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Cinder is a strange, strange person. Sometimes she loves her mornings and sometimes she is up and at it at 6:00 am, which, in my opinion is too early.

But today is one of Cinder's leave-me-alone-until-dinner days. She is sleeping peacefully and she looks so pretty. But I have to wake her up, today we honeymoon. 

"Cinder," I whisper softly in to her shoulder before kissing it. She stirs a little bit but then is still once again. The only sign of life is her chest rising and falling. 

"Cinder," I repeat less softly. I hear a knock on the door, the only person knocking on our door is Iko. So I get up, throw a random shirt on and open the door and as expected Iko walks in.

"I thought I could count on you to wake up your own wife up, but I guess not." Iko huffs, what's wrong with her.

"Iko? Are you okay?" She looks at me, like she is lonely. Only one person could have this effect on her, "Are you and Oki alright."

"Stay out of my relationship, I stay out of yours." Really she doesn't but I don't feel the need to point that at to her, not now. More importantly Oki is giving her trouble.

"What did he do."

"He called me a royal boot licker when I told him that I was going with you guys instead of staying back with him. I wanted to but I feel like Cinder.....is more....I don't want to say more important but." She looks at me like a puppy. Who knew an android could display that much feeling? I certainly didn't, Iko looks heartbroken.

"Oh," Is all I can say because we both know that Cinder will not be okay with Oki coming on our honeymoon.

"I'll wake her up." Iko sighs. She doesn't want to talk about it right now. Or maybe she just doesn't want to talk to her bestfriends husband. Maybe.

Iko stands really still for a few seconds before Cinder sits straight around in alarm. "Where is he?" Then her eyes land on me and her look softens into something like relieve.

I look over at Iko and she shrugs, "Sometimes you have to tell people that their loved ones are dying to wake them up."

I roll my eyes and Iko walks out of the room. I climb onto the bed and crawl over to Cinder. SHe stares straight back at me, and then her lips tilt up. And she smiles. "Come on, Cinder. I tried to wake you up peacefully but that didn't really work out did it?"

"Nope." Cinder says her smile growing as she remembers what today is, "Today we leave." And all of a sudden she is awake and alert as ever. She throws on a dress that has been sitting on the counter for some time now. 

"Come on, Kai," She purrs like I have been sleeping the whole time. The actual audacity. 

I chuckle and grab her hand leading her out of the room. We meet the rest of the crew on the launching pad, except for Thorne who was bringing the Rampion here. Everyone looked tired but ready for the Upcoming Days on the Rampion.

Ooo I got some ideas!!!

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