Cinder POV (Admit it)

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CRess could be a good social worker, she helped me a lot. Just those few words made me feel like and idiot, which, I guess is a good thing. Sometimes I am a bit headstrong, I admit. I guess I owe her an apology and a thank you. 

I stand up and start the short walk to the cockpit. The first sign that something is wrong is Cress's fingers. They are flying over the keyboard but not with the same vibrancy. The second sign is that she is crying. I guess instead of thanking her I will have her. Helping people through peace, not my strong suit. Helping people by killing their leader, you can count on me.

"Cress." I say in the softest voice I can muster.

She lets out a breath acknowledging my presence.

"You okay." 

"I'm fine." She says continuing to type, or do whatever it is she is doing.

"Nope you're not, were aren't going to play this game. Spit it out." Okay yes I admit it that is a bit harsh but I don't have all the motherly instincts that Cress has, that I should probably have. I could probably learn a thing or two from her, seeing as I am going to be a mother.

She looks at me in surprise, but answers me anyway. I think she does better with a more demanding healer, or at least that what I hope. Because a demanding healer is the only one currently available. "It's Thorne." This is not really helping his case I was already on edge about him. "I think he is cheating on me."

Excuse me what? He is doing what? 

Why though Cress is like the nicest person in the world, like cheat on me. Not so much of a nice person but Cress. Oh no, not Cress.

I rub her back imagining her as my baby, "It's going to be okay Cress, I'll straighten it out. Don't worry. You're safe." 

I mean everything but that last part. I have no clue if she is safe. I'm mad, that's not safe. Thorne is just in general not exactly the safest person between his piloting and personality. 

I give her one last pat on the back and head out the room to straighten this man out. I round the corner and see Thorne hanging of the edge of the bench so his head can rest on the wall. He is banging the wall at an interval of 2 beats, my brain provides me with the useless information.

"Thorne what is wrong with you?"

Thorne whirls around expecting nobody or at least somebody softer, "Cinder?"

"Is it true are you cheating on Cress?"


"Are you cheating on Cress."

He looks at me like he doesn't speak the same language as me. Not the one to play with here. I cross the room with a speed that startles both of us. I grab his collar and push him, slightly elevated, up against the wall. "I'm gonna ask you one for time. Did you, Carshwell Thorne cheat on your girlfriend, Crescent Moon Darnell."

"No, I didn't cheat on my fiance so can you put me down already."

I drop him letting him drop to the floor. Sometimes I am cold like that. I prefer not to be but, it's always there. Insides of me burning with a certain inextinguishable passion.

Thorne brushes himself off and then looks back up at me, "Where did you get the crazy notion that I was cheating on Cress."

"I don't know maybe the fact that you are sitting quietly alone in some back alley of the Rampion, that is some very suspicious behavior."

He lifts one eyebrow, nothing is enough for him. Apparently not even Cress.

I roll my eyes away from him, "Cress thinks you are cheating on her."

His eyes widen and he runs out of the room after shoving me. Maybe that's just how we all are stubborn. Not just me. Think about how much trouble could have been saved if he had just said no, or yes, when I first asked the question.

But the question still goes unanswered, did Thorne cheat on Cress? If so, he needs to admit to it just like I admitted to my need of help and my overreaction. Or whatever.

I am going to promise one thing to you all right now, there will be no permanent breakup in this story


Thanks for reading!!! 


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