Wolf POV (First Words)

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I would've gone back on the Rampion except of course for the fact that I want to go home and Thorne is just happy to have a bed that isn't floating through space. In other words these royals have a schedule to keep to unlike Thorne. Which you know is fine sometimes but....

"Wolf," Scarlet says from the other side of the room.

I walk over to her, "Yes, Scarlet."

"Where is the nearest outlet?"

"Um," I look around, "I don't know, why?"

She through her hair out her face standing up, "I am trying to charge my port, it is completely dead."

I suck in a breath looking around again, "It just might have to stay that way."

"But I told Cress that I would call her."

"You can use my port."

"Do you even have Cress's contacts?"

"Yes, I never use it though."

"Okay," Scarlet puts out her hand.

I give it to her and she smiles, "I didn't think that you had it on you, you never have your port on you."

"Scarlet, if you assumed that I didn't have it on me why would you hold out your hand for it?"

She puts her finger to her chin and squints her eyes, "I don't know actually.......Do you think Cress is awake right now?"

Wolf looks at his watch, "Scarlet it is 9:00 when in your entire pregnancy were you awake at that time."

"When I was throwing up."

"Other than that."

She looks down, "Never."

"Okay so it is safe to assume that Cress is awake and if she is you probably don't want to talk to her."

"Ah man," Scarlet frowns, "For once I was going to be smarter than her in some aspect of life."

"What do you mean?"

"I am the only one who has had a baby in our entire group."

Michelle shifts around on the one bed in the room. We both go silent. She kicks her legs and then lifts up her chubby little arms towards me and Scarlet. She grins, "Mamma.....Dadda."

I freeze, and then look over at Scarlet. She doesn't look half as surprised as me, she is just grinning wildly at Michelle. "Di...did she just...say her first words."

Scarlet laughs, turning to me, "Yep and guess what she said first, Mamma."

I roll my eyes watching Scarlet scoop up our baby. "You're a momma's girl aren't you." Scarlet bumps her nose into Michelle's. Michelle giggles and reaches for Scarlet's nose. She turns back to me and laugh, "Look at daddy, he looks lonely."

I smile and take Michelle out of her hands. Michelle laughs and tries to grab my nose too. I kiss Michelle on the forehead. "I love you." I walk over to Scarlet who is watching my with a smile , "And I love you." I kiss her too.

That was the main part of the chapter for today but that is really short so I am adding some Three and Kaider content on to the end


"I don't think that I can sleep in her." Cinder says looking at me from under the covers.

I raise my eyebrows, "You will be asleep in five minutes...and if you are not then you made a fuss over getting up for no reason because you were not actually tired."

She frowns, "I was actually tired....at the time but not anymore.....Why did Torin have to come on this ship?"

I shrug, "He didn't know and even if he didn't come on this ship all the ships look the same so you wouldn't have know the difference."

"That's not true," Cinder yawns, "This ship has the oldest ventilation system out of all the other ones."

"How do you know that?"

Cinder grins, "I have my ways."

I roll my eyes, "Go to sleep, Cinder."

She yawns again, "I am not that tired."

"What do you mean? You just yawn twice in the last thirty seconds that means that you are tired."

No response.

"Cinder?" I look over at her and she sleeping. Just like I said.

I smile to myself and stand up from my chair moving over to her. I climb into the bed and under the sheets slowly not wanting to wake her up. I wrap my arm around her waist and bury my face in her neck.

Thorne POV

Everyone has abandoned me for some royal podship, and that, that hurts. A lot.

"Liam put on your clothes everyone else is ready except for you." Cress pleads walking over to Liam with his previously rejected outfit.

Liam frowns, "Why do we have to leave? Why can't we stay here forever?"

"Because Liam this is not our house, now can you please put on your clothes."

"Can I wear something else?"

I make the zipping sound of his suitcase as loud as possible, "As it just so happens, no, you can not."

He glares at me, "That is not very kind of you....Mommy said that you should always be kind."

"She told you to be kind not me, if she didn't like me she wouldn't marry me and yet here we are. Put your clothes on Sergeant."

He groans looking back to Cress, "Can we make a deal?"

"Liam you are making my head hurt just put on your clothes and once we get back on the ship you can change into anything you want to."


"Liam, shut up and do what your mother told you to do."

He looks at me and nods his head, frantically snatching his clothes from his mother's hand.

I grin to myself, proud that even though my crewmates have left me I still retain the superior power of 'forced obedience'.

I don't know what to say about that chapter my last ones were better though



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