*Requested by LinhCinder686*

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Okay remember that chapter about Kai and Cinder going to the market? Well at the bottom I asked if anyone wanted the first part of it because I only wrote the last two parts so here is what happened before Cinder and Kai went to the market.

The chapter this would replace the Kai POV chapter (Before the A Day at the Market with Kaider since there are so many Kai POV's)

Written in third person:

The week after the wedding Cinder was sitting in her bed going through the newsfeeds which was unnecessary considering the fact that she was the Empress and already knew more than the average citizen but she liked to know how much the average citizen knew compared to her.

"Hey," Cinder looked up to see Kai standing in the bathroom doorway with only his boxers on. 

"Um, what are you doing?" Cinder said raising an eyebrow.

"I have today off." Kai chirped.

Cinder rolled her eyes a grin spreading across her face, "And because you have the day off you are going to run around in your underwear? Might as well take them off, am I right?"

Kai grinned back at Cinder, "That sounds like something the girl version of Thorne would say."

Cinder grinned back at Kai giggling.

"Plus, we're going on a date!" 

Cinder looked up at Kai disappointed, "A date?

"Oh my gosh here you are the Empress but still unimpressed." Kai grinned at Cinder. "Get it."

Cinder shook her head fighting off a smile, "I get it."

"Here." Kai threw Cinder a gray hoodie to the identical to the one he was in that fateful day at the market when they met.

Cinder caught it easily letting it unfold in her hands. Her eyes brightened on recognition of their disguises. She crawled of the bed and slid the hoodie over her head messing up her already messy hair. "So where are we going outside the palace."

"The market."

Cinder's smile returned, "Sweet." Then her eyebrows scrunched together in thought, "What if someone wants to talk to us, like up close. The hoodie is all fine and dandy until someone comes close. As soon as someone comes up to us we are done."

Kai fumbled with his hoodie, "There are so many upsides of being Lunar." Kai didn't meet her gaze as the words slipped out of his mouth.

Cinder flinched she still hated being lunar as much as she had that day in Dr. Erland's office. "Absolutely not Kai." Cinder said sternly.

Kai looked up surprise but his tone still pressing, "Oh come on Cinder nobody will ever know."

"Yeah but I will know and I don't think I could live knowing that I manipulated everyday people like Levana."

Kai changed the subject ever so slightly, "I want to know what it feels like to have a glamour on."

"Really, Kai." Cinder's temper was rising. Notifications were popping up in the bottom of her retina display. She listened to them breathing in and out slowly filling the silence between her and her husband. It was no big deal, just a newlyweds fight. Stupid and pointless.

"It's not that big deal, Cinder."

Cinder turned around, facing away from Kai. She breathed in again trying hard to settle herself. But it didn't work. She turned back, looking back at Kai who was looking down. "But it is Kai. I am fighting for lunars to be able to come to earth. Everyone in fighting against me! And my argument has always been, look at me. I am a good lunar. I don't go around abusing my power over you. So it is a big deal I can't just go around manipulating people in the market going against everything I stand for." Cinder turned back around she was starting to feel dizzy and the room had gotten significantly dimmer. Something wasn't right. Her legs felt like jelly and then all of a sudden her knees gave out. Buckling under her weight and she fell to the floor.

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