Cinder POV

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I realized that asking you to comment and vote at the start of the story is stupid because you don't even know what the chapter is about.


I stuff my hands in pockets staring at Peony's ID chip. I lift my gaze a sudden wave of remorse hitting me, her death was my fault. Not Pearl's, not Andrie's, my fault. I killed the one human in the world who saw me as more than a science experiment. I sink to the ground unable to stand with the pain in my head. I bury my head in my knees feeling like and absolute idiot. She is dead because of me. I killed her.

I hear the door open to the engine room, padding of feet, aimlessly. I don't want to talk to anyone right now. I am emotionally, unstable and a mess.

"Cinder," It's Kai. He's come to check on me. I know I should feel comforted, happy, that Kai has come for me but instead I feel anger flare inside of me.

"Yes," I say softly although I know Kai has heard me as his movement has started in my direction. 

"Where are you," He sounds very confused, I can see his legs standing right in front of the entryway.

"I am in here." I am not ready to face anyone. Peony's death was just the start of a very hectic few years. I never really had time to mourn for her, to let the feeling of guilt fully hit me.

He ducks his head in no doubt seeing me in my vulnerable position. "Can I come in?" He asks speaking more softly than before. I bob my head still not looking up,  I hear shuffling and then I feel Kai's presence next to me. He sighs, wrapping her arms around me kissing me on the back of the neck.

"Are you okay?" He ask breathing into my neck.

I briefly think about lying and telling him that I am perfectly okay but it is pretty obvious that I am not. "No," I sob.

"You wanna talk about it?" He says giving his undivided attention to his pathetic wife.

I look up at him and then bury my head back in my knees, "I killed her Kai, she loved me and I killed her."

He is silent for a second and I know he is trying to figure out who I am talking about without asking me. He is right not to ask me, if he did I think I would have fallen apart with guilt, remorse and love. "You didn't know you had it."

"That doesn't change the fact that she is dead because of me."

Kai lets out a heavy breath. 

"Why couldn't it have been Andri or Pearl. Why did it have to be her, why Peony." Her name flies out of my mouth. I bite my lip regretting it. I am not worthy enough to speak her name.

"Cinder, you couldn't have stopped it, stop blaming yourself." I look up at him and then look over at Peony's ID chip. I grimace, maybe I was stupid to blame myself. 

He follows my gaze, "It's hers isn't it."

I nod, looking back over at him. He sighs, meets my gaze and stares at me for a long time. I inch closer to him resting my head on his shoulder. He moves his face so that he is still staring at me. I lean closer to him kissing him lightly on the lips. I moan delicately into the kiss and he wraps his arm my neck bringing me closer. I break the kiss looking away from Kai frowning.

"Thank you, Kai." I murmur.

"Of course Cinder," He says softly kissing me on the cheek before getting up and leaving me alone in the metal igloo. He knows I need alone time but I need him too.

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