Press POV

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Just giving Cinder and Kai a break from telling you all of their business I mean they are royalty they don't have to tell you anything but yet they walk you through their thoughts in the most intense moments of their lives

Meet Lee Linh, a New Beijing news reporter here to offer you his perspective

I watch them walk out and signal to my partner to turn on the camera. I look down at my question. This one question consumes the entire portscreen. If I don't get this question answered I will not get paid, I must get this question answered at all cost. The Emperor makes it to the stage, something is off  about him, like he has been fighting. I look to the Empress who is standing next to him, no doubt they were just fighting. I raise my hand start jumping up and down, he must call on me. My life depends on it. My kids my wife they all depend on it. They all depend on me. The Emperor calls on a person in the front. Stupid people in the front always get called. Me, well I couldn't afford fuel for my hover so I had to walk. And where in the room am I? the very back with the lowest of the low. The reporter eagerly ask her question and I want nothing more that to strangle her and take all of her money. Sounds cruel doesn't it, well that's what somebody did to me, they aren't in jail. I struggle to meet my rent and feed my family because this person took all of my money, my saving. I  need to rebuild my life and for that to happen I need the Emperor to notice me. I see the Emperor's gaze shift he is looking directly at me, what are the odds. 

"You over there in the back."

I can't believe I am going to be paid for the first time in months. I clear my throat and look down at my port, "This is a question for Her Majesty, what do you think about the people who hate on your relationship with His Majesty." 

The all powerful Queen of Luna looks at me, takes a deep breath and gives me my paycheck, "I do care deeply but His Majesty has taught me that there will always be haters no matter what you do, there is nothing I can do about it." She holds my gaze for only a second but it feel it like the whole lunar cycle has happened twice already.

I swallow but she looks away, whispers something to the Emperor and they are gone. I can already hear my wife's sweet voice congratulating me on the money, I can already see the look on my kids' face when they see the food. I can do this, for once in my life there is hope. Hope that I will continue. Hope that my children will continue. Hope that this good fortune will continue. Hope that this hope is permanent, but of course it's not. Hope will come and go like the tide on the beach, sometimes leaving me high and dry.

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