Iko POV (On the topic of Oki)

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Well how do I put this, my person...the one that I am sorta um, yeah. Is on the premises. In other words this boy Oki might exist I might be in love with him and I might have maybe invited him on this ship without anyone's permission. Keep in mind I might have done it, maybe. Not saying that he is unwelcomed I just haven't really talked to anyone about him , so, I don't really know. They say you never know 'til you ask. And to that I say you never ask 'til you know. I like to walk into the room prepared, ask the questions knowing the answers. Answers that will be taken from Cinder. 

Cinder is sleeping so I guess I am talking to Kai, better than talking to Thorne I guess. Because there is no way my newly polished android of self is going anywhere near him and his out of style behind. Not in this lifetime. So Kai, not that he dresses any better than Thorne, I just like him better because Cinder likes him better. 

I push open the door to their room, the one they share with the Benoît's. Scarlet and Wolf are running around chasing Liam and Michelle, but Cinder is still sleeping and Kai is still lying wide awake beside her. 

"Psst....." Kai looks at me skeptically, "I have a question to ask you."

He blinks and then slowly pushes himself off of the bed without disturbing Cinder, man she must really be tired. "What?" Kai says coming to threshold of the door where  I am. 

"Um, What do you think about Oki?" I know, random question but I have to know.

He blinks, "Oki?"

I nod. What else could I possibly be talking about.

"Wellll," Kai begins to scratch the back of his head. Not quite looking at me. "You want the honest answer?"

Two things I hate about this question.

One, when someone asks you if you want them to be honest they are expecting you to say yes. Even though, let's be honest for a second, no matter how 'honest' their response is it will always be somewhat tempered, somewhat a lie. You are practically forced into saying yes. And if you were to say no they would probably look at you funny before giving you the honest version despite your requests. Because well, humans are obnoxious like that.

And two, I can already tell that you don't like him, so is there really a reason for me to listen to your long draw out argument about how all the things you hate about Oki are what make him him. And that you don't really mind him and he is welcomed any place with you at anytime.......just not on the same planet as you. And I am not saying that whatever Kai has for Oki is that deeply rooted in hatred I am just saying.....worst case scenario. Well worst case scenario, Cinder wakes up and tears Oki to pieces. That would be devastating but at least that is the worst thing and no worse, right? Always look on the bright side?

I nod glaring at Kai, I know sending a heck of a mixed message, "Sure, what do you really think about him?"

Do I care about what Kai is about to say? Slightly, ever so slightly. But only because his opinion might be a peep into what Cinder believes. And I only care about him because of Cinder, otherwise, he doesn't really have any power on this ship........Oh well except for the part were he is the Emperor but I have a feeling he doesn't like to flaunt that much, shame. People would be praising me in their sleep if I was Empress, in a good way of course. Not in the Levana way but in the Iko way you know.

"Um Oki is cool, he just is kind of weird, no offense or anything, I was just saying...." He trails off looking at me.

"So you think he is weird?" I say taking a step closer to Kai making him take a step back.

"I mean maybe it is because I don't know him, I thought you were weird before  met you now I know you are a relatively good android." Flustered already I see.

I glare at him, "If you respect me you will respect Oki." Okay so maybe not the best way to get an honest answer out of someone, but that is why I want to talk to Cinder. She's not scared of me, well not scared of me when I am not mad but when I am mad......Let's just  say I am a force to be reckoned with.

"I mean I have automatic respect for any man who can hold the same girlfriend for over three months." Kai shrugs.

I inhale resting my hands on my hips, because at this point Kai's opinion is a foldable as some tinfoil. "And what do you think Cinder thinks about him?"

Kai shrugs again, "I think she is a little bit guilty that she wasn't there when the whole Kinney thing hap-"

I grab Kai previously gesturing hand and squeeze it, hard. Causing pain for sure, "Mention that name again."

Me and Kinney, now that is a tail that will be mine and only mine for as long as my personality chip remains in my body. I was going to tell Cinder but she was to busy Empressing the people. (Read that out loud, it has a double meaning)

Kai blinks at me a few times, "Um anyway I think that Cinder is happy that you found somebody that you really seem to like. She wants what's best for you, whatever makes you happy. And if that is Oki then I am sure she will support that."

She support it, what does that even mean, I support Cress's marriage while simultaneously hating Thorne's gut. Not because of personal experiences, because of what he did to Cinder. He's better these day but that one day on Cinder's honeymoon when she was mourning Peony and had the actually audacity to try her.

But I guess that is Kai's best answer, not because she doesn't think anything good about Oki. Just because he doesn't know Cinder's opinion. It's not like they sit around and gossip about me and Oki's relationship all day. Maybe she just hasn't given  I don't know what I was expecting Cinder's opinion to be on the topic of Oki. 

That was.....Fun I guess Iko and Cinder is like me split into two people which is why Kaider is my favorite

I was reading back some of my earlier chapters and stars is that stuff cringy, I am surprised that you guys prevailed through chapters like "Cinder POV (Do it)" Now that right there is the pinacol of bad chapters. This was back when Kaider was fighting over the engagement (ages ago) anyway Cinder leaves Cinder comes back and by the end of the chapter they are doing it. Also "Kai POV (Focus)" is pretty cringe too. It is like right after the Do it chapter and it is Kai pretty much thinking about Cinder. I won't be hurt but please agree with me on how bad those chapters were and are



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