Cinder POV

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Hello it's me again with my nonsense about Cinder and Kai (hehe)

Why can't I just sleep with him? Nothing funny just sleep with him, hold him, feel safe with him. I groan with the realization that there is probably some rule out there that says you can't just sleep with the Emperor, I role over.

A knock comes from the door, probably Iko. She had asked me if we could get to together, I had said yes thinking it would be at a reasonable time and not when I am laying in my bed rolling round with the bare minimum amount of clothing on. I groan and get up. I swing the door open instinctively dimming my visual interface. I see Kai. Wait what Kai. "Hello." I say shyly. I know I sound shy I don't care I am standing here in a bra and panty in front of Kai what do you expect from me?

His eyes widen an he scans my body obviously not realizing that it is quite clear that he is checking me out. He clears his throat like my body has been shoved down it. "Cinder what are you wearing?"

"On my chest you will see that I am wearing a 1st era article of clothing called a bra, the bra was used to cover up woman's boobs and around my waist-" ahh sarcasm, my specialty.

"I know what you are wearing Cinder but why are you wearing nothing."

I wrap my arms around my slim waist and cringe, "I was sleeping, this the most covered I have been in a long time, I normally I lose the top."

Kai shakes his head grinning at me like I have just fixed all of his problems, "Spades am I one lucky man."

I am not sure what he is talking about, is he lucky that he didn't visit me on a bad day and see me completely naked. Or is he lucky to have me in his life. Both sound capable of being the answer and I agree with both of them so I shrug and move back allowing him into my room.

"Aces, Cinder this is a mess. Still a mechanic at heart I guess."

I groan and slump down on my bed, I have a reason to be up I am now tried. I look over at Kai he looks pretty tried to but everytime he looks at me he seems to get a little bit of energy. I give up on trying to play it cool and crawl under the covers forgetting Kai's presence until he says.

"Can I join you?"

I squint up at him, "Sure just don't try anything funny....I mean it." 

He nods jokingly and then climbs in next to me he presses a warm kiss onto my lips and sigh, somebody's been wanting this for a long time laugh in my head. But really in the back off my mind I know I have been wanting this a long time too. To fall asleep in his arms. I sigh against him and flutter my lashes a few times before letting them droop. 

"Goodnight, Kai." I whisper against him.

Goodnight, Cinder." He replies breathing hot air into my ear.

It's perfect

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