Cinder POV

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I slump down on my bed watching Iko rushing around Cress doing all kinds of things. I role my eyes and let out a groan. Scarlet looks back at me. She stares at me for a second before turning back to watch Iko and Cress.

The door creaks open, I look over and see Kai, looking around the room.

I stand up and walk over to the door, he smiles and pulls me out of the room into the hall.

"Hello to you too." I say closing the door behind me. 

Kai smiles, "Hello, I figured you wouldn't mind if I snagged you from your little brides party."

"No, I don't mind." I peck him. "So why did you call me?"

"One can only watch Thorne prance around in his tuxedo for so long."

"Shouldn't you be in a tuxedo right now, the wedding is in an hour. You should be getting ready too."

He shrugs, "I don't need that long to get ready, I'll be fine."

"Okay, so what are we doing here."

"Oh yeah, Thorne said that we could set up the actual wedding site."

"We have to move all those heavy crates around then decorate."

Kai shakes his head, taking my hand and pulling me along the halls, "No you will not be moving any heavy crates, you will be decorating. I will be moving the crates."

I huff, "Why can't I help with the crates?"

Kai turns back to me, "You know exactly why you are not going to be moving any crates."

I frown, "Have you ever seen me decorate anything?"

We stop in the landing room where the wedding will be held. Kai grins, "There is a first for everything."

I groan, "Fine. Where are the decorations?"

Kai leans back on his heels looking around the room, "I think they are in the far crate."

I walk slowly over to said crate and open it slowly, I went through these crates once and found a creepy doll. I don't want anymore surprises. But sure enough there is a big black bag filled to the brim with what I presume are wedding decorations. I lick my lips and reach down to the bag tugging on it. "What is in hear, and why is it so heavy?"

It finally budges and falls out of the crate landing right in front of it and send me flying across the room, right in to Kai's arms. Extremely embarrassing.

I look back at him and smile awkwardly. He will send me back to the room if he thinks I am putting our baby in the slightest bit of  danger. And I don't want to see Cress prance around in her wedding dress for an hour and then hear about how she is 'just so nervous.' I am in a mood right now, and as much as I am trying to get out of it or work around it, I just don't want to be around anyone right now. I just want to get in a grove and forget that the world exists. 

"I'll be fine." I mutter walking back over to the crate.

I reach the crate and immediately regret my decision to leave the room. When Kai said wedding decorations I thought that we were all revolutionaries and there wouldn't be a whole of gaudy wedding stuff like there was at Scarlet's wedding but boy am I wrong. The amount of stuff in here could decorate the ballroom in New Beijing.

I pick up one of the white seat cushions and the decorating begins. 



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