A Wolflet's Day at the Doc

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Wolf POV:

I don't know what it is about doctor but I don't like them. 

There is only one exception to that rule and that is Jacin, he's cool. 

But all other doctors.......I hate them and I don't even know why. Maybe it's the way they smell, so overwhelmingly sanitized. Or maybe it's the way they feel so entitled to other people bodies. The way they just carelessly ask Scarlet to pull up her shirt, like it's nothing. Like she is their Scarlet, but she is mine, not theirs. And I strive everyday to make that know, which living on an isolated farm, is not hard.

"Wolf why are we driving so slow." Scarlet sighs leaning back into her chair.

I rest my hand on her belly, "You can never be to safe."

Scarlet laughs, "Wolf you have just proven everyone who has ever said that, wrong. You are far to safe, live life on the edge. Danger."

"You can live life on the edge when you are not pregnant Scar."

She huffs but doesn't put up any further argument.

"Are you okay?"

"Me?" She says looking over at me, shifting her vibrantly red hair over to the side "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"I don't know you just look tired."

"Well you woke me up from my nap, so yes I guess I could be considered tired."


She rests her hand over mine, "It's fine Wolf."

The hover lands quietly on the ground and I help Scarlet out onto the gravel.

 And we enter the doctor's office. The office of self entitled people.

Scarlet POV:

I don't know what it is about the doctor but Wolf hates it. 

Every time we visit I feel Wolf's muscles stiffen as we leave the hover. And this time is no different. He holds his hand out and I take it, it's warm and sweaty. I still don't understand why he is so nervous. "You ready?" He breaths.

I laugh softly, "Come on Wolf, it's just the doctor's office."

He looks over at me, "Yeah, let's go." We walk up to the door and he pushes it open t letting me pass through before he follows me in.

We walk straight to the counter to sign me in, "Scarlet Benoit Kesley for her eight month check up."

The nurse disappears and then reappears in the doorway to lead us into the office part. We walk into a room, I sit on the paper covered bed and Wolf sits on a chair beside me. The nurse nods to us and then walks out of the room. Wolf rests his hand on my thigh. I smile, sometimes it is funny when my little wolfman is scared of simple things like a doctor's office. "You're finally shorter than me." I say giggling. Lighten the mood, why not?

Wolf looks up at me a smile creeping into his features, "I guess you are, it just took a little baby." He tickles my belly making me giggle again. "Why are so ticklish?" He chuckles.

"Stop," I squeal.

Wolf changes his assault to a soft, gentle, enjoyable rub.

The door opens and Dr. Monet enters. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kesley."

"Hello." I respond feeling Wolf's hand tense up under my shirt.

"Today is just a quick ultrasound to check if the baby is healthy, last time you said you didn't want to see the gender, do you want to see it this time?" It's all so rushed and robotic.

I look down at Wolf. He is watching the doctors every move distrustfully. "Wolf," I say softly.

He looks back at me warmth returning to his vibrant green eyes. "Yes, Scar."

"Do you want to know the gender?"

He think about it for a second taking his hand back, he looks back at me, "Do you want to know?"

I shrug, "Sure, why not?"

The doctor approaches me and tells me to lay back, I do. He pulls my shirt up and applies the cool jell mindlessly. Wolf grips my hand for support although I am pretty sure it is supposed to be the other way around. The doctor comes back with an instrument that looks like a deodorant bottle if you ask me. He moves it over the jell, which somehow helps him see into my uterus. How? I would like to know too.

He focus on the monitor hitting the same spots he always hits. Nodding to himself every few seconds. Maybe Wolf is right doctors are kind of weird.

He looks down at me, just as bland as he normally does even though he is about to tell me something that is going to be life-changing. "It's a girl."

My eyes go wide and I look over at Wolf. But he's not looking at me he is looking at the monitor screen. A lone tear rolls down his cheek

Our little girl.

Cute! And yes the Wolflet baby is going to be a GIRL



Be Safe

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