this came out but honestly I like it so WHAT DO YOU THINK, COMMENT

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