Kai POV (Torin Issues)

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Okay the last thing that happened with Kaider was Kai was cleaning Cinder up and that stuff. (Just incase you forgot, I did. And I made that chapter up so.....)

The ship's ramp slides open and we are immediately greeted with the lovely press of New Beijing. And Torin and all of my cabinet members, Cinder likes to call them royal bootlickers. I beg to differ though.

"Here come the royal bootlickers." Cinder whispers somewhat with joy into my ear. I don't know why she thinks it is funny but it is good to hear joy in her voice.

Torin smiles when he sees me, the corners of his eyes crinkling the way they always do. "Your Majesty, we have missed you."

Did he? That last conversation we had was kind of tense.....

"Same here." I say smiling back. What, I did missed him. Or I miss him now anyways.

He looks over at Cinder clinging onto my arm, "Is Her Majesty alright?" 

I look over at Cinder, kissing her hair"Yes, she is perfectly alright."  Can I just say this as a basic rule of sense, if you have to ask someone if they're okay they probably aren't okay.

"Okay than if Her Majesty is alright I need to have a meeting with you two immediately."

I nod slowly. Torin wants to meet. 

"Follow me Your Majesty." Torin gestures to the door. And we walk through the door, the yells of the press fading into nothing but a far off whisper.

Me and Cinder follow him into my office. Torin sits across from me and Cinder sits on my lap, leaning her head back to lie on my chest. She isn't that much heavier than a human, not that any other humans have been sitting on my lap......

Torin makes and awkward glance from Cinder, to the chair sitting next to me that is supposed to be Cinder's. I guess he is wondering why Cinder is sitting on my lap, I don't care. Cinder is comfortable and that is all I currently care about. New Beijing can burn in fiery flames as long as Cinder is comfy. "Have you and the Empress sorted out your differences?"

"Yes Torin."

"Oh good so we won't have a repeat of what happened a few days ago?"

Cinder shuffles around to look at Torin, "Well you did kind of call his wife crazy."

"I did not say any such thing Your Majesty."

"Yes you did, and to be honest with you I would have yelled at you if you called Kai crazy."

"I would never call His Majesty crazy."

Cinder raises an eyebrow, "Then why would you call 'Her Majesty' crazy?"

Torin stares at her for a second in awe of how she had just back him up into a corner. 

"His reaction was acceptable and should have been expected. You don't go around insulting mens' wife's." Cinder sneers with great joy. This is fun for her. 

Torin looks at me as if to clarify that this is the woman I chose to marry or maybe just to beat himself up even more about not entering me into an arranged marriage program.

Torin glares at her, "With all due respect Your Majesty that was no excuse for how he acted and I am having a private conversation with His Majesty." He looks back at me, his annoyed expression stuck on his face, "........So we are done with 'stare at the same page all day and think of the Empress'?"

Cinder scoffs and I peck her forehead, "Sure."

Torin squints at me, "The Empress is not the country, Your Majesty. You have other responsibilities. You have a country to run." All I did was kiss her man, chill out.

I look back up to Torin flexing my jaw, "I am aware of that Torin. But the Empress is my wife and my first loyalty is to her."

Torin huffs, "Your Majesty I am not going to argue with you but you should know that I will not always be able to cut you as much slack as I have been cutting you." He turns his attention to Cinder even though she is not looking at him. "Your Majesty, I understand you are going through a lot right now but I need you to give him the space he needs. I am not trying to take him from you I just need him to do his job......."

"Umm okay." Cinder mumbles.

"I mean it, Your Majesty. His Majesty needs to do his work."

Cinder groans, "I know, I know Kai has his Emperor responsibilities."

Torin's disapproving glance lingers on Cinder before he gets up and leaves my office.

Cinder sits up her hair messed up, she is smiling for the first time in a long time. "I hate him." Wait, what? Hate, who smiles when they declare hatred to someone? Cinder I guess.

"Come on Cinder, let's go to our room." I chuckle rubbing her back gently.

She stands up and stretches her arms closing her eyes. When she peels her eyes open again she looks more hopeless. It comes and goes. "Yeah."

She locks her arms around mine and that's how we walk down the hallway. Until I come to our door. I stop, I swipe my wrist over the scanner and push open the door. Cinder stays at my side, saggin against me, "Cinder are you okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"No you're not, you and I both know that you are not okay."

She looks up at me with another crooked smile, "Than why did you ask?"

I blink at her a few times and move on because she is the smarter one here. And we both know that.

"Come on." I say dropping her on our bed. She falls face forward into her pillow.

I sigh and walk into the bathroom. I have only started to turn on the faucet when I hear a muffled scream. Cinder's muffled scream.

This is funny because originally this chapter and the next chapter were going to be the same but me being the good person I am decided to torture you. With Cinder and her muffled scream, was she kidnapped, murdered?????? I really am amazing😁😁😁

Also I just feel like this chapter is a funny chapter because is not all depressing 

Also also I might just make Cinder and Torin fight....Oh y'all this is going to be the best fanfic ever. You thought we were over at 100 chapters? Oh know we are far from over....



Be Safe

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