Cinder POV

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"Why? Why don't you want to do it now."

I bite down on my bottom lip and look down at our hands, bonding us together. "It just doesn't feel right."

"Cinder," Kai looks at me stubbornly, he's going to do it no matter what I say. He is about to find himself between death and me and frankly I think death is better. I yank my hands out of his hand and fade into the crowd. If he wants to do it he can do it but he is going to find himself with a very angry fiancee, his problem, not mine. He searches for me for five  seconds before he turns on his heel and walk towards the podium. My eyes follow him, hating him more with every step he takes. What is he doing I told him not to tell the world. But there he is standing on the podium disobeying my direct order.

He clears his throat, he looks disoriented, like he doesn't know where he is. But that only lasts for a few milliseconds, he quickly composes himself and clears his throat. "Citizens, I am here to announce my engagement to the Queen of Luna, Her Majesty Selene Channary Jannali Blackburn. She will become the Empress of the Commonwealth and I hope that you will welcome her to your best ability."

A murmur ripples through the crowd and I shrink back even further, Kai catches my eye but doesn't do anything, just stare at me blankly. I find myself back at my room confused. I thought I could trust Kai, and he just.....My head starts to throb from my building emotions. I throw off my dress and crawl under my sheet. I close my eyes, to much has occurred within the last 20 minutes. Kai betrayed me, the world know that we are engage. No more privacy. I sigh and roll over.

I wake up feeling new, Kai's arm slug sloppily around my waist, I smile, and then it fades. Kai the traitor. I throw Kai's arm off of my waist and stand up brushing the nonexistent fake dirt off of me, glaring at him.

"Why did you do that, I told you not to."

Kai sits up and looks at me blankly for a few seconds, "I told you, it was best."

"Not for me, it didn't feel right for me, Kai. It's my engagement too."

I through on a shirt and storm out of the room. I enter the dining room and everyone is already there. Their attention immediately shifts to me, me and my angry flustered self. Iko stands up looking alarmed, "Cinder! Are you okay?"

I look at her and then everyone. I sink into the seat next to her and cross my arms over my chest. I don't want to talk to anybody right now, I just want to sit here alone and be left alone. Iko is still staring at me along with the rest of the table. "What."

"Cinder, are you alright." Scarlet says from across the table in Wolf's lap.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

 Kai walks in looking just as flustered as I probably looked.

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