Wincin (Picnic)

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I like the name Wincin better but if we go along with same format as all the other ship names it is in fact technically Jacinter.

Winter POV

The last few days have been some of the best days in my life. I miss my friends sure, but on the other hand I like be alone with Jacin too. I skip down the hallway a bag in my hand. I nod to the guards in front of my door. They open the door for me and a continue my skip into the room.

Jacin looks up from his book when he sees me and smiles, "Hey, where have you been?"

"I was getting this." I hold up the basket for him to see.

He furrows an eyebrow, "What is it?"

"It's a basket of food."

He stands up out of his chair and walks over to me, "Why do you have a basket of food?"

"Well," I glance over at his books, "I was hoping that you could take a little break from your studying and have a little picnic with me....I'm sure you're hungry you haven't eaten all day."

The start of a smile starts to creep on his face, "I am very hungry, and I wouldn't mind spending some quality time with my wife." He tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses me on the cheek.

I smile. "Come on."

Jacin looks down at himself in his sweats, " Should I change or..." He looks back up at me.

I shake my head, "You look fine in that."

"But you're looking so beautiful in your little gown and that just makes me feel even less worthy of you."

I giggle, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, "Don't say that. I still would've married you if that is what you were wearing at our wedding."

Jacin chuckles, "Right." He reaches for the picnic basket and opens it. "Oh chicken... and a fruit bowl. Interesting mix."

"We should go secure our spot before someone else takes it."

"Winter, no one else-" I turn back and look at him with a wild grin, he stops immediately, "What?"

I giggles picking up the basket, "You called me Winter, without the Princess part."

"Well I-"

I launch myself into his arms which silences him again. "I love you."

He rubs my back soothingly, "I love you too, Winter."

I giggles pulling away from Jacin feeling a new giddiness arise in my stomach, "You should do that more often."


"Call me Winter. It makes me feel so." I bounce on my heels, "Warm and cozy and all the good things."

Jacin shakes his head with a smile.

"Come on," I grab his hand, "We have to celebrate with a picnic."

"But we were already going to have a picnic." Jacin follows me to the door.

"I know," I swing open the door still beaming, "But now we have an even better reason."

"Okay," He laughs again following me down the hallway.

Jacin POV

I am proud of myself, finally able to call Winter by her first name alone. About time though, I mean we're married now. I mean just the thought does things to my insides that not even year old curdling milk can do to my insides. It makes me feel things, which I am not supposed to be able to do.

I follow Winter out onto the very  green, yet very fake, grass in front of the palace. She picks a spot with plenty of light but still shaded by a very green, yet very fake, tree.

She nudges me with her elbow. "Can you hold this while I set out the blanket?"

I shake my head.

She frown, "Why, did I do something wrong? I thought-"

I silence her with a peck, "I'll do the dirty work of setting out the mat."

She laughs handing the blanket over to me, "Okay."

I take it from her and place it down on the floor. I straighten it out and then straighten it out again and then take the basket from Winter allowing her to sit down. She looks down at the blacket, "You didn't have to smooth it out that much."

"Yes, I did." I set the basket down on the blanket and open one side of it taking out one container and handing it to Winter. I laugh, "I didn't realize you had the fruit and the meat in the same container."

She looks down at it and shrugs, "What's wrong with that? The meat is cooked."

"Yes but the fruits are....nevermind, it's find I've just never seen it down before."

Winter frowns at her plate.

"But I've never seen anyone as spectacular as you either so." I smile at Winter.

She grins back, "You make everything cute, even the fact that for some reason I think fruits and meat together is okay."

"I mean there wasn't anything wrong with it in the first place just something I have never seen before." I lay down on the blanket and look at Winter, she is staring into her container in disgust.

"Maybe you were right, this does kind of look gross. The juice from the fruits is absorbing into the chicken."

I look down at my container and cringe, "It's not too bad, the chicken just has some extra moisturization."

"Eww gross." Winter puts he container down on the blanket, "Why did you have to say it like that?"

"Look at it, it's soggy." 

Winter scoots over to me to look in my container, she accidentally bumps her head into mine. "Ouch," She retracts her face away from mine scrunching her nose. 

I laugh, reaching up for her forehead, "Are you okay?"

She lays down next to me pouting, "No."

I chuckle, "All to see some soggy chicken wings."

Winter tries to suppress a smile as she snuggles into my chest a small bump developing on her forehead. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the growing bump on her forehead, "Oh, Winter."

About time I write a Wincin chapter, the last chapter I wrote about them was their wedding



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