Thorne POV ( An ode the the Crescent Moon)

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"Thorne," Cress peeps around the corner or our bedroom door.

"Yes, Cress."

She proceeds to walk over to me with a warm posture and a warm smile. The type that saids tingles all over my captainly body.

Only when Cress asks me for a foot massage does the realization hit my fully. I am going to be a father, again. More of a father? I don't know but there is another baby coming down the pipeline. Not that the first one came through the pipeline.....

Cress, she's not big, but she is showing. Like if she wears her size cloths you can tell that something is up in that region. The slight plumping of her feature, her cheeks, her face, everywhere. And I am not saying anything about it I am just saying that you can tell something is going on. And don't take what I said for the worst, Cress is still the only woman I would do anything with. If you know what I mean.

She drops down on the bed bouncing a little bit, smiling.

"Careful." I say smiling back, placing my hands on her thighs  leaning over her. Our noses touch and then our lips, it is gentle. A peaceful serene moment alone with my wife. No responsibility, no arguments just me and Cress. 

She giggles breaking the kiss but she is still staring up at me in wonder. But I came here to do a job, I let go of her thigh.

She settles down on the bed while I settle down on the floor, she offers me a foot and I take it. Feet, not my thing. But it's for Cress so, yes. I start to massage her foot.

"So..." She says keeping her eyes on me as she rolls her neck out. "How have you been?"

 l look up from her foot, "What do you mean we have been together?"

"I know," She frowns, "But I feel like ever since we adopted Liam we haven't really...... I don't know, like talked."

I stare at her for a while wanting with all my heart to say 'that's not true.' But in truth, it kind of is. I've been keeping Liam busy training him while Cress does her coding stuff to make us a little bit of money to pay for the Rampion. Yeah I know it should be payed of already but like I said, six months of Rampion payment went to her engagement ring so we are half a year behind. Stressful having to actually make money to pay for things. "Yeah, I guess a little bit. But we can fix that, just like I fixed myself. The Captain will think of a plan."

Cress smiles blushing, "How about we take this time for ourselves."

I gently let her foot go and pick up the other foot as Cress continues on. Am I listening to her talk, mmm, not really, I have never been one to listen. But Cress I could hear hear talk all day, that melodic sweet voice of hers. "I like what you are saying, but aren't you tired?"

She frowns, "Not really, and besides I just woke up."

"Oh," I whisper, a smile growing on my lips.

"Come on," Cress grins removing her foot from my hand.

She looks down and rests a gentle hand on her stomach. I smile and she smiles back. All of it seems so perfect, Cress, the baby.

Then I am lying awake in my bed staring at the ceiling, I can the feel the warmth of a body next to me, Cress. 

I smile at the whole world, for it has granted me this tiny miracle. Cress, from which so many other miracles have come forth. I love that girl, I can't wait till my wedding. When I will marry the one and only Lady Crescent Moon Darnell, Mistress of the glorious Captain Carswell.

Well someone's hyped for the wedding!



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